//Le Livre d'Ymir http://www.bookofymir.net/ //traduit par Myllena //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= War of Emperium Dungeon Switch for NGuild Castles //===== By: ================================================== //= kobra_k88 //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 0.1+; RO Episode 4+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= Switch that warps guild members to the guild dungeon //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Based off existing guild scripts. Do not know if it is accurate.[kobra_k88] //= 1.1 Guild Dungeon Switch Fucntion added. [L0ne_W0lf] //============================================================ //================================================== function script F_GldDunSw { set .@GID, GetCastleData(getarg(0),1); if (.@GID == 0) { mes "[ Voix Mystérieuse ]"; mes " ' ..... Vous n'êtes pas assez brave pour pénétrer ici...... ' "; close; } else { mes "[ Voix Mystérieuse ]"; mes " ' Seuls les braves peuvent franchir cette limite... ' "; next; mes " "; mes "Vous remarquez un petit levier....... Voulez-vous l'activer?"; next; if (select("Activer.:Ne rien faire.") == 1) { if (getcharid(2) == .@GID) { warp "gld_dun"+getarg(1),getarg(2),getarg(3); end; } mes " "; mes " Rien ne se produit."; } return; } } // Castle 1 =============================================== nguild_alde,212,181,0 script Switch#DunN01 111,{ callfunc "F_GldDunSw","nguild_alde","02",32,122; close; } // Castle 2 =============================================== nguild_gef,78,84,0 script Switch#DunN02 111,{ callfunc "F_GldDunSw","nguild_gef","04",39,258; close; } // Castle 3 =============================================== nguild_pay,101,25,0 script Switch#DunN03 111,{ callfunc "F_GldDunSw","nguild_pay","01",186,165; close; } // Castle 4 =============================================== nguild_prt,94,200,0 script Switch#DunN04 111,{ callfunc "F_GldDunSw","nguild_prt","03",28,251; close; }