//Le Livre d'Ymir http://www.bookofymir.net/ //traduit par No Healing (en cours), corrigé par Icaros //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Nameless Island Quests //===== By: ================================================== //= L0ne_W0lf //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 2.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= [Aegis Conversion] //= Collection of Nameless Island Quests //= Nameless Island: //= - Quest to gain access to Nameless Island and dungeon. //= - Variable in use: aru_monas (Max: 26) //= Peace for Arunafeltz: //- - Help to keep peace between Arunafeltz and Midgard. //= - Variable in use: aru_em (Max: 23) //= Muff's Loan: //- - Help Muff clear his Debt and get his collateral back. //= - prerequisite Quest to "Broken Diamond" //= - Variable in use: diamond_edq (Max: 14) //= Broken Diamond: //- - Help Ibrahim retrieve his stolen diamond. //= - prerequisite Quest to "Unlucky Emerald" //= - Variable in use: diamond_edq (Max: 26) //= Z-Gang Quest: //- - Help to aprehend the infamous Z-Gang. //= - Variable in use: zdan_edq (Max: 19) //= Unlucky Emerald: //- - Help a treasure hunter from Prontera get home, and //= learn the origins of the Unlucky Emerald. //= - Variable in use: treasure_nd (Max: 12) //= - Variable in use: jewel_nd (Max: 31) //= Rogue Guild Investigation Assistance: //- - Assist the Rogue Guild with their investigations. //= - Variable in use: rumour_nd (Max: 22) //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.1 Made quest accessable to "Failed" gaebolg quest. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.1a Touch up to other Gaebolg fail-points. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.2 Some final tuning to Nameless Island quest. [Koca] //= 1.3 Should fix any more issues with "Creature" npc. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.4 Changed the way aru_warp works slightly. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.5 added a next to stop double npc message [Yommy] //= 1.6 Updated the Nameless Island Access quest //= Added Quest: Peace for Arunafeltz //= Added Quest: Muff's Loan //= Added Quest: Broken Diamond //= Added Quest: Z-Gang Quest //= Added Quest: Unlucky Emerald //= Added Quest: Rogue Guild Investigation //= 1.7 Fixed a typo in monestary quest. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 1.8 Renamed temporary global variable. [L0ne_W0lf] //= moved OnMyMobDead for access quest to a different NPC. //= 1.9 Fixed mapwarp warping to disabled map. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 2.0 Removed duplicate dialog. [L0ne_W0lf] //= 2.1 Fixed a race condition blocking progress. [brianluau] //= 2.2 Added quest log entries for: //= - Muff's Loan //= - Broken Diamond //= - Z-Gang Quest //============================================================ // Nameless Island and Cursed Monestary Access Quest //============================================================ airplane_01,95,61,3 script QuestTrigger#Aru -1,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: if ((prt_curse == 36 || prt_curse == 45 || prt_curse == 56 || prt_curse == 61) && (aru_monas < 1)) { hideoffnpc "Agent#Aru"; mes "[????]"; mes "Êtes-vous "+strcharinfo(0)+"?"; mes "Je vous attendais."; mes "Le ^6B8E23Père Bamph^000000 attend votre venue à l'^6B8E23Église de Prontera^000000."; mes "Vous devriez lui rendre visite dès que vous le pouvez."; close2; set aru_monas,1; hideonnpc "Agent#Aru"; } end; } airplane_01,95,61,3 script Agent#Aru 899,5,5,{ end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Agent#Aru"; end; } cmd_in02,174,89,7 script Homme Ordinaire#pc1 97,{ if (aru_monas < 2) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Soyez maudits! Je viens encore de perdre!"; mes "Ce jeu est maudit! Quoi que je fasse, je perds toujours!"; mes "Mais les jeux de Comodo sont si... Ils sont comme une drogue pour moi!"; close; } else if (aru_monas == 2) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Argh, j'ai perdu tellement de fois à ce jeu que je ne compte même plus. Mais je gagnerai un jour, j'vous l'dis: un jour je gagnerai!"; next; select("Excusez-moi."); mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Oh! Euh... Hum..."; mes "Je peux faire quelque chose pour vous?"; next; select ("Le ^6B8E23Père Bamph^000000 m'envoie."); mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Oh, je vois. Désolé si je vous ai fait peur à crier comme ça. C'est juste que... Bah, je suis là pour tuer le temps..."; mes "Enfin... C'était juste pour me rendre compte par moi-même que le jeu est vraiment une invention démoniaque, vous savez?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bref, venez par-là s'il-vous-plaît: je ne veux pas que tout le monde nous entende."; close2; set aru_monas,3; warp "cmd_in02",110,53; end; } else { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Quoi?! J'ai encore perdu?"; mes "Mais... c'est quoi les règles de ce jeu en fait?"; close; } } cmd_in02,111,52,3 script Homme Ordinaire#pc2 97,{ if (aru_monas < 3) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "^666666*Soupire...*^000000"; mes "Ça ne va pas du tout. Je ne sais pas quoi faire..."; close; } else if (aru_monas == 3) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bon, personne ne devrait pouvoir nous entendre ici. Après avoir envoyé mon message j'ai appris quelque chose qui devrait vraiment faire avancer mon enquête."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "J'ai appris deux choses à propos de cette nuit où un homme de haut rang a disparu. Premièrement, il a échappé à la surveillance de ses gardes pendant un moment pour aller retrouver une femme. - Il y a toujours une femme dans l'histoire, n'est-ce pas?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Ensuite, après qu'il ait rejoint cette femme, d'autres personnes sont arrivées, et elles transportaient une espèce de grosse malle quand elles sont sorties avant de filer vers l'ouest"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Cette caisse était trop grosse, c'est suspect. Je dirais qu'un groupuscule l'a enlevé et l'a emmené vers l'ouest pour une raison qui m'échappe encore."; next; select("Pourquoi vers l'ouest?"); mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Ce n'est qu'une supposition, mais je pense que ceux qui l'ont enlevé sont d'^2F4F2FArunafeltz^000000. Malheureusement... Comment dire? Je ne suis plus autorisé à mettre les pieds en Arunafeltz, donc je n'ai pas pu creuser cette piste."; set aru_monas,4; close; } else { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Je viens de perdre TOUT ÇA?"; mes "Mais comment est-ce-que je pourrais rembourser cette dette?!"; close; } } ra_in01,308,59,1 script Serveur#Aru 930,{ if (aru_monas < 7) { mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Bienvenue au Palais de Rachel, le restaurant le plus raffiné de la ville!"; if (aru_monas < 6) { close; } if (aru_monas == 6) { next; mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Que voudriez-vous commander? À moins que vous ne soyez là pour autre chose... C'est le cas n'est-ce pas?"; next; if (select("Je voudrais commander.:Oui, je suis là pour autre chose.") == 1) { mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Bien sûr, comme vous voulez. Une table pour une personne, c'est cela?"; next; select("Oui."); mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Veuillez me suivre, je vous y conduis."; close2; set aru_monas,7; warp "ra_in01",303,43; end; } mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Hum, d'accord. Quoi que cela puisse être, passez un agréable moment à Palais de Rachel."; close; } } mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Nous avons la meilleure carte de tout Rachel - non: de tout Arunafeltz!"; close; } ra_in01,301,50,3 script Homme à l'Air Normal 927,{ mes "[Homme à l'Air Normal]"; mes "Mmm-Mmm!"; mes "J'ADORE la cuisine de ce restaurant. C'est quelque chose qu'on ne trouve nulle part ailleurs, vraiment."; close; } ra_in01,301,52,3 script Homme à l'Air Ordinaire 927,{ mes "[Homme à l'Air Ordinaire]"; mes "La cuisine est infecte ici. Mes restaurants préférés sont à Hugel. Là au moins ils font de la vraie cuisine!"; close; } ra_in01,297,50,7 script Homme Suspect 926,{ mes "[Homme Suspect]"; mes "Chaque plat a une saveur qui lui est propre, et que vous devez apprendre à savourer - à part toute cette malbouffe pleine de graisse et d'hormones venue du Nouveau Monde, bien sûr!"; close; } ra_in01,301,43,0 script #Aru_conv -1,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "^3355FFUne petite minute!"; mes "Vous avez trop d'objets sur vous en ce moment. Vous devriez revenir après avoir utilisé les services Kafra pour en déposer quelques-uns.^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas == 7) { mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Qu'est-ce que je peux vous servir?"; mes "Nous avons des épinoches frites à la mode de Veins comme plat du jour - nous venons d'avoir un arrivage de très bonne qualité, mais il n'y en aura que pour le déjeuner."; next; select("...Oui, ça à l'air appétissant."); mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Très bon choix."; mes "Pour votre information, nous faisons ce plat pour ^9932CD3,000 zenys^000000."; mes "Je reviens tout de suite."; next; mes "^3355FFLe serveur note votre commande et se dirige vers la cuisine. Vous décidez d'écouter la conversation des personnes assises à une table adjacente en attendant.^000000"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "..............................."; mes "J'vous dis que je l'ai vu, moi! Le plus gros poisson au monde! La dernière fois que j'suis allé à Veins, je l'ai aperçu! L'Épinoche Doré! J'vous jure!"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Lugubre]"; mes "Alors est-ce que tu l'as goûté, ce jus d'épinoche doré de Veins?"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Ordinaire]"; mes "Ah mon pote, si j'avais fait ça, ça aurait été la plus grande expérience de toute ma vie! On n'en attrape qu'une fois tous les dix ans des poissons comme ça!"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "Ça c'est bien vrai! Ce jus est vraiment incroyable. Ma voix a même changé après en avoir bu. Elle est devenue si... profonde."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Ordinaire]"; mes "Oh! C'est pour ça que tu ne parles plus de la même manière alors!"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Lugubre]"; mes "Et comment tu as fait pour goûter à un jus aussi rare? Je veux dire... Il doit y avoir un bon paquet de gens qui attendent d'en boire."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "J'ai eu un gros coup de bol: je suis entré dans cette taverne à Veins et j'ai entendu qu'une ^DB7093bande de trafiquants avait été arrêtée par les gardes sur une plage au sud^000000."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "Alors je me suis dit qu'ils étaient p'têtre en train de pêcher. j'suis donc allé sur la plage, voir si je pouvais trouver leur bateau."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Ordinaire]"; mes "Toi, tu dois vraiment être obsédé par la bouffe. Je veux dire, je connais personne d'autre qui aurait conclu que les trafiquants étaient en train de pêcher illégalement aussi rapidement."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "Ah, je suppose que tu dois avoir raison!"; mes "Bref, il n'y avait qu'un seul bateau de pêche, et les gardes étaient en train de l'examiner. J'allais filer en douce, un peu déçu, quand je suis tombé sur... un pêcheur!"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "Et là je le vois, droit devant moi, qui rapporte sa prise du jour: un Épinoche Doré de Veins! Je lui ai acheté tout son poisson sur le coup."; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Lugubre]"; mes "T'as vraiment eu de la chance, petit. Et puis tu ne comptes jamais quand il s'agit de nourriture, pas vrai? Heh heh~"; next; mes "[Voix d'Homme Rauque]"; mes "Oh, je n'ai pas payé tant que ça. Je suis sûr que vous auriez fait la même chose à ma place, les mecs. Mais je suis vraiment content d'avoir pu goûter à un poisson aussi rare."; next; mes "^3355FF..............................."; mes "Les hommes commencent alors à se faire des compliments les uns les autres.^000000"; next; mes "[Serveur]"; mes "Ah, Voilà votre épinoche frit à la mode de Veins. Bon appétit!"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "^ff0000Veins^000000, hein? Il faudra que j'y aille un de ces jours, voir si je peux en apprendre plus sur ce poisson."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Whoa, ce poisson est..."; mes "C'est la première fois que je goûte à quelque chose comme ça!"; mes "On dirait presque un dessert. Mon dieu, ce que c'est bon!"; if (Zeny >= 3000) { set Zeny,Zeny-3000; getitem 12052,4; //Vit_Dish02 } set aru_monas,8; close; } end; } ve_in,78,314,5 script Magistrat#Aru 945,{ if (aru_monas < 8) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Argh! Pourquoi est-ce que ça m'arrive *à moi*? Je viens juste de prendre ma retraite! A-ah! Mon ulcère... Ça y a est, ça..."; close; } else if (aru_monas == 8) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Mon garçon, c'est sûrement la plus grosse affaire de toute ma carrière. Et pourquoi est-ce que ça devait arriver maintenant! Je suis à deux doigts de la retraite, et pourtant il faut que je règle ça avant."; next; select("Vous avez un problème?"); mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Huh? Vous n'avez pas l'air d'être du coin, vous. Écoutez, j'apprécie que vous vous souciiez de moi, mais ce n'est pas mon genre de parler de mes problèmes à de parfaits inconnus."; set aru_monas,9; close; } else if (aru_monas == 9) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "A moins que vous n'ayez des affaires à régler ici, nous ne pouvons pas vous permettre d'entrer. Nous sommes là pour maintenir l'ordre public, et autoriser quelqu'un à entrer ne ferait que causer des problèmes."; close; } else if (aru_monas == 10) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Je vous ai dit que vous ne pouviez pas entrer. Pourquoi vous obstinez-vous à revenir sans cesse?"; next; if (select("Je suis désolé.:Je veux en apprendre plus sur les trafiquants.") == 1) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "C'est bon. Mais partez maintenant, et ne revenez pas avant d'avoir une bonne raison."; close; } mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Attendez, où avez-vous entendu parler des trafiquants? Est-ce qu'un bruit court en ville? Eh bien, je suis désolé, mais je ne peux divulguer aucun détail de l'enquête en cours."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "^9370DBSi vous voulez vraiment en apprendre plus, alors vous devrez m'apporter un ordre écrit contresigné par un officier de haut rang.^000000"; mes "Oh, il vous est interdit de questionner qui que ce soit à ce sujet, alors faites attention."; set aru_monas,11; close; } else if (aru_monas == 11) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Je ne vous reproche pas d'être curieux, mais vous mêler de cette histoire alors que vous n'êtes pas censé le faire ne fera que de créer des problèmes. Soyez prudent, d'accord?"; close; } else if (aru_monas == 13) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Huh, c'est étrange. Vous n'êtes même pas citoyen d'Arunafeltz, mais vous connaissez tout de même un prêtre de si haut rang. Très bien, je pense que je peux vous en apprendre un peu plus sur l'enquête."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Tout d'abord, gardez bien à l'esprit que ce que je vais vous dire n'en vaut probablement pas la peine. Tout cela n'a sûrement pas autant d'intérêt que vous le pensez.."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Les trafiquants que nous avons appréhendés sont des félons de la pire espèce: ils se sont spécialisés dans l'enlèvement contre rançon. Nous les avons interceptés alors qu'ils naviguaient sur l'océan. Leur parcours criminel est malheureusement des plus banals."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Voyons... Ils ont enlevé un homme à Comodo, une ville dans les confins au Sud-Ouest de Rune-Midgard. Bref, les trafiquants pensaient qu'il était fortuné, et lui ont donc tendu un piège."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Ils l'ont attiré hors de la surveillance de ses gardes en utilisant les charmes d'une femme, mais lorsqu'ils le capturèrent, ils réalisèrent qu'il n'était pas seulement riche, mais qu'il s'agissait aussi d'un officiel de haut rang de Rune-Midgard."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "C'est alors qu'ils commirent l'erreur qui leur fut fatale: ils avaient si peur que les troupes du Royaume puissent les poursuivre qu'ils franchirent l'océan sur lequel nous patrouillons. C'est là que nous les avons capturés."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Ce que je ne parviens pas à comprendre, c'est pourquoi ils avaient si peur. Je veux dire, ils ont fait de l'enlèvement leur métier alors... Est-ce qu'enlever un officiel fait une si grosse différence?"; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Nous avons contacté le temple, et nous leur avons parlé des trafiquants, et de l'officiel de Rune-Midgard."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "C'est alors qu'un membre du temple prit les trafiquants à part et les emmena avant que nous n'ayons pu finir notre interrogatoire. Nous ne les avons pas revus depuis."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "J'ai demandé ce qui se passait à quelqu'un que je connais au temple, mais il n'en avait aucune idée. L'^32CD32Officiel de Rune-Midgard^000000 a disparu lui aussi. Tout cela m'énerve!"; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Voilà, c'est tout ce que je sais. Est-ce qu'il va falloir qu'on recapture ces trafiquants? Je n'en sais rien. Je ne comprends pas ce qui se passe..."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Même si je pourrais pousser l'enquête, mes supérieurs m'ont ordonné d'arrêter de chercher. On dirait que c'est une affaire vraiment sérieuse..."; next; mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "Je ne veux plus rien avoir à faire avec tout ça. Je devrais déjà être à la retraite! Vous devrez vous débrouiller tout seul si vous voulez en apprendre plus. Bonne chance!"; set aru_monas,14; close; } else if (aru_monas >= 14) { mes "[Al Hamad]"; mes "J'en ai déjà assez bavé. On ne pourrait pas juste classer cette affaire?"; close; } } ve_in,81,296,3 script Soldat::Soldier#Aru 946,{ if (aru_monas < 9) { mes "[Himus]"; mes "Uh. Le Magistrat est encore énervé à cause de cette affaire qui s'est passée il y a plusieurs mois déjà..."; close; } else if (aru_monas == 9) { mes "[Himus]"; mes "Hum? Oh, le magistrat vous a envoyé promener? Il n'est plus lui-même depuis que nous avons arrêté ces ^32CD32traffiquants venus du Sud^000000 il y a quelques mois."; next; mes "[Himus]"; mes "Après avoir signalé l'arrestation au Temple, les soldats de la Papesse sont venus et ont emmené les trafiquants. Nous n'avons aucune idée de ce qui leur est arrivé ensuite ou de où ils se trouvent maintenant."; next; mes "[Himus]"; mes "Pour vous ça peut sembler être quelque chose d'insignifiant, mais le Magistrat est très méticuleux, et il a horreur que des gens interfèrent avec son travail, vous savez?"; next; select("Qui sont les trafiquants?"); mes "[Himus]"; mes "Je ne sais vraiment pas. Le Magistrat le saurait sûrement si on lui avait laissé boucler l'enquête. Je ne sais pas s'il a essayé de se renseigner depuis qu'on lui a retiré l'affaire."; set aru_monas,10; close; } else if (aru_monas == 10) { mes "[Himus]"; mes "Le Magistrat prendra bientôt sa retraite. J'espère qu'il pourra s'y faire et oublier toute cette histoire. Tout ça ne fait que ruiner sa santé..."; close; } else { mes "[Himus]"; mes "Il fait beau aujourd'hui, n'est-ce pas?"; close; } } ra_temple,165,57,5 script Niren#ss 915,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "^3355FFUne petite minute! Vous portez trop d'objets sur vous en ce moment. Revenez après en avoir déposé quelques-uns dans votre Stock.^000000"; close; } cutin "ra_gwoman",2; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Alors vous vouliez me parler? Je suis fatiguée, mais je peux vous accorder quelques minutes. Que vouliez-vous me demander?"; next; switch(select("A propos des trafiquants de Veins:A propos de Zhed")) { case 1: if (aru_monas == 12) { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Les trafiquants de Veins... Voudriez-vous être plus précis s'il vous plait?"; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Oh, eux. Oui j'en ai entendu parler. Cependant j'ai bien peur que je ne puisse rien vous dire à leur sujet. L'information est classée confidentielle..."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je ne peux rien vous dire comme ça. Il s'agit d'un cas très sensible pour nous."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "En fait je me demandais qui ils avaient enlevé."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Oh, eh bien je suppose que je peux vous en dire un peu plus à propos de celui qu'ils ont enlevé. Mais je dois d'abord vous demander de me rendre un service."; next; select("Accepter:Ne pas refuser"); // sic [No Healing] mes "[Niren]"; mes "Lorsque nous avons réalisé qui ils avaient enlevé, nous ne savions pas quoi faire. Nous avions déjà assez de problèmes comme ça..."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Cependant, nous avons pensé que nous pourrions l'utiliser dans notre plan, alors nous l'avons conduit dans un endroit secret connu seulement de quelques personnes, mais nous avons perdu tout contact."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Nous avons envoyé des enquêteurs mais nous ne savons toujours pas ce qui s'est passé. Tout ce qu'ils ont trouvé était un message écrit par un survivant: 'Des démons! Ce sont tous des démons!' L'otage est probablement mort."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Il s'agissait peut-être d'un officiel de haut-rang, mais nous avions d'autres problèmes à régler. En fait je n'ai même pas eu le temps de penser à ce qu'on allait en faire..."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je voudrais vous demander de vous rendre là-bas et de découvrir ce qui s'est passé. Il faudrait qu'on sache si l'officiel de Rune-Midgard est toujours en vie. J'en doute, mais..."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Les enquêteurs au service du Temple font en général pâle figure face à vous autres, aventuriers étrangers, alors j'ai foi en vous. Néanmoins, ce sera peut-être dangereux."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Si vous me promettez d'enquêter, je vous indiquerai où se trouve ce lieu. En général, nous l'appelons le Monastère. Il était très actif autrefois, mais aujourd'hui nous ne l'employons plus que pour isoler certains détenus."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je suis désolée mais je ne peux rien vous dire de plus à propos de ce lieu. Il se trouve au sud-ouest de Veins, par-delà la mer. Vous devriez trouver un bateau caché sur la plage au sud de Veins."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je voudrais vous en dire plus, mais vue ma position je ne peux pas me le permettre, désolé. Revenez me trouver si vous découvrez quelque chose là-bas."; set aru_monas,13; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je vais de suite faire parvenir une missive au magistrat de Veins. Il vous aidera autant que possible pour votre voyage si vous allez le trouver. Bonne chance."; close2; } else if (aru_monas < 18) { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Aller au Monastère n'est pas le problème. Le tout est d'en revenir vivant."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Nous ne pouvons pas y envoyer de troupes avant d'avoir compris ce qui s'y tramait. C'est pour ça que je veux que vous alliez y enquêter."; close2; } else if (aru_monas < 25) { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Toujours à explorer le Monastère? Peut-être trouverez-vous des notes ou un indice laissés par un des résidents..."; close2; } else if (aru_monas == 25) { if (countitem(7755) < 1) { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Toujours à explorer le Monastère? Peut-être trouverez-vous des notes ou un indice laissés par un des résidents..."; close2; } else { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Vous avez trouvé ce journal dans le Monastère? Parfait. Laissez-moi le lire, et voir ce qu'on eut en apprendre..."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Hum, la situation a l'air vraiment mauvaise. C'est tragique, surtout quand on sait qu'on y a gardé des personnes si importantes. Je vais y envoyer des troupes au plus vite. Quelque chose doit être fait à ce sujet."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Nous devons faire face à de nombreux problèmes en ce moment, mais cette histoire au Monastère est une priorité absolue. Nous ne pourrions pas faire face à une nouvelle menace venant de cet endroit."; delitem 7755,1; //Research_Note set aru_monas,26; getexp 500000,0; close2; } } else { mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je suppose qu'Arunafeltz et Rune-Midgard auront trop à faire avec leurs problèmes internes pour déclarer une nouvelle guerre. Le Grand Prêtre Zhed sera heureux de l'apprendre."; close2; } break; case 2: if (aru_em < 10) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je suis désolée mais je ne veux vraiment pas parler de Zhed en ce moment. Il est..."; close2; } else if (aru_em == 10) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Vous vouliez que je vous parle du Grand Prêtre Zhed? Je ne peux rien faire pour lui. Il a creusé sa propre tombe en vous admettant dans ce lieu sacré, n'est-ce pas?"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je pensais vous avoir dit de vous tenir à l'écart des ennuis."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Je ne veux pas parler de ça. Cependant, j'ai entendu dire que vous étiez la seule personne qui pourrait encore l'aider."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "C'est vrai que Zhed et moi avions l'habitude de travailler ensemble, mais nos divergences de points de vue sont devenues trop grandes. Contrairement à lui, je veux une guerre ouverte."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "N'étiez-vous pas amis? D'ailleurs vous ne semblez pas être aussi va-t-en-guerre que ces autres prêtres..."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Si vous observez ces prêtres modérés, vous vous apercevrez aussi qu'ils sont aussi corrompus jusqu'à la moelle. Ce sont eux qui ont commis les pires atrocités en fait!"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Ils ont pratiqué des expériences sur des êtres vivants, y compris des humains! Et Zhed et moi... Nous ne pouvions que prier la déesse. Seule la guerre pourra mettre un terme à ce chaos!"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Nous devons repartir de rien et tout reconstruire sur des bases saines. Je ne peux rien faire pour Zhed. Partez, maintenant..."; next; mes "^3355FFOn dirait que vous n'arriverez pas à faire changer d'avis la Grande Prêtresse. Vous feriez mieux d'aller parler à Zhed.^000000"; set aru_em,11; close2; } else if ((aru_em == 11) || (aru_em == 12)) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je vous ai déjà dit ce que je pensais de Zhed. Nous avons eu tort pendant tout ce temps... Cette fois la guerre est la seule solution."; close2; } else if (aru_em == 13) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je vous ai déjà dit ce que je pensais de Zhed. Nous avons eu tort pendant tout ce temps... Cette fois la guerre est la seule solution."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Vous avez l'air bien sûre de vous. Dans ce cas vous n'aurez pas d'objection à lire la lettre du Grand Prêtre Zhed."; next; mes "^3355FFNiren vous arrache la lettre des mains, déchire l'enveloppe et commence à lire le message. Son visage grave se détend un peu à mesure qu'elle lit ce que Zhed avait à lui dire.^000000"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "................."; mes "................."; mes "................."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Ce Zhed... Il a toujours su s'y prendre avec les mots. Je suppose que le vieil adage dit vrai: la plume est toujours plus forte que l'épée. *Soupire...*"; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Grande Prêtresse Niren? Est-ce que ça va?"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Oh, je vais bien, merci. J'imagine que c'est un petit coup de fatigue."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "..............................."; mes "Je dois admettre qu'il y a une part de vérité dans ce que dit Zhed. Nous avons le devoir de protéger notre peuple, le Sanctuaire, notre Papesse... Mais il faut encore que j'y réfléchisse..."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Pourriez-vous me laisser un peu de temps? Je vous ferai alors part de ma décision."; set aru_em,14; close2; } else if (aru_em == 14) { if (rand(1,10) == 1) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "..................."; mes "..................."; mes "..................."; emotion e_dots; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Grande Prêtresse Niren, vous devez être vraiment fatiguée: vous avez l'air toute pâle."; emotion 19; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je me sens plutôt soulagée. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai porté toute cette haine en moi pendant si longtemps. J'imagine que je peux enfin la laisser s'envoler."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Aventurier... Quel est votre nom?"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Je m'appelle "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Aventurier... Vous avez eu l'honneur de parler à notre Papesse une fois, mais je ne pense pas que vous pourrez à nouveau le faire ^3311FFen privé^000000. Vous aurez vraiment besoin de notre aide pour cela."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Est-ce que cela veut dire que vous avez de nouveau décidé de joindre vos efforts avec ceux de Zhed?"; next; mes "^3355FFNiren hoche rapidement de la tête et résume la conversation.^000000"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je ne sais pas si je pourrai le soutenir au long terme. Je veux dire, même en parlant à la Papesse, il se pourrait que nous n'en retirions rien. Mais je peux au moins le tenter."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Cependant, je n'ai jamais mis en cause la fidélité de Zhed envers Arunafeltz. Il mérite que je lui laisse une nouvelle chance."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Notre Papesse est toujours entourée de prêtres et de suivants envoyés par le Grand Prêtre Vildt. Il s'arrange pour toujours garder un oeil sur elle. Nous devons trouver un moyen d'écarter ces espions..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Qu'est-ce que je peux faire dans ce cas?"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Pour l'instant, contentez-vous d'approcher la Papesse comme si vous vouliez parler de choses anodines, et essayez de récolter des informations sur les prêtres qui l'entourent."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "C'est compris. Vous pouvez compter sur moi!"; emotion e_no1,1; set aru_em,15; close2; } else { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Ugh, tout cela me donne la migraine. Il y a trop de choses qui entrent en ligne de compte..."; close2; } } else if (aru_em == 15) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Essayez d'approcher la Papesse pour parler de choses badines, et voyez ce que vous pouvez apprendre sur les prêtres qui l'entourent."; close2; } else if (aru_em == 16) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Comment va la Papesse? Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de la voir récemment, alors..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Elle ne semble pas aller très bien, tout comme la dernière fois que vous l'avez vue. Je n'ai rien pu apprendre à propos de ces prêtres, mis à part qu'ils travaillent en permanence au Temple."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Oui, ils sont à ses côtés 24 heures sur 24. Cela fait des années que c'est comme ça."; next; emotion e_wah; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Oh, Grande Prêtresse Niren, j'adore travailler pour vous, mais j'aimerais pouvoir vous laisser pour aller rendre visite à ma famille. Même une fois de l'an..."; next; emotion 5; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "..............................."; mes "Vous avez raison. Ça me donne une idée d'ailleurs."; next; emotion 2; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Huh? Laquelle?"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Vous avez tous besoin de vacances."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Oui?"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je devrais récompenser tous ceux du Jardin Céleste pour leur travail. Cependant, ils ont été mandatés par Vildt, alors je n'ai pas le pouvoir de leur accorder directement des vacances. Hum..."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Sippie... Il me faut une plume et du papier."; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Oui madame. Voilà!"; cutin "ra_gwoman",255; next; mes "^3355FF*Scratch Scratch*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Scratch Scratch*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Scratch Scratch*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Scratch Scratch*^000000"; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",2; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "J'ai béni un enfant d'une famille d'autochtones, et ils me remercièrent vivement: la plupart des prêtres les méprisent."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Cet enfant montra des talents certains de faussaire. Elle se sent mal à l'aise au contact des autres personnes mais... là n'est pas la question. Voilà, prenez cette lettre."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Ah, et prenez aussi ce document écrit de la main de Vildt. Apportez ça à une fille du nom d'Ishmael dans un village au nord de Rachel. J'espère qu'elle voudra bien nous aider..."; set aru_em,17; getitem 7343,1; //File02 close2; } else if (aru_em == 17) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "S'il vous plait, apportez ma lettre à cette fille du nom d'Ishmael dans un village au nord de Rachel. Ses talents pourront peut-être nous aider."; close2; } else if (aru_em == 19) { if (countitem(7343) > 0) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Est-ce que vous avez rencontré Ishmael?"; next; mes "^3355FFVous lui tendez le document écrit par Ishmael.^000000"; next; emotion e_bzz; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Parfait! La copie est si parfaite que je suis sûre que même Vildt ne saurait plus si il l'a vraiment écrit ou non."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "Je vais utiliser ce papier pour envoyer les prêtres et les suivants en vacances. Zhed et moi pourront ensuite parler avec la Papesse sans être interrompus."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je ne veux vraiment pas accabler la Papesse du poids de ce qu'on a à lui dire, mais c'est tout de même préférable au déclin de notre bien-aimée Arunafeltz."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Sippie, s'il te plait, apporte cet ordre aux servants et aux prêtres du Jardin Céleste."; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Oui, madame!"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", retournez trouver Zhed et dites-lui que tout est prêt. Retrouvez-moi ensuite dans le ^3131FFJardin Céleste^000000."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Oui!"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Nous devons nous dépêcher et mener tout cela à bien avant que le Grand Prêtre Vildt ne réalise ce que nous sommes en train de préparer."; delitem 7343,1; //File02 set aru_em,20; close2; } else { mes "^3131FFOn dirait que vous avez égaré le document rédigé par Ishmael.^000000"; close2; } } else if ((aru_em == 20) || (aru_em == 21)) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Dépêchez-vous et retournez voir le Grand Prêtre Zhed."; close2; } else if (aru_em == 22) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je suis si fière de notre Papesse! Avez-vous entendu son merveilleux discours? En fait, ce sont les paroles de Freya, mais... eh bien, vous savez... Hohoho!"; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Nos prêtres se sont peut-être comportés de façon égoïste mais je continue à penser qu'ils sont toujours dévoués envers Arunafeltz et sa prospérité. Tout ne peut aller que pour le mieux maintenant."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "J'ai honte de m'être écartée du chemin de la paix au point d'avoir mis mon pays en danger. Je suis heureuse que Zhed m'ait ramenée à la raison. Je repentirai pour mes péchés avec Zhed."; next; mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "J'espère que la Déesse pourra me pardonner. Ah, et vous devez savoir que Zhed vous attend. Pourquoi n'iriez-vous pas le voir maintenant?"; next; mes "^3355FFNiren vous sourit tendrement. Vous réalisez alors que c'est la première fois que vous voyez cette expression sur son visage.^000000"; set temparu,0; // Bugfix: cf plus bas, avec les annonces [NoH] set aru_em,23; getexp 1000000,0; close2; } else if (aru_em > 21) { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Merci à vous et Bekento. Je pense avoir enfin trouvé ma voie."; close2; } else { mes "[Grande Prêtresse Niren]"; mes "Je suis désolée mais je ne veux vraiment pas parler de Zhed en ce moment. Il est..."; close2; } } cutin "ra_gwoman",255; end; } ve_in,239,115,1 script Alcoolique::Drunkard#Aru 943,{ if (aru_monas < 14) { mes "[Alcoolique]"; mes "J'ai une de ces patates, mon pote! Haha! Allez, passe-moi en une autre!"; close; } if (aru_monas == 14) { if (rachel_camel == 25) { mes "[Alcoolique]"; mes "Alors-- *Hic* Qu'est-ce que je... Oog, ça tourne... Ah oui, j'disais que ce type, là, celui qu'est ^32CD32parti en mer son bateau^000000, eh bin il est déjà r'venu! *Hic* Et tu sais pourquoi? Ça tu ne vas pas le croire!!"; next; mes "[Alcoolique]"; mes "Hah hah! Il-- *Hic* Il raconte qu'il a vu un ^DBDB70fantôme^000000! Bwah hah hah! Oooog... Hé..."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "C'est vrai? Peut-être devrais-je demander au père de Curdie puisque c'est un pêcheur."; set aru_monas,15; close; } else { mes "[Alcoolique]"; mes "Zzzz..."; mes "Hum... Zzz..."; close; } } else { mes "[Alcoolique]"; mes "Pourquoi? Pourquoi que j'pourrais pas prendre mon bateau et aller en mer? J'dois ramener d'la poiscaille pour manger, moi! Tu veux que j'meure de faim, c'est ça, hein?!"; close; } } ve_fild07,125,128,0 script Bateau::Boat#Aru 111,{ if (aru_monas < 16) { mes "^3355FFCe bateau a l'air d'être en relativement bon état. A qui peut-il bien appartenir?^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas == 16) { mes "^3355FFCa doit être le bateau dont Karyn parlait. Il a l'air d'être en assez bon état. Bon, le monastère devrait se trouver quelque part au sud-ouest...^000000"; next; hideoffnpc "Secret Agent#Aru"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Ça faisait longtemps, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Larjes!"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "J'ai eu du mal à vous suivre, vous savez? Je vous ai presque perdu une fois. Mais vous devez vous demander ce que je fais là. Je vais tout vous expliquer, écoutez attentivement."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "D'après notre enquête, Arunafeltz est sans aucun doute possible mêlé à tout ça. Nous vous avons suivi puisque que vous êtes plus ou moins lié à ce dignitaire d'Arunafeltz. Je m'en excuse."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Il s'agit d'un incident international - nous avons donc dû prendre des précautions toutes particulières afin d'empêcher des fuites vers Arunafeltz, et ne pas révéler nos informations."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai décidé de vous en parler maintenant puisque je suis le seul à pouvoir vous aider à ce stade. Vous pensiez embarquer, n'est-ce pas?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Sans aucune connaissance en matière de navigation, vous échoueriez le bateau bien vite. Vous pourriez vous en sortir avec de la chance mais... il vous en faudrait vraiment beaucoup."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Je vous aiderai à naviguer et à vous rendre là où vous voulez aller. Mais si nous échouons, il faudra peut-être que vous vous débrouilliez par vous-même pour revenir. Alors, êtes-vous prêt à partir?"; next; switch(select("Oui, allons-y.:Laissez-moi un peu plus de temps.")) { case 1: mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, allons-y. Accrochez-vous à quelque chose, ce sera sûrement mouvementé..."; set aru_monas,17; close2; hideonnpc "Secret Agent#Aru"; warp "nameless_i",257,217; end; case 2: mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, dites-moi quand vous serez prêt."; close; } } if (aru_monas < 20) { mes "^3355FFVoici le bateau qui peut vous permettre de vous rendre au Monastère.^000000"; next; switch(select("Se rendre au Monastère:Annuler")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFVous voguez en direction du Monastère...^000000"; close2; warp "nameless_i",257,217; end; case 2: mes "^3355FFVous décidez de rester sur la terre ferme.^000000"; close; } } else { mes "^3355FFVoici le bateau qui peut vous permettre de vous rendre au Monastère.^000000"; next; switch(select("Se rendre au Monastère:Annuler")) { case 1: mes "^3355FFVous voguez en direction du Monastère...^000000"; close2; warp "nameless_n",257,217; end; case 2: mes "^3355FFVous décidez de rester sur la terre ferme.^000000"; close; } } } ve_fild07,128,130,1 script Agent Secret::Secret Agent#Aru 97,{ if (aru_monas == 16) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Êtes-vous prêt à partir? Je vous aiderai à vous rendre au Monastère mais je ne serai peut-être plus là quand vous reviendrez si jamais vous échouez."; next; switch(select("Oui, allons-y.:Laissez-moi un peu plus de temps.")) { case 1: mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, allons-y. Accrochez-vous à quelque chose, ce sera sûrement mouvementé..."; set aru_monas,17; close2; hideonnpc "Secret Agent#Aru"; warp "nameless_i",257,217; end; case 2: mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, dites-moi quand vous serez prêt."; close; } } end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Secret Agent#Aru"; end; } nameless_i,259,218,3 script Larjes#Aru 97,{ if(aru_monas < 18) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Je n'aime pas cet endroit. Vous feriez mieux de faire très attention avec toutes ces créatures étranges dans les environs..."; close; } else if (aru_monas > 24) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Ah, vous revoilà! Je sais qu'il y a encore des choses que vous aimeriez voir sur l'île, mais voulez-vous retourner sur le continent quelque temps?"; next; if(select("Oui:Non")==1) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, allons-y."; close2; warp "ve_fild07",130,130; end; } mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, mais faites attention. Ces créatures vous ont presque eu une fois, vous savez."; close; } else { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Voulez-vous continuer à inspecter l'île?"; next; if (select("Non:Oui") == 1) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, allons-y."; close2; warp "ve_fild07",130,130; end; } mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, mais faites attention. Ces créatures vous ont presque eu une fois, vous savez."; close; } } nameless_i,212,184,0 script #aru_clue1 -1,2,3,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 17) { mes "^3355FFLe village est complètement silencieux, comme si toute forme de vie l'avait déserté. Vous regardez autour de vous et vous apercevez que quelque chose vient de bouger...^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFQuoi que ce soit, ça n'était pas humain. Quel genre de créature cela pouvait-il bien être?^000000"; close; } end; } nameless_in,21,176,0 script #aru_clue2 -1,2,2,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 17) { mes "^3355FFVous remarquez des traces appartenant à des humains, mêlées à celles de créatures que vous ne pouvez pas clairement identifier.^000000"; close; } end; } nameless_i,129,218,0 script #aru_clue3 -1,4,3,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 17) { mes "^3355FFUne odeur étrange vous envahi les narines tandis que vous marchez sur l'herbe. Quelques ^32CD32cadavres d'animaux^3355FF jonchent le sol.^000000"; close; } end; } nameless_i,127,207,0 script Cadavre de Corbeau::Dead Crow#Aru 111,{ if (aru_monas < 17) { mes "^3355FFIl y a un corbeau mort par terre."; close; } else if (aru_monas == 17) { mes "^3355FFLa vue de ce ^32CD32corbeau mort^3355FF vous met mal à l'aise pour une raison inconnue.^000000"; next; if (select("L'ignorer:L'examiner") == 1) { mes "^3355FFVous décidez de ne pas toucher à la carcasse.^000000"; close; } mes "^3355FFVous remarquez des traces d'herbes sur le bec de l'oiseau. Il devait être en train d'en picorer. Quelques plumes manquent, révélant une peau écaillée, comme celle d'un serpent.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Attendez..."; mes "Est-ce que cette herbe...?"; next; mes "^3355FFCette herbe a dû être l'ingrédient principal du poison utilisé pour tuer les princes de la famille Gaebolg.^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "On dirait que je viens de tirer le gros lot! Huh? Quelqu'un est der..."; next; mes "^3355FFVous ressentez une douleur aiguë derrière la tête avant de vous évanouir...^000000"; close2; set aru_monas,18; warp "nameless_in",15,60; end; } end; } nameless_i,168,257,0 script Aru_LockedDoor 45,1,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 18 || aru_monas == 19) { warp "nameless_in",12,41; end; } mes "^3355FFLa porte ne veut pas s'ouvrir. Il n'y a rien à faire.^000000"; close; } nameless_in,15,60,0 script #Aru_Trigger -1,1,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 18) { disablenpc "aru_warp"; sc_start2 SC_Blind,600000,0,10000; mes "^3355FFVous avez un poids sur l'estomac et le sang vous monte à la tête. Vous vous rendez compte que quelqu'un vous porte sur son épaule. Il s'arrête, et vous l'entendez parler de très loin.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFPuis la voix se fait plus forte et distincte. Quelqu'un vous appelle par votre nom. Vous sentez de l'eau fraîche couler sur vos lèvres, et vous commencez à retrouver vos esprits.^000000"; sc_end SC_BLIND; next; hideoffnpc "Larjes#Aru2"; mes "Cette fois-ci, ça n'est pas passé loin. Pendant une seconde j'ai cru que je vous avais perdu."; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Larjes...? Que..."; mes "Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?"; mes "Ugh, ma tête..."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Essayez de ne pas bouger pendant un moment. J'avais un mauvais pressentiment en vous attendant près du bateau. Heureusement, je vous ai trouvé alors que ces créatures sauvages allaient vous attaquer brutalement!"; next; mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]"; mes "Vous m'avez sauvé? Merci. Savez-vous ce qu'étaient ces créatures?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Aucune idée. Elles avaient l'air humaines, mais... Elles ne l'étaient pas, ça j'en suis sûr. Elles sont tombées en poussière quand je les ai tuées."; next; hideoffnpc "Creature#Aru"; emotion e_omg,1; emotion e_omg; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "?!?!?!!!!!"; next; mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]"; mes "!!!!?!?!!!!!!"; mes "Est-ce... Est-ce que c'est...?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Il ressemble aux créatures qui vous ont attaquées, mon ami"+( sex ? "" : "e" )+"... Je me demande pourquoi il ne nous fonce pas dessus."; next; mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]"; mes "J'imagine qu'il va falloir lui demander."; set aru_monas,19; close; } } nameless_in,13,58,6 script Larjes#Aru2 97,{ mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Attention, ce type a l'air vraiment dangereux."; close; } nameless_in,13,53,0 script Créature::Creature#Aru 1864,{ end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Creature#Aru"; end; OnMyMobDead: enablenpc "aru_warp"; end; } nameless_in,13,53,0 script #Aru_Trigger2 -1,3,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 19 && !@mymobcount) { mes "[???????]"; mes "Grrr~!!!"; close2; hideonnpc "Creature#Aru"; set @mymobcount,1; monster "nameless_in",13,53,"Zombie",1864,1,"Creature#Aru::OnMyMobDead"; // Ne pas changer end; } end; } nameless_in,12,37,0 script aru_warp 45,1,1,{ end; OnTouch: if (aru_monas == 19) { set aru_monas,20; warp "nameless_n",168,252; end; } OnInit: disablenpc "aru_warp"; end; } nameless_n,169,254,0 script #Aru_Trigger3 -1,3,3,{ end; OnTouch: if(aru_monas == 20) { hideoffnpc "Larjes#Aru3"; mes "[" +strcharinfo(0)+ "]"; mes "Qu'est-ce que...!?"; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Alors... Voilà le véritable visage de cette île."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Quelqu'un comme moi ne survivrait pas longtemps dans un endroit comme celui-ci. Je vais vous attendre près du bateau. Apprenez ce que vous pouvez apprendre, mais revenez entier, "+strcharinfo(0)+"."; set aru_monas,21; hideonnpc "Larjes#Aru3"; close; } end; } nameless_n,166,254,7 script Larjes#Aru3 97,{ end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Larjes#Aru3"; end; } nameless_n,259,218,3 script Larjes#Boat1 97,{ if ((aru_monas == 23) && (countitem(7726))) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Je n'arrive pas à y croire... Ce type était Tristam III?! Dans ce cas, ça explique beaucoup de choses, je suppose. Je vais faire mon compte-rendu là-dessus. Alors Arunafeltz était derrière les herbes empoisonnées aussi..."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Tout cela m'atterre. Je suis certain que la famille royale de Rune-Midgard ne prendra pas ça à la légère. Nous sommes impliqués dans quelque chose qui nous dépasse..."; next; mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Nous ferions mieux de... C'est énorme!"; set aru_monas,24; delitem 7726,1; //Token_Of_King getexp 1000000,0; close; } mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Voulez-vous continuer à inspecter l'île?"; next; if(select("Non:Oui")==1) { mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, allons-y."; close2; warp "ve_fild07",130,130; end; } mes "[Larjes]"; mes "Bien, mais faites attention. Ces créatures vous ont presque eu une fois, vous savez."; close; } abbey02,224,70,0 script Livre::Book#Aru 111,{ if (checkweight(7766,1) == 0) { mes "^3355FFUne petite minute! Vous portez trop d'objets sur vous en ce moment. Revenez après en avoir déposé quelques-uns dans votre Stock.^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas < 21) { mes "^3355FFIl s'agit juste d'un tas de vieux livres rongés par la moisissure.^000000"; close; } else if (aru_monas == 21) { mes "^3355FFVous trouvez un livre tâché de sang parmi tous ces vieux livres rongés par la moisissure.^000000"; next; if(select("Examiner le livre:L'ignorer")==1) { Readbook 7755,1; getitem 7755,1; // Reasearch_Note set aru_monas,22; close; } mes "^3355FFCe livre ne vous sera certainement d'aucune utilité de toutes façons.^000000"; close; } else { mes "^3355FFVous voyez de vieux livres éparpillés.^000000"; close; } } abbey03,232,233,4 script Homme::Man#Aru 956,{ if (aru_monas < 22) { mes "^3355FFVous voyez un homme couché par terre portant des vêtements déchirés mais néanmoins luxueux. Il n'a pas l'air de respirer...^000000."; next; mes "^3355FFIl est mort.^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas == 22) { mes "^3355FFVous voyez un homme couché par terre portant des vêtements déchirés mais néanmoins luxueux. Il n'a pas l'air de respirer...^000000."; next; mes "^3355FFVous approchez l'oreille de sa bouche et vous sentez un faible soupir.^000000"; next; if (select("Le toucher:Le laisser là") == 1) { mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Cet homme... Il m'a l'air si familier... Je ne sais pas pourquoi."; next; mes "^3355FFIl se relève d'un bond quand vous le touchez en poussant un cri dément.^000000"; initnpctimer; hideonnpc "Man#Aru"; monster "abbey03",232,232,"Roi Défunt",1875,1,"Man#Aru::OnMyMobDead"; close; } mes "^3355FFVous vous sentez mal et décidez de ne pas le toucher.^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas > 22) { mes "^3355FFIl est mort... Maintenant...^000000"; close; } OnMyMobDead: stopnpctimer; hideoffnpc "Dead Man#Aru"; donpcevent "Dead Man#Aru::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer300000: stopnpctimer; hideonnpc "Dead Man#Aru"; hideoffnpc "Man#Aru"; end; } abbey03,232,232,4 script Cadavre::Dead Man#Aru 956,{ if (checkweight(7766,1) == 0) { mes "^3355FFUne petite minute! Vous portez trop d'objets sur vous en ce moment. Revenez après en avoir déposé quelques-uns dans votre Stock.^000000"; close; } if (aru_monas == 22) { mes "^3355FFVous voulez savoir pourquoi ce cadavre pouvait bouger, alors vous décidez de l'examiner. Vous trouvez une médaille dorée dans sa veste...^000000"; next; mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mes "Cette médaille..."; mes "Ça voudrait dire que..."; mes "Cet homme serait...!"; set aru_monas,23; getitem 7726,1; //Token_of_King hideonnpc "Dead Man#Aru"; hideoffnpc "Man#Aru"; stopnpctimer; close; } end; OnEnable: initnpctimer; end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Dead Man#Aru"; end; } ra_temple,168,54,3 script Sippie#ss 917,{ mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Je peux enfin prendre une pause! Il y a trop de gens autours de la Grande Prêtresse Niren - ça me donne tellement de travail!"; if (aru_em < 11) { close; } else if (aru_em == 11) { next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Excusez-moi, mais êtes-vous un ami de notre Papesse? Je vous ai vu lui parler plus tôt..."; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Je ne comprends pas pourquoi la Grande Prêtresse Niren veut partir en guerre. En fait je pense qu'au fond de son coeur elle voudrait éviter cela. Elle est bonne et douce quand vous la connaissez."; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Elle adore les enfants. C'est comme une mère pour tous les enfants d'Arunafeltz. Elle a même conduit notre Papesse à Rachel alors que ce n'était encore qu'un nourrisson, l'élevant comme son propre enfant."; next; mes "[Sippie]"; mes "Si vous ne saviez pas que c'était notre Papesse, vous auriez pu la prendre pour la fille de la Grande prêtresse Niren."; close; } else { close; } } // Peace to the Arunafeltz //============================================================ moc_ruins,77,167,4 script Marchand Étranger::Foreign Merchant#aru1 880,5,5,{ if (aru_vol == 27) { if (aru_em == 0) { emotion e_dots; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Je n'aurais jamais cru que le désert puisse être si chaud. Et ils ont construit une ville ici? Comment peuvent-ils dire que cet endroit est habitable?! Sans parler de toute cette foule qui rend l'atmosphère encore plus chaude!"; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "J'ai entendu dire que je pouvais faire un malheur à Morroc, c'est pour ça que je suis ici. Mais on dirait que le climat aura raison de moi avant!"; next; select("Comment avez-vous entendu parler de Morroc?"); emotion e_dots; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Je... Je viens de vous le dire. J'ai entendu dire que Morroc était pleine de pigeons prêts à acheter à prix d'or. Mais.... c'est aussi chaud que l'enfer!"; next; emotion e_swt; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Maintenant je m'en moque de me faire de l'argent. Je veux juste aller dans un endroit frais, et boire un thé glacé! Vous savez, je pourrais quitter cette ville dès demain. Je n'en peux plus de ce désert!"; next; emotion e_sob; emotion e_swt,1; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Ah, c'est vrai. Ils vendent des boissons au goût unique ici. Avant que je ne parte je voudrais en goûter au moins une fois..."; // J'ai viré les références à l'endroit où ils vendent ça: ça parlait de l'ancien Morroc [No Healing] set aru_em,1; close; } else if ((aru_em > 0) && (aru_em < 7)) { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Dites-moi, n'y a-t-il pas un marchand dans le coin qui vende ces boissons au goût unique..."; // idem next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes ( isday() ? "Oh, le soleil me tape sur la tête... " : "Il fait nuit, mais pourtant l'air est toujours si lourd...") + "Je n'ai même plus assez d'eau dans mon corps pour transpirer... Je pense que je vais bientôt tourner de l'oeil. Il me faut quelque chose à boire!"; close; } else if (aru_em == 7) { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "*Halète* *Halète*"; mes "*Transpire*"; next; switch(select("Lui donner un Vin de Fruit:Le regarder sans rien dire")) { case 1: mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Oh, merci, ça sent si bon... Est-ce que c'est cette boisson dont tout le monde parle?"; next; mes "^3355FF*Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; next; emotion 3; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Ahhh! Ça c'est vraiment le top! Y a pas à dire, je n'ai rien trouvé de mieux pour rafraîchir le gosier. Et en même temps c'est tellement exotique.. Comme ces danseuses à Yuno! Ahhhh! Merci, mon pote!"; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Je dois bien avoir quelque chose pour vous remercier... Ah, je sais! Votre nom, c'est, "+ strcharinfo(0) +", n'est-ce pas?"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Que... Comment savez-vous?"; next; mes "^3355FFLe marchand esquisse un sourire et sort une missive de sous sa manche. Vous l'ouvrez et lisez le message.^000000"; next; mes "^666666"+ strcharinfo(0) +"."; mes " "; mes "Le temps est venu pour nous d'agir à nouveau. Veuillez me rencontrer au plus vite: je dois vous parler."; mes " "; mes " - Bekento^000000"; next; emotion e_omg,1; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Alors... Ça veut dire que... Vous n'êtes pas marchant, n'est-ce pas?"; next; emotion 39; mes "^3355FFLe marchant regarde à droite et à gauche avec un petit sourire.^000000"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Alors votre histoire de boisson, ça n'était qu'un prétexte pour pouvoir me parler, c'est ça?"; emotion e_sob,1; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Enfin... Merci de m'avoir donné ce message. Mais je ne vous achèterai pas d'autre boisson, compris?"; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Héhé, compris. Pourquoi n'allez-vous pas lui parler maintenant?"; mes "Bonne chance!"; set aru_em,8; close; case 2: mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Wha-- Ça t'amuse de me regarder suer à en crever?"; close; } } else { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Bon j'en ai fini, moi. J'imagine que je pourrais aller faire un peu de tourisme dans le désert. *Halète* *Halète* Si seulement il ne faisait pas aussi chaud!"; close; } } else { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Je n'aurais jamais cru que le désert puisse être si chaud. Et ils ont construit une ville ici? Comment peuvent-ils dire que cet endroit est habitable?! Sans parler de toute cette foule qui rend l'atmosphère encore plus chaude!"; close; } OnTouch: if (aru_vol == 27) { if (aru_em == 0) { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "*Halète* *Halète*"; mes "Oh mon pote, je crois que je vais y rester à cause de cette chaleur!"; close; } } end; } moc_ruins,86,149,0 script #ForeignMerchant1 -1,3,3,{ OnTouch: if (aru_em == 4) { set aru_em,5; } end; } moc_ruins,88,136,0 script #ForeignMerchant2 -1,3,3,{ OnTouch: if (aru_em == 1) { set aru_em,2; } else if (aru_em == 5) { set .@nawara,rand(1,10); if (.@nawara < 5) { hideoffnpc "Foreign Merchant#aru2"; } else { set aru_em,2; } } end; } moc_ruins,106,133,0 script #ForeignMerchant3 -1,3,3,{ OnTouch: if (aru_em == 2) { set aru_em,3; } end; } moc_ruins,115,147,0 script #ForeignMerchant4 -1,3,3,{ OnTouch: if (aru_em == 3) { set aru_em,4; } end; } moc_ruins,101,133,7 script Marchand Étranger::Foreign Merchant#aru2 929,{ if ((aru_em > 1) && (aru_em < 7)) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Excusez-moi, mais j'ai entendu dire qu'on pourrait acheter une boisson qui n'est fabriquée qu'à Morroc dans le coin. Vous n'en vendriez pas par hasard?"; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Oh, vous voulez acheter des Vins de Fruit? J'ai bien peur que ce ne soit pas aussi raffiné que les gens le prétendent. C'est juste un petit quelque chose que je mets en cuve à la maison et que je bois avec mes amis pendant les repas."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Eh bien, je suis tombé sur un marchand qui voudrait vraiment en goûter. Vous pensez que vous pourriez m'en vendre?"; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Oh, je suis désolé mais il ne m'en reste plus aujourd'hui."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Oh, non..."; emotion 57,1; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; emotion 19; next; emotion e_omg,1; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Hum... Il me reste bien cette bouteille que je gardais pour moi. Je pourrais vous la donner: j'en ferai d'autres pour moi. Je suis flatté que votre ami aime tant mon vin."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Vraiment? Merci! Je sûr qu'il appréciera votre générosité."; next; mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Oh, ce n'est rien. Bien, je devrais rentrer à la maison maintenant. Je vous mettrai une bouteille de côté pour le prochaine fois. À bientôt!"; emotion 13; next; mes "^3355FFVous obtenez une petite bouteille de Vin de Fruit. Ce type était vraiment sympa!^000000"; set aru_em,7; hideonnpc "Foreign Merchant#aru2"; close; } else { mes "[Marchand Étranger]"; mes "Je suis désolé mais j'ai vendu tous mes Vins de Fruit. Je n'en aurai pas d'autre avant demain."; close; } OnInit: hideonnpc "Foreign Merchant#aru2"; end; } ra_temin,103,151,7 script Adepte::Female Follower#em 917,{ if (aru_em < 9) { mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Je travaille dur pour garder cette pièce propre et accueillante, pour que la Grande Prêtresse puisse se reposer. Respirez profondément: ne trouvez-vous pas les odeurs apaisantes?"; close; } else if (aru_em == 9) { mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Je travaille dur pour garder cette pièce propre et accueillante, pour que la Grande Prêtresse puisse se repose. Respirez profondément: ne trouvez-vous pas les odeurs apaisantes?"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Oh vous avez raison: quelles senteurs agréables... Est-ce que la Grande Prêtresse Niren n'est pas à son bureau aujourd'hui?"; next; mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Oh, oui, elle est sortie. Il avait tant d'Adeptes qui voulaient la rencontrer... Même très tôt ce matin."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Est-ce que vous savez où je pourrais la trouver?"; next; mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Hum... Sippie a parlé de quelque chose... Ah oui, Sippie a dit que la Grande Prêtresse Niren a décidé de se rendre au Jardin de Cheshrumnir. Il s'agit d'un très grand et beau jardin."; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "La Grand Prêtresse doit être très occupée."; next; mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Oh, vous n'avez pas idée! Elle a transmis sa sagesse aux autres depuis qu'elle est enfant, et les foules l'acclament toujours pour ses sages paroles."; next; mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Si vous voulez lui parler, le mieux serait de la trouver avant qu'elle ne soit entourée d'adeptes de Freya."; set aru_em,10; close; } else if (aru_em == 10) { mes "[Sappie]"; mes "La Grande Prêtresse Niren doit se trouver dans le Jardin de Cheshrumnir. Vous devriez essayer de lui parler avant que la foule n'arrive."; close; } else if (aru_em > 21) { mes "[Sappie]"; mes "On raconte que la Grande prêtresse a parlé à notre Papesse et lui a transmis un important message. Maintenant, tout le monde veut savoir ce que Freya lui a dit..."; close; } else { mes "[Sappie]"; mes "Je travaille dur pour garder cette pièce propre et accueillante, pour que la Grande Prêtresse puisse se repose. Respirez profondément: ne trouvez-vous pas les odeurs apaisantes?"; close; } } ra_fild03,139,355,5 script Ishmael#em 914,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "^3355FFUne petite minute! Vous portez trop d'objets sur vous en ce moment. Revenez après en avoir déposé quelques-uns dans votre Stock.^000000"; close; } if (aru_em < 17) { mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Je... Je ne vous connais pas, si? Je suis désolée, mais voudriez-vous ne pas rester ici s'il vous plaît? Je... Je n'aime pas quand les gens sont trop près."; emotion 19; close; } else if (aru_em == 17) { mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Je... Je ne vous connais pas, si? Je suis désolée, mais voudriez-vous ne pas rester ici s'il vous plaît? Je... Je n'aime pas quand les gens sont trop près."; emotion 19; next; switch(select("Lui donner les papiers de Niren:La laisser")) { case 1: if (countitem(7343) > 0) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Tu connais le Grande Prêtresse Niren, n'est-ce pas? Elle m'a donné ceci pour toi."; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Oh, c'est vrai? Lancez-moi l'enveloppe, je ne veux pas que vous vous approchiez plus."; emotion 19; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Je serais heureuse d'aider la Prêtresse. Même si nous sommes des autochtones, elle ne nous a jamais regardé de haut et nous a toujours traité comme n'importe qui. Hum... Qu'est-ce qu'elle peut bien vouloir?"; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Voyons ça... Elle veut que je fasse un faux avec ces documents? C'est du gâteau! Je suis une pro avec ce genre de choses! Donnez-moi un petit peu de temps..."; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Oh mince, j'avais complètement oublié! Quelqu'un a volé ma plume hier. Comment est-ce que je vais pouvoir faire ça maintenant...?"; next; emotion e_sob; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Ma plume était faite à partir d'une pierre très rare qu'on appelle le ^FF0000Sardonyx^000000. *Ugh* J'imagine que personne n'en vend à Arunafeltz. On ne peut en trouver que dans les pays voisins..."; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Je voudrais vraiment aider la Grande Prêtresse Niren... Je ne peux pas la laisser tomber après tout ce qu'elle a fait pour nous..."; set aru_em,18; delitem 7343,1; //File02 close; } else { mes "^3355FFOn dirait que vous avez oublié le document confié par Niren...^000000"; close; } case 2: mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Je... Ne vous approchez pas! Reculez-vous et ne me touchez pas!"; close; } } else if (aru_em == 18) { if (countitem(725) > 0) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Est-ce que tu pourrais faire un faux avec ce documents qui tu avais cette pierre?"; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Oh, vous m'avez trouvé un Sardonyx? Il a l'air parfait!"; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Euh, mais, hum... Vous pourriez vous reculer encore un peu quand même? J'ai toujours.. Je veux dire... Je ne veux pas être rude... C'est juste que... Je n'aime pas ce genre de choses..."; emotion 19; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Si vous me lancez votre Sardonyx, je ferai votre faux."; next; switch(select("Ne pas lui donner:Lui donner")) { case 1: mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Huh? Je pensais que vous aviez besoin de mon aide... Je ne peux rien faire sans cette pierre."; close; case 2: mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Oui! Merci beaucoup! Je peux maintenant m'y mettre~"; next; mes "^3355FF*Gribouille*"; mes "*Gribouille*^000000"; specialeffect EF_COMBOATTACK2; next; mes "^3355FF*Gribouille*"; mes "*Gribouille*^000000"; specialeffect EF_COMBOATTACK4; next; mes "^3355FF*Gribouille*"; mes "*Gribouille*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Gribouille*"; mes "*Gribouille*^000000"; specialeffect EF_COMBOATTACK4; specialeffect EF_STEAL; emotion e_ic; next; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Et voilà! J'ai fait du mieux que je pouvais, puisque c'est pour la Grande Prêtresse Niren. Vous pourriez lui transmettre mes meilleurs sentiments?"; next; mes "^3355FFVous obtenez le faux de la part d'Ishmael.^000000"; delitem 725,1; //Red_Jewel set aru_em,19; getitem 7343,1; //File02 close; } } else { emotion e_sob; mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "Si seulement j'avais ma précieuse plume faite de Sardonyx! Waaaah~!"; close; } } else { mes "[Ishmael]"; mes "La Grande Prêtresse Niren est si bonne... Je fais tout ce que je peux pour l'aider dès que j'en ai l'occasion. Eh, vous ne pourriez pas reculer un petit peu? Je n'aime pas quand les gens sont trop près."; close; } } que_temsky,101,93,1 script Niren#em_sky 915,{ end; } que_temsky,98,93,7 script Zhed#em_sky 932,{ end; } que_temsky,99,100,6 script Papesse::Pope#rachel2 936,{ end; } que_temsky,100,93,0 script #em_sky_s -1,5,2,{ //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if (aru_em == 21) { mes "^3355FFLe Grand Prêtre Zhed et la Grande Prêtresse Niren sont déjà arrivés, et sont face à la Papesse. Ils semblent inquiets par rapport à ce qui va se passer...^000000"; next; cutin "ra_gman",0; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Comment allez-vous, votre Éminence? Je m'excuse de ne pas être venu vous voir plus tôt, mais j'avais trop honte de mes piètres achèvements en tant que Grand Prêtre."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Grand Prêtre Zhed... Vous êtes venu... Merci..."; next; mes "^3355FFLa Papesse sourit discrètement à Zhed, heureuse d'enfin le voir à nouveau.^000000"; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Votre Éminence... J'espère que vous comprenez que j'ai fait de mon mieux pour ne vous montrer que ce qu'il y avait de beau dans ce monde..."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "..............................."; mes "Grande Prêtresse Niren..."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Cependant, je dois aujourd'hui vous montrer aussi ce qu'il y a de pire. Je suis désolée... J'ai envoyé les disciples du Jardin Céleste en vacances pour pouvoir m'entretenir avec vous en privé."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Niren... De quoi s'agit-il?"; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Préparez-vous, votre Éminence, car ce que nous avons à vous dire ne sera pas plaisant à entendre. Vous pourriez être choquée"; next; mes "^3355FFLe Grand Prêtre Zhed explique en détails tous les secrets d'Arunafeltz. Il parle de la séparation entre la frange dure et la frange modérée des prêtres, la corruption...^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFIl explique aussi le rôle des prêtres dans les expériences inhumaines conduites dans les laboratoires de la Société Rekenber, et du fait que la frange dure des prêtres tire son pouvoir du Volcan.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFLa Papesse fixe le Grand Prêtre Zhed d'un air choqué tandis qu'elle parle.^000000"; next; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Nous comprenons que vous avez déjà fort à faire avec vos devoir en tant que Papesse, mais nous pensons aussi que vous devriez prendre des mesures au plus vite."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",2; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Nous ne voulons pas vous forcer la main, votre Éminence, mais le temps presse. La guerre se profile, et nous devons tout faire pour empêcher cela et sauver Arunafeltz."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes ".........................Enfin."; next; cutin "ra_gman2",0; mes "[Zhed, Niren]"; mes "Excusez-moi?"; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Niren, Zhed... Je suis contente que vous décidiez enfin de m'en parler afin de trouver une solution à ces problèmes. Je suis jeune, mais je me souviens de ce que je vis dans le Sanctuaire."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Ne vous souvenez-vous pas, Niren? Vous m'avez trouvée dans le Sanctuaire, et conduite ici. Mais lorsque j'étais là-bas, je vis le ^3131FFCoeur d'Ymir^000000."; next; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Comment... Comment saviez-vous qu'il s'agissait du Coeur d'Ymir?"; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Les prêtres du Jardin Céleste parlent librement autour de moi. J'imagine qu'ils me considèrent plus comme une petite fille que comme leur Papesse."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Je savais déjà que les modérés conduisaient des expérimentations cruelles et inhumaines, et que la ligne dure levait une armée. Cependant, je ne pouvais rien faire."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "La plupart des gens ne me prennent pas au sérieux à cause de mon âge. Tout le monde pense que je ne peux rien changer. J'ai aussi entendu parler de ce que vous aviez fait, Zhed."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Je suis désolée que vous ayez été puni par les autres prêtres pour avoir laissé des étrangers pénétrer dans le Sanctuaire, mais je comprends vos motivations. N'est-ce pas l'aventurier en question d'ailleurs?"; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes ""+ strcharinfo(0) +"... Je suis contente de vous revoir. Vous ne m'avez pas seulement tenue au courant des affaires du monde: vous m'avez aussi aidée à maintenir la paix."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Je n'en savais rien... Je ne connaissais pas vos sentiments à propos de cette affaire, ni ce que vous en saviez. J'ai honte de vous avoir sous-estimée de la sorte."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "S'il vous plaît, ne vous excusez pas. Sans vous, je me serais laissée emporter par la folie et la mégalomanie des gens du Temple. Vous êtes comme une mère pour moi."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Votre Éminence... Merci. Je ressens la même chose..."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Zhed...? Il faudrait que vous fassiez quelque chose pour moi."; next; cutin "ra_gman",0; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Bien sûr, votre Éminence."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Écrivez s'il vous plaît un mémo sur les expérimentations conduites par les modérés d'Arunafeltz et de la République de Schwaltzvalt, ainsi que sur leurs liens avec la Société Rekenber."; next; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Je m'y mets sans attendre, votre Éminence. Merci."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Niren."; next; cutin "ra_gwoman",0; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Oui, votre Éminence?"; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "S'il vous plaît, recueillez des preuves démontrant que la frange dure a commencé des préparatifs de guerre."; next; mes "[Niren]"; mes "Oui, votre Éminence."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Je convoquerai bientôt tous les Grand Prêtres et Grandes Prêtresses. Je voudrais que vous soyez alors à mes côtés. Je ne laisserai personne tacher de sang notre Sanctuaire."; next; cutin "ra_gman",0; mes "[Zhed]"; mes "Il en sera ainsi, votre Éminence."; next; cutin "ra_bishop",2; mes "[Papesse]"; mes ""+ strcharinfo(0) +"... Vous avez toute ma gratitude pour vos efforts envers Arunafeltz. Je manque peut-être d'influence sur mon peuple, mais je ferai de mon mieux, avec l'aide de Zhed et de Niren."; next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Ce serait en demander trop que d'espérer que vous restiez vous aussi à mes côtés. Cependant, je voudrais vous remercier pour tout ce que vous avez fait. Nous nous reverrons, si Freya le veut..."; // J'ai vraiment dû me retenir pour ne pas écrire "Inch' Freya", là. >< [No Healing] next; mes "[Papesse]"; mes "Que Freya vous bénisse..."; next; specialeffect2 EF_ENCHANTPOISON; mes "^3355FFLa Papesse se met à prier de toute son âme pour votre salut, et vous sentez une aura de chaleur et de bonté vous envahir.^000000"; set aru_em,22; close2; warp "rachel",142,136; } end; } rachel,142,136,0 script #em_end -1,5,5,{ OnInit: stopnpctimer; end; OnTouch: if (aru_em == 22 && !temparu) { set temparu,1; // Bugfix: sans ça les joueurs peuvent déclencher ces annonces à volonté et spammer Rachel [NoH] initnpctimer; disablenpc "#em_end"; } end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Citoyens d'Arunafeltz, Prêtres et Prêtresses.",bc_map,"0xFFCE00"; end; OnTimer7000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Merci de vous être tous rendus au Jardin Céleste comme je l'avais demandé.",bc_map,"0xFFCE00"; end; OnTimer10000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: En tant que vassal élue par la déesse Freya, je vous fais parvenir les paroles dont elle m'a fait grâce hier.",bc_map,"0xFFCE00"; end; OnTimer15000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: J'ai observé les troubles d'Arunafeltz.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer19000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Je connais les luttes et les déchirements entre les Prêtres, et leurs combats égoïstes, leur échec à célébrer la paix dans la communion.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer23000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Je ne suis cependant pas intervenue par égard pour ceux qui prient encore pour la paix en Arunafeltz.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer30000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Grand Prêtre Zhed, Grande Prêtresse Niren, vous aurez tous deux pour tâche d'assister au mieux mon incarnation sur terre jusqu'à mon retour.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer35000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Et quant aux autres Grands Prêtres, à tous ceux qui ont oublié leurs devoirs envers leur déesse et leur patrie, et leur tâche d'éclairer leur peuple en transmettant mes enseignements, je les place sous le commandement de Zhed et de Niren.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer43000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Mes fidèles d'Arunafeltz, gardez foi en moi, et soyez fier de votre pays puissant.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer47000: mapannounce "rachel","Papesse: Alors, les portes du Paradis s'ouvriront sûrement pour vous.",bc_map,"0x66CCCC"; end; OnTimer53000: mapannounce "rachel","Citoyens: Gloire à Freya! Gloire à la Papesse!",bc_map,"0x99CC00"; stopnpctimer; enablenpc "#em_end"; end; } que_temsky,99,7,0 warp quetemskyout 1,1,ra_temin,276,231 // Muff's Loan //============================================================ comodo,224,187,3 script Muff 86,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "You're carrying way too"; mes "much stuff right now."; mes "Come back after you put"; mes "your stuff in Kafra Storage."; close; } if (diamond_edq == 0) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "What th-?! Geez,"; mes "you didn't have to"; mes "scare me like that!"; mes "What is it that you want?"; next; switch(select("You look troubled.:Nothing. Take care!")) { case 1: if (BaseLevel < 61) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Oh. That's awfully"; mes "thoughtful of you."; mes "I was thinking about"; mes "asking you for help,"; mes "but you don't look like"; mes "you could handle it. Sorry."; set diamond_edq,3; close; } else { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Well, I'm actually in"; mes "pretty big trouble."; mes "I borrowed some money"; mes "from this loan shark"; mes "named ^0000FFBelder^000000 in Alberta."; mes "It was a bad move!"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "My business hasn't been"; mes "good, but I felt like I didn't"; mes "have a choice. I made enough"; mes "money to repay him now, but"; mes "then I lost my bond of debt."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "When I asked Belder if"; mes "I could pay him back without"; mes "that bond, he insisted that"; mes "he didn't remember loaning"; mes "money to me. I bet he just"; mes "wants to keep my collateral!"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I knew that guy was shady!"; mes "Would you help me find my"; mes "lost bond of debt? You see,"; mes "the collateral I gave him"; mes "is really valuable to me."; next; switch(select("Do you know where you lost it?:I'm sorry to hear that. Bye!")) { case 1: mes "[Muff]"; mes "If I knew where I lost"; mes "it, then it wouldn't be"; mes "lost now, would it? Well,"; mes "I remember going to a union"; mes "meeting, and I had a drink"; mes "or two. Okay, I had a lot."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "On the way home,"; mes "I stumbled in a field"; mes "near Comodo... I remember"; mes "seeing some water... That"; mes "must be where I dropped my"; mes "wallet with the bond of debt."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "If you can find my"; mes "wallet, I'll make sure"; mes "to repay you. Please"; mes "help me if you can!"; setquest 3100; set diamond_edq,1; close; case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "H-hey! Where are you"; mes "going?! You can't just"; mes "leave me here! I need help!"; close; } } case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "What, are you trying to"; mes "make me mad on purpose?"; mes "I get it. You're working for"; mes "Belder! I'm gonna get"; mes "my treasure from that"; mes "bastard, no matter what!"; next; switch(select("I don't understand.:I'm sorry, I was just kidding...")) { case 1: mes "[Muff]"; mes "You think you can"; mes "fool me?! Get lost!"; mes "I'm not telling you"; mes "anything, you snake!"; close; case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "So you're not spying on"; mes "me for Belder? Well, then"; mes "why are you pestering me?"; close; } } } if ((diamond_edq == 3) && (BaseLevel < 61)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Wait a second..."; mes "You're not as strong"; mes "as you were earlier."; mes "You'd better train first"; mes "so you can be better"; mes "prepared to help me."; close; } if ((diamond_edq == 3) && (BaseLevel > 60)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Well, I'm actually in"; mes "pretty big trouble."; mes "I borrowed some money"; mes "from this loan shark"; mes "named ^0000FFBelder^000000 in Alberta."; mes "It was a bad move!"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "My business hasn't been"; mes "good, but I felt like I didn't"; mes "have a choice. I made enough"; mes "money to repay him now, but"; mes "then I lost my bond of debt."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "When I asked Belder if"; mes "I could pay him back without"; mes "that bond, he insisted that"; mes "he didn't remember loaning"; mes "money to me. I bet he just"; mes "wants to keep my collateral!"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I knew that guy was shady!"; mes "Would you help me find my"; mes "lost bond of debt? You see,"; mes "the collateral I gave him"; mes "is really valuable to me."; next; switch(select("Do you know where you lost it?:What was the collateral?:Bye!")) { case 1: mes "[Muff]"; mes "If I knew where I lost"; mes "it, then it wouldn't be"; mes "lost now, would it? Well,"; mes "I remember going to a union"; mes "meeting, and I had a drink"; mes "or two. Okay, I had a lot."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I took this path in the"; mes "Papuchicha Forest to head"; mes "back home, and I must have"; mes "passed out near a river."; mes "After that, my wallet with the"; mes "bond of debt was missing."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I don't care about the"; mes "other stuff in my wallet,"; mes "but I really need my bond"; mes "of debt to get my collateral"; mes "back from that Belder."; setquest 3100; set diamond_edq,1; close; case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "Well, the collateral was"; mes "this huge, stunningly"; mes "beautiful jewel. It's really"; mes "precious to me. But well,"; mes "I don't want to tell you"; mes "more about it."; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I understand if you don't"; mes "want to help me after"; mes "hearing that, but if you"; mes "change your mind, please"; mes "come talk to me again."; close; case 3: mes "[Muff]"; mes "H-hey! Where are you"; mes "going?! You can't just"; mes "leave me here! I need help!"; close; } } if ((diamond_edq == 1) || (diamond_edq == 2)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "You didn't leave to"; mes "look for my wallet yet?"; mes "I think it's somewhere"; mes "in the Papuchicha Forest."; mes "Please find the bond of debt"; mes "inside as soon as you can."; close; } if (diamond_edq == 4) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Is this wet, tattered"; mes "piece of paper the bond"; mes "of debt that you need?"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "Yes, that's it!"; mes "Ugh, but look at it..."; mes "It's ruined! You can't"; mes "even read what's written"; mes "on it! I need... I need"; mes "to fix this somehow!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Do you have any ideas?"; mes "I mean, if we dried the"; mes "paper, the letters would"; mes "still be faded, right?"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I got it! There's this"; mes "famous inventor named"; mes "^FF0000Dorian^000000 in Izlude. I heard"; mes "he just invented something"; mes "like a Magic Dryer. Yeah,"; mes "that should work perfectly!"; next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "I don't know exactly"; mes "how it works, but it"; mes "should be able to restore"; mes "my bond of debt. I mean..."; mes "It's magic, right? Will you"; mes "ask Dorian to help me out?"; next; switch(select("Accept His Request:Decline His Request")) { case 1: mes "[Muff]"; mes "Thank you so much!"; mes "Please talk to Inventor"; mes "Dorian in Izlude, and ask"; mes "him to restore my bond of"; mes "debt. I'll be waiting for"; mes "you right here, okay?"; changequest 3102,3103; set diamond_edq,6; close; case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "Really? I was hoping"; mes "that you'd continue to"; mes "help me, but... Alright."; mes "I'm sure you've got other"; mes "problems. If you change your"; mes "mind, though, just come back."; set diamond_edq,5; close; } } if (diamond_edq == 5) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Oh, I knew you'd come"; mes "back and help me restore"; mes "my bond of debt! You look"; mes "too nice to just leave"; mes "me hanging like that."; next; switch(select("Accept His Request:Decline His Request")) { case 1: mes "[Muff]"; mes "Thank you so much!"; mes "Please talk to Inventor"; mes "Dorian in Izlude, and ask"; mes "him to restore my bond of"; mes "debt. I'll be waiting for"; mes "you right here, okay?"; changequest 3102,3103; set diamond_edq,6; close; case 2: mes "[Muff]"; mes "Really? I was hoping"; mes "that you'd continue to"; mes "help me, but... Alright."; mes "I'm sure you've got other"; mes "problems. If you change your"; mes "mind, though, just come back."; close; } } if ((diamond_edq > 5) && (diamond_edq < 13)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Would you please visit"; mes "^FF0000Inventor Dorian^000000 in Izlude,"; mes "and ask him to use his"; mes "Magic Dryer to restore"; mes "my bond of debt?"; close; } if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) > 0)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "You're back! So how"; mes "did it go? I was getting"; mes "pretty anxious... So did"; mes "Dorian's Magic Dryer work?"; next; delitem 7722,1; //Debt_Note mes "[Muff]"; mes "Oh! It worked much better"; mes "than I expected! Belder"; mes "can't complain now! Haha!"; mes "You've done well, my friend."; mes "Here, please take these as"; mes "a meager reward for your help."; completequest 3109; set diamond_edq,14; getitem 603,1; //Old_Blue_Box getitem 608,4; //Seed_Of_Yggdrasil next; mes "[Muff]"; mes "Now that I have my bond"; mes "of debt, I should get my"; mes "jewel back from Belder."; mes "He won't have any excuse"; mes "to keep my treasure now!"; close; } else if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) < 1)) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "H-hey! Where's my"; mes "bond of debt?! Don't"; mes "tell me you lost it!"; mes "You'd better go back"; mes "to Dorian... Hopefully"; mes "you left it with him!"; set diamond_edq,10; close; } if (diamond_edq > 13) { mes "[Muff]"; mes "Yes! Finally, I'm"; mes "free of debt! I've got"; mes "my jewel back, business"; mes "is doing well... Life sure"; mes "is good right now. Hahaha!"; close; } mes "[Muff]"; mes "Listen to me: never"; mes "take out a loan if you"; mes "can help it. And if you do,"; mes "borrow from someone"; mes "more reputable than..."; mes "Well, you know my story."; mes "*Sigh*"; close; } alberta,127,143,3 script Belder 85,{ if (diamond_edq == 0) { mes "[Belder]"; mes "I ought to hire some"; mes "part-time promotional"; mes "workers... Some sexy"; mes "ladies ought to bring in"; mes "the customers by th--Oh!"; mes "Welcome to Belder Loans!"; next; switch(select("I'll promote your loans!:Uh...")) { case 1: if (Sex == 1) { mes "[Belder]"; mes "You? But you're a dude!"; mes "No sweaty, stinky, sleazy"; mes "man should be the image"; mes "of Belder Loans! We need"; mes "to exude trust, dependability,"; mes "and... And lady charms."; close; } else { mes "[Belder]"; mes "You? Well, don't take"; mes "this the wrong way, but"; mes "all your curves? Wrong"; mes "places, honey. Later!"; close; } case 2: mes "[Belder]"; mes "Hey, aren't you"; mes "interested in a loan?"; mes "Better you come to"; mes "me than you relying"; mes "on some guy that'll"; mes "try to rip you off!"; close; } } if (diamond_edq < 13) { mes "[Belder]"; mes "Welcome! So, do you"; mes "need money fast? Belder"; mes "Loans get you the money"; mes "you need at low interest rates!"; next; switch(select("Ask About Muff")) { case 1: mes "[Belder]"; mes "Muff? Oh! Is that"; mes "supposed to be a name?"; mes "I thought you meant--No."; mes "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."; next; mes "[Belder]"; mes "Huh? Collateral?"; mes "Now why would I refuse"; mes "to take back his money"; mes "if I really loaned it to him?"; mes "Leave me alone now, this kind"; mes "of talk is bad for business!"; close; } } if (diamond_edq > 12) { mes "[Belder]"; mes "He really found his bond"; mes "of debt? Damn it--I mean,"; mes "what a surprise! That's,"; mes "uh, real good for him."; mes "Now that I think of it, I did"; mes "loan a Muff money once."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "......"; next; mes "[Belder]"; mes "What's with that dirty look?"; mes "I've got nothing to hide!"; mes "Can't you see that I'm"; mes "the victim here? Me!"; mes "Just... Scram before you"; mes "make me more upset."; close; } mes "[Belder]"; mes "Welcome! Did you need"; mes "money fa--Oh. Hey, it's"; mes "you again, the do-gooder."; mes "Why don't you do me some"; mes "good, and go back where"; mes "you came from. Jerk."; close; OnTouch: if (diamond_edq < 3) { mes "[Belder]"; mes "Cash flow problems?"; mes "Well, I'm your solution!"; mes "I offer unsecured loans"; mes "at an extremely low interest"; mes "rate, twenty-four hours a day!"; mes "Belder Loans is Alberta's best!"; close; } end; } cmd_fild01,55,160,0 script Heap of Earth 844,{ if (diamond_edq == 1) { mes "^3355FFIt looks like someone"; mes "dug a hole in the ground,"; mes "and then covered it again.^000000"; next; switch(select("Dig Up the Spot:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "There must be something"; mes "in the ground. I better"; mes "dig it up and check..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Ergh...! Ugh!"; mes "This would be a lot"; mes "easier with a shovel!"; mes "Only a little more to go..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Hm? I hit something?"; mes "Let's--Yucky! It's so"; mes "wet and--Ugh! Nasty"; mes "little thing. Now what?"; mes "I dropped it! I have to"; mes "try to dig it up again..."; changequest 3100,3101; set diamond_edq,2; close; case 2: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Something isn't quite"; mes "kosher about all this."; mes "Nope, this time, I'm"; mes "not going to do this."; close; } } else if (diamond_edq == 2) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Here we are... It's..."; mes "A soggy wallet? This"; mes "must be the one Muff"; mes "lost. Oh, and the bond"; mes "of debt is inside... Mm..."; mes "Ugh, it's really soaked..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Well, I've done all"; mes "I can for now. I should"; mes "bring this back to Muff."; changequest 3101,3102; set diamond_edq,4; close; } if (diamond_edq > 3) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This is the same spot"; mes "I dug up from before."; mes "It's useless to me now!"; close; } mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh. There's a weird"; mes "bump in the ground. Well,"; mes "I can't just go looking at"; mes "anything that's slightly"; mes "out of the ordinary. Heh."; mes "I'm not weird like that."; close; } izlude_in,110,64,3 script Dorian 878,2,2,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ugh, just like a member"; mes "of the working class:"; mes "hoarding all your items"; mes "like a packrat? Have the"; mes "decency to relocate your"; mes "goods to Kafra Storage, please."; close; } if (diamond_edq < 6) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "You must be in awe"; mes "of my elegant, artistic"; mes "touch. In my hands, almost"; mes "anything can become a"; mes "work of art... Even you~"; close; } if (diamond_edq == 6) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "I am Inventor Dorian,"; mes "and I welcome you to my"; mes "workship. All I create is"; mes "infused with art's essence~"; mes "So... How may I assist you?"; next; switch(select("I want to use your Magic Dryer.:I want to be your student.:No, thanks.")) { case 1: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Magic Dryer? No, no, no."; mes "That, my friend, is my"; mes "Mystic Heater de Elegance."; mes "Don't disgrace my creation"; mes "like that. What, pray tell,"; mes "do you need to dry?"; next; switch(select("This Bond of Debt:My Hair:I'm just curious.")) { case 1: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Mm? My masterpiece is far"; mes "too sophisticated for such"; mes "petty purposes, but... You"; mes "intrigue me. Show me this"; mes "''bond of debt'' you wish"; mes "to restore. "; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, now I understand."; mes "This print is beyond"; mes "recognition. Only my creation"; mes "can restore the life that"; mes "nature has taken away! Yes..."; mes "You were right to come here."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Allow me to explain how"; mes "the Mystic Dryer de Elegance"; mes "works. A glamourous ruby"; mes "engine whose design was born"; mes "of my genius, generates a"; mes "powerful magnetic field."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "The ruby engine's"; mes "magnetic field operates"; mes "according to the ^FF00003 Centrifuge"; mes "Wavelength Theory^000000. Now,"; mes "pearl inset sensors detect"; mes "the amount of calibration..."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "Blah-blah--that's just"; mes "about it in a nutshell."; next; switch(select("Zzz...:Oh, please!")) { case 1: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "You... You fell asleep?"; mes "But I was dutifully explaining"; mes "the machine's operation!"; mes "No, no, I won't hear your"; mes "excuses. What's that?"; mes "You were listening?"; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Hm. Well then, let me"; mes "ask you this: what is the"; mes "main theory by which the"; mes "Mystic Heater de Elegance"; mes "operates? Hmm? Well?"; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "3 Centrifuge Wavelength Theory") { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "That's right. My apologies."; mes "I suppose I misjudged you."; mes "Yes, the magnetic field can"; mes "restore the shape and integrity"; mes "of damaged, inanimate objects."; mes "However, there is a problem."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "The ruby engine is broken,"; mes "and I've been too busy with"; mes "other projects as ordered by"; mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom."; mes "I'll need your assistance"; mes "to fix the engine. Alright?"; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "If you help me fix the"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance,"; mes "I'll allow you to use it"; mes "as much as you like. First,"; mes "I'd like you to gather all"; mes "of the repair materials."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Please procure"; mes "^FF000020 Rusty Screws^000000,"; mes "^FF000010 Iron Ores^000000,"; mes "^FF00005 Steel^000000,"; mes "^FF00002 Rubies^000000, and"; mes "^FF000010 Red Gemstones^000000."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Once you bring all the"; mes "repair materials, I'll"; mes "explain how you can"; mes "repair the Mystic"; mes "Dryer de Elegance."; changequest 3103,3104; set diamond_edq,9; close; } else { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Oh? You sound dissatisfied"; mes "with my explanation. Well..."; mes "I surely can't let you use the"; mes "machine unless you fathom"; mes "how it works. Otherwise,"; mes "you just might break it."; close; } case 2: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Were you too bored while"; mes "listening to me speak?"; mes "Ah! This wound! It's so..."; mes "Alas! It's too emotional!"; mes "I am seriously hurt!"; set diamond_edq,7; //PushPC 4 3 close; } break; case 2: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "How can you compare my"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance"; mes "to a simple hair dryer?"; mes "Your comment offends me!"; mes "I'm no mere engineer..."; mes "I'm a true virtuoso!"; set diamond_edq,7; //PushPC 4 3 close; case 3: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Allow me to explain how"; mes "the Mystic Dryer de Elegance"; mes "works. A glamourous ruby"; mes "engine whose design was born"; mes "of my genius, generates a"; mes "powerful magnetic field."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "The ruby engine's"; mes "magnetic field operates"; mes "according to the ^FF00003 Centrifuge"; mes "Wavelength Theory^000000. Now,"; mes "pearl inset sensors detect"; mes "the amount of calibration..."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "Blah-blah--that's just"; mes "about it in a nutshell."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "......"; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "I know, I know."; mes "Astounding, isn't it?"; close; } case 2: if (Sex == 1) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, my apologies."; mes "Too many have asked, so"; mes "I now only accept beautiful"; mes "female students. Don't be"; mes "too disappointed: I know"; mes "you can find someone else."; close; } else { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Mademoiselle, it is my"; mes "honor to meet you: even"; mes "the moon covers its face,"; mes "and roses raise their thorns,"; mes "shameful of themselves"; mes "and jealous of your beauty."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah! But why go under the"; mes "pretense of being my student"; mes "when we can leisurely spend"; mes "time together as lovers?"; mes "Won't you--Mademoiselle?"; mes "Wait, where are you going?"; close; } case 3: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "I don't have enough"; mes "time for trivel, so"; mes "please leave me to my"; mes "artistic endeavors and"; mes "bother me no longer."; close; } } if (diamond_edq == 7) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ugh, your behavior"; mes "from before disgusts me..."; mes "But those pitiful eyes..."; mes "Seeking sympathy. Ah,"; mes "you're only human."; mes "I shall forgive you."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Alright then. Please"; mes "listen carefully this time,"; mes "and don't insult my pride"; mes "again. When you are ready,"; mes "please come talk to me."; set diamond_edq,6; close; } if (diamond_edq) == 9 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, did you bring all"; mes "the materials I need to"; mes "repair the Mystic Dryer"; mes "de Elegance? Let me take"; mes "a glance at what you brought..."; next; if ((countitem(7317) > 19) && (countitem(1002) > 9) && (countitem(999) > 4) && (countitem(723) > 1) && (countitem(716) > 4)) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, well done. Now"; mes "that the materials are"; mes "ready, I can instruct you on"; mes "how to repair the machine."; next; delitem 7317,20; //Screw delitem 1002,10; //Iron_Ore delitem 999,5; //Steel delitem 723,2; //Cardinal_Jewel delitem 716,5; //Red_Gemstone changequest 3104,3105; set diamond_edq,10; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "I expect you to fail"; mes "a few times, but the"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance"; mes "is designed for durability:"; mes "even if you tried, you'd"; mes "have trouble scratching it."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "First, insert a new rough"; mes "ruby into the ruby engine,"; mes "and tighten the screw on"; mes "the joint until you hear"; mes "a ^0000FFclick^000000. You'll break it"; mes "if you tighten it further."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Next you'll need to"; mes "operate the four switches"; mes "coded by the colors red,"; mes "blue, yellow, and green."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Press the ^0000FFRed^000000 switch"; mes "if the engine is in 1st"; mes "Gear. Press the ^0000FFBlue^000000"; mes "switch in 2nd Gear,"; mes "^0000FFYellow^000000 for 3rd, and"; mes "^0000FFGreen^000000 for 4th."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "The engine's sound is the"; mes "only indicator of which"; mes "gear is running. You'll"; mes "have to figure that out"; mes "on your own. I'm sorry"; mes "I designed it that way..."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, one last tip!"; mes "If you enter the correct"; mes "engine gear, the machine"; mes "will start without a problem,"; mes "even if you press the same"; mes "switch more than once."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Please let me know"; mes "if you get it started so"; mes "I can verify if the Mystic"; mes "Dryer de Elegance is fully"; mes "operational. Good luck now~"; close; } else { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Oh? You're still missing"; mes "some materials. Well, we're"; mes "in no rush. If you already"; mes "forgot, then let me remind"; mes "you what you need to bring..."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Please procure"; mes "^FF000020 Rusty Screws^000000,"; mes "^FF000010 Iron Ores^000000,"; mes "^FF00005 Steel^000000,"; mes "^FF00002 Rubies^000000, and"; mes "^FF000010 Red Gemstones^000000."; close; } } if (diamond_edq) == 10 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Did you already forget"; mes "my instructions for fixing my"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance?"; mes "I can't blame you since"; mes "they're a bit complicated."; next; switch(select("Instructions:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "First, insert a new rough"; mes "ruby into the ruby engine,"; mes "and tighten the screw on"; mes "the joint until you hear"; mes "a ^0000FFclick^000000. You'll break it"; mes "if you tighten it further."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Next you'll need to"; mes "operate the four switches"; mes "coded by the colors red,"; mes "blue, yellow, and green."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Press the ^0000FFRed^000000 switch"; mes "if the engine is in 1st"; mes "Gear. Press the ^0000FFBlue^000000"; mes "switch in 2nd Gear,"; mes "^0000FFYellow^000000 for 3rd, and"; mes "^0000FFGreen^000000 for 4th."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "The engine's sound is the"; mes "only indicator of which"; mes "gear is running. You'll"; mes "have to figure that out"; mes "on your own. I'm sorry"; mes "I designed it that way..."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, one last tip!"; mes "If you enter the correct"; mes "engine gear, the machine"; mes "will start without a problem,"; mes "even if you press the same"; mes "switch more than once."; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Please let me know"; mes "if you get it started so"; mes "I can verify if the Mystic"; mes "Dryer de Elegance is fully"; mes "operational. Good luck now~"; close; case 2: mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Really? It's no problem"; mes "for me to explain it again"; mes "to you. Don't be shy now:"; mes "not all of us can be geniuses~"; close; } } if (diamond_edq) == 11 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, so you failed to"; mes "fix the Mystic Dryer de"; mes "Elegance? That's expected:"; mes "I didn't really design it for the^FFFFFF ^000000 common user in mind. Well,"; mes "why don't you try it again?"; erasequest 3106; set diamond_edq,10; close; } if (diamond_edq) == 12 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, I underestimated you."; mes "You really repaired the"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance~"; mes "This is a testament to my"; mes "incredible teaching prowess."; mes "Congratulations are in order!"; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Now all you have to do"; mes "is insert the damaged"; mes "document and press the"; mes "switch. Simple, yes?"; erasequest 3106; changequest 3105,3108; set diamond_edq,13; next; mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Well, I'm afraid my"; mes "usefulness to you has"; mes "been all used up. Ah,"; mes "but I'll make sure to"; mes "contact you if I need"; mes "your kind of help. Farewell~"; close; } if (diamond_edq) > 12 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ah, hello! How have"; mes "you been? Are you in need"; mes "of my artistic inventions?"; mes "Or did you just miss me?"; close; } //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if (diamond_edq) < 9 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Wh-what are you doing?"; mes "D-don't sully my wonderful"; mes "masterpieces with your"; mes "uncultured hands!"; close; } if (diamond_edq) == 9 { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Can't you see that the"; mes "machine won't work without"; mes "the materials? Even a simple"; mes "child should understand that!"; close; } end; } izlude_in,113,66,0 script Strange Machine 111,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Ugh, just like a member"; mes "of the working class:"; mes "hoarding all your items"; mes "like a packrat? Have the"; mes "decency to relocate your"; mes "goods to Kafra Storage, please."; close; } if (diamond_edq) == 10 { set .@bolt_rand,rand(2,5); mes "^3355FFThis must be Dorian's"; mes "Mystic Dryer de Elegance."; mes "What do you want to do?^000000"; next; while(1) { set .@switch_sound,rand(1,4); switch(select("Check the Machine:Replace the Engine:Tighten the Screw:Press a Switch")) { case 1: if (.@hit_status == 0) { mes "^3355FFThere's no power"; mes "in this behemoth"; mes "of a machine.^000000"; next; } break; case 2: if (.@engine == 0) { mes "^3355FFYou replace the rough"; mes "ruby in the ruby engine"; mes "with a new rough ruby."; mes "It clicks into place"; mes "inside the engine core.^000000"; next; set .@engine,.@engine+1; } else if (engine > 0) { mes "^3355FFThe ruby in the"; mes "engine has already"; mes "been replaced.^000000"; next; } break; case 3: if (.@engine < 1) { mes "^3355FFYou probably need"; mes "to replace the ruby"; mes "in the engine first.^000000"; next; } else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt < .@bolt_rand)) { mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000"; next; set .@bolt,.@bolt+1; } else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt == .@bolt_rand)) { mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000"; mes "^0000FF*Click*^000000"; next; set .@bolt,.@bolt+1; set .@bolt_suc,.@bolt_suc+1; } else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt > .@bolt_rand)) { mes "^3355FF*Krrrr-Krrrrr*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*KrrICK-ICK-ICK-KOOM*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFYou tightened the"; mes "screw too tightly!"; mes "The joint is broken..."; mes "You should go back"; mes "to Dorian for help.^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; } else { mes "^3355FFSomething must have"; mes "gone wrong. You'd be"; mes "better off starting"; mes "from the beginning...^000000"; close; } break; case 4: if ((.@engine < 1) && (.@bolt_suc < 1)) { mes "^3355FFYou need to replace"; mes "the engine's ruby and"; mes "tighten the main screw"; mes "before you mess with"; mes "these switches.^000000"; next; } else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt_suc < 1)) { mes "^3355FFYou need to tighten"; mes "the scren before you can"; mes "start the engine safely."; next; } else if ((.@red >= 1) && (.@blue >= 1) && (.@yellow >= 1) && (.@green >= 1)) { mes "^3355FFThe Mystic Dryer de"; mes "Elegance started with"; mes "a mighty buzz, and the"; mes "sound lowers to a calm"; mes "hum as it stabilizes."; mes "It looks like you fixed it!^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFYou should tell Dorian"; mes "first so that you can"; mes "use this machine.^000000"; setquest 3107; set diamond_edq,12; close; } else if ((.@engine == 1) && (.@bolt_suc == 1)) { if (.@switch_sound == 1) { mes "^3355FF*Buzz Buzz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Buzz Buzz*^000000"; mes "^3355FFThe machine is"; mes "vibrating weakly."; mes "Which switch do"; mes "you want to press?^000000"; next; switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) { default: mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; case 1: if (.@red >= 0) { mes "^3355FF*Buzzz Buzzz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine's"; mes "vibrations have"; mes "grown stronger."; mes "It looks like you"; mes "chose the right switch.^000000"; next; set .@red,.@red+1; } else { mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; } break; } } else if (.@switch_sound == 2) { mes "^3355FF*Purr Purr*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Purr Purr*^000000"; mes "^3355FFThe machine is vibrating"; mes "a little bit more strongly."; mes "Which switch will"; mes "you try now?^000000"; next; switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) { default: mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; case 2: if (.@blue >= 0) { mes "^3355FF*Purrr Purr*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine's"; mes "vibrations have"; mes "grown stronger."; mes "It looks like you"; mes "chose the right switch.^000000"; next; set .@blue,.@blue+1; } else { mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; } break; } } else if (.@switch_sound == 3) { mes "^3355FF*Bzzz Bzzz*"; mes "*Bzzz Bzzz*"; mes "The machine's vibrations"; mes "are a bit more stable now."; mes "Which switch will you try?^000000"; next; switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) { default: mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; case 3: if (.@yellow >= 0) { mes "^3355FF*Bzzzz Bzzzz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine's"; mes "vibrations have"; mes "grown stronger."; mes "It looks like you"; mes "chose the right switch.^000000"; next; set .@yellow,.@yellow+1; } else { mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; } break; } } else if (.@switch_sound == 4) { next; mes "^3355FF*Pzzzz Pzzz*"; mes "*Pzzzz Pzzz*"; mes "The machine is vibrating"; mes "fairly strongly now. Which"; mes "switch will you try?^000000"; next; switch(select("Red Switch:Blue Switch:Yellow Switch:Green Switch")) { default: mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; case 4: if (.@green >= 0) { mes "^3355FFPzzzzz Pzzzz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Clang...!*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine's"; mes "vibrations have"; mes "grown stronger."; mes "It looks like you"; mes "chose the right switch.^000000"; next; set .@green,.@green+1; } else { mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; mes "^3355FF*Whiz Whiz*^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe machine made some"; mes "violent, erratic sounds,"; mes "and vibrated violently"; mes "before coming to a sudden"; mes "stop. That was the wrong"; mes "switch. You'd better ask Dorian... ^FFFFFF ^000000"; setquest 3106; set diamond_edq,11; close; } break; } } } } } } if (diamond_edq == 12) { mes "[Dorian]"; mes "It sounds like you're"; mes "done fixing my Mystic"; mes "Dryer de Elegance."; mes "Why don't you come"; mes "back so I can explain"; mes "how you can use it?"; close; } if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) < 1)) { mes "^3355FFYou lift the main"; mes "operational switch,"; mes "turning on a light and"; mes "opening a convenient"; mes "slot. You insert the"; mes "wet bond of debt.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFThe engine's pistons"; mes "and cylinders churn"; mes "with a lively din, and"; mes "when the heater stops,"; mes "the slot reopens.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "So this is the original"; mes "bond of debt that Muff"; mes "lost? It looks... Perfect!"; changequest 3108,3109; getitem 7722,1; //Debt_Note close; } else if ((diamond_edq == 13) && (countitem(7722) > 0)) { mes "You already used this"; mes "machine to restore the"; mes "bond of debt. There's no"; mes "need to mess around"; mes "with it any longer."; close; } mes "[Dorian]"; mes "Who are you?"; mes "Don't you dare lay"; mes "a hand on my precious"; mes "masterpiece inventions! "; close; } // Broken Diamond //============================================================ moc_ruins,152,147,5 script Ibrahim 732,3,3,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "You're carrying too much"; mes "stuff with you. Dump it"; mes "in Kafra Storge, sell it,"; mes "drop it, whatever, before"; mes "you come talk to me, okay?"; close; } if (diamond_edq < 14) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Have you heard of the"; mes "Four Cursed Jewels?"; mes "I hear that one of them,"; mes "the Diamond of Destruction,"; mes "just appeared recently."; mes "What I'd do to find it..."; close; } if ((diamond_edq == 14) && (BaseLevel > 65)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "" + strcharinfo(0) + ", right?"; mes "Don't be too suprised."; mes "I've heard of you here"; mes "and there. Heh heh~!"; next; while(1) { switch(select("How can I help you?:What'd you hear?:Bye!")) { case 1: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I wanted to ask you about"; mes "the Four Cursed Jewels."; mes "All the merchants in the"; mes "area are talking about them."; mes "Anyway, I was able to obtain"; mes "the Diamond of Destruction!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "(^666666Hmm... He might"; mes "be talking about that"; mes "jewel Muff gave to Belder"; mes "as collateral for his debt.^000000)"; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I paid a hefty sum for it,"; mes "but then I lost it after"; mes "just a few days. I kept it"; mes "under high security, but"; mes "that didn't stop the thief..."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "It's a risky job, but"; mes "I want to employ you to"; mes "find where my diamond went."; mes "It'd be best if you could get"; mes "it back, but I can understand"; mes "if you can't. You up for it?"; next; switch(select("Sure, I'll help you.:No, sorry.")) { case 1: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Great! I knew it was"; mes "a good idea to find you."; mes "The thief didn't leave any"; mes "clues, but he should have"; mes "some problems selling the gem."; mes "It's one of a kind, you know."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Visiting the large"; mes "jewelry shops in the"; mes "Rune-Midgarts Kingdom"; mes "would be a good start."; mes "Their merchants know the"; mes "most about those jewels."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "The thief will also have"; mes "to sell the jewel to a jeweler"; mes "that can afford astronomical"; mes "prices. There are three big"; mes "locations you should check."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Find ^0000FFJhonnita^000000 in Alberta,"; mes "^0000FFKimeunbang^000000 in Payon, and"; mes "^0000FFLeblo^000000 in Geffen. They wanted "; mes "that diamond badly too, so"; mes "they'll remember if they"; mes "heard any clues about it."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Please don't let them"; mes "know I've hired you to"; mes "investigate that diamond."; mes "They won't speak to you"; mes "if they figure out that"; mes "I've sent you to them."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Well, I'll be right"; mes "here. I hope you come"; mes "back with some good news."; setquest 3110; set diamond_edq,15; close; case 2: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Really? I went through"; mes "a lot of trouble to find"; mes "you, but... I understand."; mes "If you have a change of"; mes "heart, I'll be willing to"; mes "hire you for your expertise."; close; } case 2: if ((BaseJob == Job_Novice) || (BaseJob == Job_Supernovice)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "So it's true..."; mes "People say you're"; mes "just a Novice, but"; mes "you still help them"; mes "out with their problems."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Swordman) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I've got a few buddies"; mes "in the Swordman Association."; mes "They dropped your name when"; mes "I mentioned I was looking"; mes "for someone smart and strong."; close; } else if (BaseClass == CRUSADER) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Heh, so you really"; mes "are one of those holy"; mes "knights. I'm glad to"; mes "have met you for myself."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I didn't think a member"; mes "of the clergy would be so"; mes "strong, but you know, your"; mes "reputation precedes you."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Merchant) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Hey, if I didn't know"; mes "your name, how could I call"; mes "myself a Merchant? You set"; mes "an example for us all~"; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Blacksmith) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "We have a mutual friend,"; mes "you know that? Aragham"; mes "really spoke highly of you."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Alcehmist) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I know a guy who knows"; mes "a guy in the Alchemist Guild."; mes "Around their parts, it sounds"; mes "like you're pretty hot stuff."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Magician) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Magic is totally beyond"; mes "my understanding, but"; mes "if it gets the job done,"; mes "it can't be all bad."; mes "I hear you're really"; mes "good at that stuff."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Thief) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Heh, it sounds like almost"; mes "anyone who's anyone in"; mes "Morroc knows who you are."; mes "Pleasure to make your"; mes "acquaintance~"; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Archer) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Anyone who's used"; mes "a bow seems to drop"; mes "your name when it comes"; mes "to accuracy and heroism."; mes "Hard to believe that I'm"; mes "actually talking to you~"; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_Bard) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Is it really true?"; mes "I hear you sing"; mes "like an angel..."; close; } else if (BaseClass == Job_dancer) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Is it really true?"; mes "I hear you dance"; mes "like the devil..."; close; } else if ((Class == Job_Star_Gladiator) || (Class == Job_Star_Gladiator2)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Me and your old master,"; mes "Phoenix, we go way back."; mes "He had nothing but pride"; mes "when he talked about you~"; close; } else if (Class == Job_Soul_Linker) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I heard your name from"; mes "this spiritual message"; mes "I got from a dream. That"; mes "doesn't sound crazy to"; mes "you, does it?"; close; } case 3: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Aren't you the least"; mes "bit curious how I know"; mes "about you? Wait, come back!"; mes "I'm not really that suspicious!"; close; } } } if (diamond_edq == 15) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Find ^0000FFJhonnita^000000 in Alberta,"; mes "^0000FFKimeunbang^000000 in Payon, and"; mes "^0000FFLeblo^000000 in Geffen. They wanted "; mes "that diamond badly too, so"; mes "they'll remember if they"; mes "heard any clues about it."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Please don't let them"; mes "know I've hired you to"; mes "investigate that diamond."; mes "They won't speak to you"; mes "if they figure out that"; mes "I've sent you to them."; close; } if ((diamond_edq > 15) && (diamond_edq < 25)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Are you still investigating"; mes "the diamond's whereabouts?"; mes "Well, I hope you can bring"; mes "me back good news soon."; close; } if (diamond_edq == 25) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Oh, you're back."; mes "Made any headway in"; mes "your investigation of the"; mes "Diamond of Destruction?"; next; select("Explain What You Learned"); mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "What?! The Z Gang stole"; mes "my diamond? No wonder!"; mes "I bet they wanted to use its"; mes "curse for something evil."; mes "How about the jewel?"; mes "Did you retrieve it?"; next; select("Give Diamond of Destruction"); mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Oh! Great! So it was"; mes "in the Z Gang's hideout?"; mes "Wow, even after hearing so"; mes "much about you, you still"; mes "exceeded my expectations!"; next; delitem 7723,1; //Diamond_Of_Ruin mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Thank God, I finally"; mes "have this back! Ah, and"; mes "as for your payment..."; mes "Well, I don't know if"; mes "it's enough for what you"; mes "did, but I hope you like it."; completequest 3118; set diamond_edq,26; getitem 732,2; //Crystal_Jewel__ getitem 603,1; //Old_Blue_Box next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Now that I have the"; mes "Diamond of Destruction"; mes "again, I can research"; mes "more about its strange"; mes "properties. I'll contact you"; mes "again if I need your help."; close; } if (diamond_edq == 26) { if (jewel_nd == 0) { if ((treasure_nd > 10) && (BaseLevel > 65)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, I hear from a friend"; mes "in Morroc that you happened"; mes "to obtain the Unlucky Emerald."; mes "I'm sure it's one of the Four"; mes "Cursed Jewels. You wouldn't"; mes "mind if I look at it, do you?"; next; switch(select("No!:Sure, why not?")) { case 1: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "No? Well, I'm sure you"; mes "have your reasons. Still,"; mes "maybe I can learn something"; mes "that would benefit both of"; mes "us if I examined it."; close; case 2: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, I appreciate it!"; mes "Now, let's see here..."; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Yes, judging from its"; mes "characteristic shape, this"; mes "is the cursed emerald."; mes "Like me, you now possess"; mes "one of the Four Cursed Jewels."; next; } else { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Hm? Did you happen to"; mes "misplace your emerald?"; mes "I mean, it's not with you..."; close; } } mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Tell me, what were"; mes "you planning to do with"; mes "the Unlucky Emerald?"; next; switch(select("I'm going to sell it.:I'm going to study it.")) { case 1: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Oh, you weren't going"; mes "to keep it? I wish I could"; mes "afford to buy it from you..."; mes "But I've had enough trouble"; mes "buying the Diamond of"; mes "Destruction."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "You already met several"; mes "renown jewelers while"; mes "you were looking for the"; mes "dimaond. Why don't you ask"; mes "them if they'll buy that"; mes "Unlucky Emerald from you?"; set jewel_nd,1; close; case 2: mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, I applaud your"; mes "thirst for knowledge,"; mes "your quest to seek truth."; mes "If you really want an expert"; mes "to look at the emerald, talk"; mes "to this scholar in Comodo."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "This man is an antique"; mes "appraiser, an specialist in"; mes "ancient artifacts and treasure."; mes "I highly recommend consulting"; mes "him since he's been invaluable"; mes "in my own jewel research."; set jewel_nd,10; close; } } else if ((treasure_nd > 10) && (BaseLevel < 66)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I heard that you obtained"; mes "the Unlucky Emerald from"; mes "a friend in Morroc. Let me"; mes "warn you that you might not"; mes "be strong enough to handle"; mes "its power. Be careful."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "If you're not wary,"; mes "its curse might destroy"; mes "you. Understand?"; close; } else { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Thank you for all"; mes "you've done for me. I'll"; mes "continue my research in the"; mes "cursed jewel's powers, and"; mes "I'll contact you if I need your"; mes "help again. Take care~"; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 1) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I don't have the funds"; mes "to buy your emerald at"; mes "a fair price, but why don't"; mes "you ask the other jewelers?"; mes "They might be interested"; mes "in buying your jewel."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 2) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, you're back~"; mes "So were you able to"; mes "sell the Unlucky Emerald?"; next; select("Everyone seems scared!"); mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, I see now. They"; mes "must be too afraid of"; mes "that particular jewel's"; mes "curse. Huh. Weird."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I guess the Diamond of"; mes "Destruction is considered"; mes "pretty safe since it's been"; mes "around for a while without"; mes "any strange incidents."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "You just dug up the"; mes "emerald? I suppose it"; mes "might be too soon to sell it."; mes "Not too many people will"; mes "test their luck with that gem,"; mes "now that I think about it."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Ah, here's an idea."; mes "Why don't you ask my"; mes "scholar friend in Comodo"; mes "to examine it? Maybe you"; mes "can learn more about the"; mes "emerald's so-called curse."; next; mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "I'll go ahead and send"; mes "him a message ahead of"; mes "time so that he'll know to"; mes "expect your arrival, okay?"; set jewel_nd,9; close; } else if ((jewel_nd == 9) || (jewel_nd == 10)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Why don't you visit my"; mes "scholar friend in Comodo,"; mes "and ask him to examine your"; mes "Unlucky Emerald? The more"; mes "you learn about that so-called"; mes "curse, the better. Good luck!"; close; } else { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Oh, so what have you"; mes "learned about the Unlucky"; mes "Emerald so far? Hmmm. Yes,"; mes "very intriguing. Good luck"; mes "with your research efforts~"; close; } } mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Have you heard of"; mes "the Four Cursed Jewels?"; mes "I wish to retrieve my"; mes "Diamond of Destruction,"; mes "but whoever has it has"; mes "kept it well hidden..."; close; //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if ((diamond_edq == 14) && (BaseLevel > 65)) { mes "[Ibrahim]"; mes "Psst, adventurer!"; mes "You're " + strcharinfo(0) + ", right?"; mes "There's something"; mes "I'd like to discuss"; mes "with you in private!"; close; } end; } alberta,102,80,3 script Jhonnita 86,{ if ((diamond_edq == 15) || (diamond_edq == 16)) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Oh, it's always nice"; mes "to see a new face~"; mes "So were you interested"; mes "in selling or buying"; mes "a jewel? We only carry"; mes "the best. Hahahaha!"; next; switch(select("What's the most popular jewel?:Do you know Diamond of Destruction?")) { case 1: mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Ah, take a look at this"; mes "lustrous ruby. Isn't it"; mes "just breathtaking? It can"; mes "be yours for the specially"; mes "discounted price of just"; mes "1,000,000 zeny!"; next; mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Wait, where are you--?"; mes "Damn, I shouldn't have"; mes "marked it up so much."; mes "Rookie mistake, rookie"; mes "mistake! I'm a professional!"; close; case 2: mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Diamond of Destruction?"; mes "Heh heh! A rookie like you"; mes "wouldn't appreciate its true"; mes "value. I wanted it so badly,"; mes "but that Ibrahim was much"; mes "luckier that I was..."; next; mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "It makes me so upset to"; mes "think about how I lost to"; mes "him. All the big jewelers"; mes "are trying to snatch up"; mes "the Four Cursed Jewels..."; mes "But only one showed up so far."; close; } } else if (diamond_edq == 26) { if (jewel_nd == 0) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Hey. You look familiar."; mes "You're not one of my"; mes "regulars, are you?"; mes "No, couldn't be."; mes "You're not dressed"; mes "richly enough. No offense."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 1) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "So you here to sell"; mes "any Garlets, or did you"; mes "come to spend your life"; mes "savings on my jewels?"; next; switch(select("Show me some jewels...:I have a rare emerald to sell...")) { case 1: mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "It couldn't hurt to"; mes "show you my wares, but..."; mes "I doubt you can afford them."; mes "Jewels aren't cheap, you know?"; next; if (Sex) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Oh, I get it now. You want"; mes "to give one as a present to"; mes "some woman. Isn't that typical?"; mes "Can't you come up with a more"; mes "creative way to buy some"; mes "woman's love? Huh?"; close; } else { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Sorry, sweetheart, but"; mes "I have a strict ''no window"; mes "shopping'' policy. "; close; } case 2: if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Rare emerald, eh?"; mes "It better not be something"; mes "like a Garlet or a Zargon!"; mes "Sometimes you guys make"; mes "that kind of mistake."; mes "Okay, let's see..."; next; mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "......"; mes "Umm..."; next; mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "...........................Um."; mes "It's an incredibly nice"; mes "emerald, but I can't take"; mes "this off your hands. Er,"; mes "would you be on your way?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? But why?"; next; mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "J-just get out of my"; mes "shop! Go... Go to Payon"; mes "and talk to Kimeunbang!"; mes "Y-yeah, and don't come back!"; set jewel_nd,2; close; } else { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "What'd I tell you, huh?"; mes "I don't want you here"; mes "in my shop anymore!"; close; } } } else if (jewel_nd == 2) { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Look, I'll level with you."; mes "Rumors spread fast amongst"; mes "us jewelers. Nobody will get"; mes "near you if they know you"; mes "have that jewel. You get it"; mes "now? Please... Stay back..."; close; } else { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "I don't want anything"; mes "to do with your weird"; mes "emerald or with you."; mes "Aren't you leaving"; mes "already? Go away!"; close; } } else { mes "[Jhonnita]"; mes "Are you here to buy or"; mes "sell any jewels? I always"; mes "buy high and sell low."; mes "Come to me for all of"; mes "your gem related needs~"; close; } } payon,69,65,5 script Kimeunbang 89,{ if (diamond_edq == 15) { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Zzzz... Huh?"; mes "Why'd you wake me?"; mes "Such a good dream too."; mes "Go to another jewelry shop,"; mes "I don't feel like opening up."; next; switch(select("What's wrong?:Diamond of Destruction?")) { case 1: mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "I'm just disappointed."; mes "I was so close to getting"; mes "that Diamond of Destruction."; mes "So close! Belder, my business"; mes "partner, actually snatched"; mes "it up from some poor sap."; next; mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Somehow, Belder ended up"; mes "returning the jewel. I was"; mes "going to buy the jewel from"; mes "the original owner, but then"; mes "this upstart jeweler got to"; mes "it before I could. Damn it!"; next; mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "This was a monumental"; mes "failure. I haven't been"; mes "able to sleep, I don't want"; mes "to work. Ugh. Well, thanks"; mes "for letting me get that off"; mes "my chest. I feel a bit better."; next; mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Here, take this as"; mes "a little gift. Not all of us"; mes "jewelers are as greedy"; mes "as you think we are. Heh."; getitem 722,1; //Scarlet_Jewel set diamond_edq,16; close; case 2: mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Oh! That diamond is the"; mes "very reason for my agony!"; mes "I was so close to getting it..."; mes "But then someone got to the"; mes "diamond before I did. Argh!"; close; } } else if (diamond_edq == 26) { if (jewel_nd == 0) { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "I don't feel like opening"; mes "my shop any time soon, but"; mes "you can always come back later."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 1) { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Oh, hello. Looks like"; mes "I'm back in business~"; next; switch(select("I have a jewel to sell.:How are you?")) { case 1: mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Really? Alright, just"; mes "give me a minute to"; mes "appraise your gem."; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "..........."; mes "..........."; next; mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I just"; mes "can't buy this emerald."; mes "It's... It's too big of"; mes "a risk. The rumors I keep"; mes "hearing, they're just horrible."; set jewel_nd,2; close; } else { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Hm? Where's this"; mes "jewel you were talking"; mes "about? Did you forget"; mes "to bring it with you?"; close; } break; case 2: mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "I don't even feel like"; mes "talking about my business."; mes "I've been considering closing"; mes "up shop for good, actually."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 2) { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "No jeweler around will"; mes "buy that cursed emerald."; mes "I'm really sorry. You can"; mes "try talking to Ibrahim, though."; mes "He's the one that got that"; mes "Diamond of Destruction."; close; } else { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "Ugh... The stress"; mes "of the jewel business"; mes "is finally getting to me."; mes "Oh well, I've had a good run..."; close; } } else { mes "[Kimeunbang]"; mes "I don't feel like opening"; mes "my shop any time soon, but"; mes "you can always come back later."; close; } } geffen,128,153,3 script Leblo 883,{ if ((diamond_edq == 15) || (diamond_edq == 16)) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh, I've heard about"; mes "you. You're the one that's"; mes "been asking questions about"; mes "the Diamond of Destruction."; next; emotion e_omg,1; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Don't be so suprised:"; mes "word travels fast in the"; mes "jewel industry. Well, if you"; mes "want to learn more, you'll"; mes "have to do something for"; mes "me first. We have a deal?"; next; switch(select("Deal.:No, thanks.")) { case 1: mes "[Leblo]"; mes "I've been suffering back"; mes "pain lately, and none of"; mes "the medicines do any good."; mes "I resorted to seeing this"; mes "famous doctor in Payon, but"; mes "then I totally screwed it up."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "She was such a nag, and"; mes "I said something... unpleasant"; mes "to her. Now she refuses to"; mes "examine me! But if I sent"; mes "you, then you could get"; mes "some medicine for me."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "She knows my symptoms"; mes "so if you make her happy,"; mes "she'll give you my medicine..."; mes "I hope. Anyway, her name is"; mes "^0000FFWola^000000, and she's in Payon."; changequest 3110,3111; set diamond_edq,17; close; case 2: mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh, yeah? Well, that's"; mes "fine with me. I don't"; mes "have anything to lose."; close; } } if (diamond_edq == 17) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Please look for a female"; mes "doctor named ^0000FFWola^000000 in Payon."; mes "Do what you can to get my"; mes "medicine from her... Oh,"; mes "and try to be nice~ "; close; } if (diamond_edq == 21) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh? Is that... Is that my"; mes "medicine? Thank goodness!"; mes " Hm? Oh, so I misunderstood"; mes " her. I thought she was awfully"; mes " arrogant, but she was just"; mes " concerned for my health."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "I better make it a point"; mes "to properly apologize to"; mes "her the next time I see her."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Right, I need to tell"; mes "you about the Diamond of"; mes "Destruction. Listen carefully."; mes "A while ago, a young couple"; mes "tried to sell me that very"; mes "jewel. Suspicious, eh?"; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "I had no interest in"; mes "buying it, so I actually"; mes "offered them a much lower"; mes "price than they hoped."; mes "Now that I think about it..."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "That man and woman looked"; mes "like the members of that"; mes "infamous Z Gang. Heh!"; mes "I should have reported it,"; mes "but... You know. Back"; mes "pain and all that."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "I hear the Rogue Guild"; mes "is secretly investigating"; mes "the Z Gang, so that couple"; mes "must have plenty of enemies."; mes "So... Yeah. The Z Gang has"; mes "the Diamond of Destruction."; next; mes "[Leblo]"; mes "You should talk with one"; mes "of the investigators of the"; mes "Rogue Guild if you want to"; mes "learn more about the Z Gang."; mes "Pretty useful info, huh?"; mes "Take care, my friend."; changequest 3114,3115; set diamond_edq,22; close; } if (diamond_edq == 22) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "You should talk with one"; mes "of the investigators of the"; mes "Rogue Guild if you want to"; mes "learn more about the Z Gang."; mes "Pretty useful info, huh?"; mes "Take care, my friend."; close; } if (diamond_edq == 26) { if (jewel_nd == 0) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Hm? I'm sorry, but"; mes "I'm pretty busy with"; mes "all my other customers."; mes "Besides, you don't strike"; mes "me as a jewel seller or"; mes "buyer. Please excuse me..."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 1) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh, hey. Did you"; mes "have any business"; mes "with me today?"; next; switch(select("I have a jewel to sell.:No, not really.")) { case 1: mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh, yeah? Well then,"; mes "I'm curious now. You"; mes "mind if I take a look?"; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Now, what do we ha--"; mes "Oh. I'm sorry, but I just"; mes "can't buy this. I hate to"; mes "break it to you, but I hear"; mes "that thing has an awful curse."; mes "See what you can do about that!"; set jewel_nd,2; close; } else { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Hmm. The jewel"; mes "you were just"; mes "talking about..."; mes "Did you remember"; mes "to bring it with you?"; close; } case 2: mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh, yeah? Well, that's"; mes "fine too. No skin off"; mes "my nose, that's what"; mes "I always say."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 2) { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Oh. I'm sorry, but I just"; mes "can't buy this. I hate to"; mes "break it to you, but I hear"; mes "that thing has an awful curse."; mes "See what you can do about that!"; close; } else { mes "[Leblo]"; mes "I'm sorry that you're"; mes "the one that currently"; mes "has that jewel. Hopefully,"; mes "the curse is just a rumor..."; mes "But, well, I didn't get this"; mes "old by taking chances..."; close; } } mes "[Leblo]"; mes "Hello, are you interested"; mes "in buying or selling any"; mes "precious jewels?"; close; } payon_in03,167,149,3 script Wola 75,2,2,{ if (checkweight(907,1) == 0) { mes "^3355FFWait a second!"; mes "Right now, you're carrying"; mes "too many things with you."; mes "Please come back after"; mes "using the Kafra Service"; mes "to store some of your items.^000000"; close; } if (diamond_edq == 18) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Hello? I'm here to"; mes "see Doctor Wola."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Oh... Ah... Um..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Excuse me, but do you"; mes "know where I can find her?"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "I, um..."; mes "Oh no! Wah!"; mes "See what you did?!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I... I don't know"; mes "what you're talking"; mes "about. I'm just wanted"; mes "to talk to Doctor Wola."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "I'm Doctor Wola!"; mes "And look! You made me"; mes "drop the herbal medicine"; mes "I was brewing! The pot"; mes "is all broken now..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? Oh, I'm..."; mes "I'm really sorry."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "That's... That's"; mes "quite alright. It's"; mes "my fault, really."; mes "Waaah~! My pot!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I'm sorry, I don't know"; mes "what's going on exactly."; mes "Was that pot expensive?"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Oh, I'm acting stupid"; mes "again! I don't have time"; mes "to cry over a broken pot!"; mes "I need to check my hands"; mes "for any cuts! If they're"; mes "hurt, I can't help anyone!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That's, uh, that"; mes "sounds pretty serious."; mes "So how are your hands?"; mes "They don't hurt, do they?"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Oooh, never mind that!"; mes "They're fine, thank goodness."; mes "What's important now is that"; mes "you help me fix my herbal"; mes "medicine pot. You're partly"; mes "responsible, you know."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Okay. Just tell"; mes "me what I should do."; mes "Hold on, I came here to"; mes "ask you if you'd give me"; mes "some medicine. You see--"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Perfect! All the more"; mes "reason you should help"; mes "me fix this pot! I can't"; mes "make any medicine without"; mes "this pot now, can I? Let's"; mes "see... I'll need glue, glue..."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Hurry and get"; mes "^0000FF20 Fine Sands^000000,"; mes "^0000FF5 Empty Bottles^000000,"; mes "^0000FF10 Brigans^000000, and"; mes "^0000FF10 Soft Blades of Grass^000000."; mes "There's no time to waste!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You... You got it."; changequest 3111,3112; set diamond_edq,19; close; } if (diamond_edq == 19) { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Good, you're back."; mes "So you brought everything"; mes "I need to glue my pot"; mes "back together again?"; next; if ((countitem(7043) > 19) && (countitem(7054) > 9) && (countitem(7194) > 9) && (countitem(713) > 4)) { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Great. Give them here."; mes "I should grind this, mix"; mes "that... Wait, was that right?"; mes "What were these for again?"; mes "Argh, I'm acting stupid again!"; mes "You mind not watching me?"; delitem 7043,20; //Fine_Sand delitem 7054,10; //Brigan delitem 7194,10; //Soft_Leaf delitem 713,5; //Empty_Bottle next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Just... Just sit in"; mes "that corner, don't say"; mes "anything, and wait till"; mes "I say I'm done, okay?!"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "There. It's finally"; mes "fixed. Oh wait, did you"; mes "say something about needing"; mes "some medicine? I completely"; mes "forgot about that for a while."; mes "What did you say exactly?"; changequest 3112,3113; set diamond_edq,20; next; switch(select("Will you go out with me?:Leblo's back medicine?")) { case 1: if (Sex) { mes "[Wola]"; mes "^666666*Blush*^000000 But it's too"; mes "early for us to just go"; mes "on a date. I'm sorry, it's..."; mes "I have someone in mind."; mes "Still, I'm flattered that"; mes "you think of me that way."; close; } else { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Wow, I can't believe"; mes "I'm turning you down--"; mes "a little surprised,"; mes "actually. But yes."; mes "I have someone I like."; mes "And it's not really you. Sorry."; close; } case 2: mes "[Wola]"; mes "Leblo... Oh, that"; mes "man in Geffen? Finally..."; mes "He has the sense to send"; mes "someone to get his meds."; mes "I already prepared it."; mes "Where did I put it now?"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "I want to double check"; mes "his medicine first so"; mes "please tell him that I'll"; mes "have it delivered to him"; mes "shortly. In a while, maybe?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Um, you're not mad or"; mes "anything? I gathered that"; mes "you didn't like him much..."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "What are saying?"; mes "I'm a doctor: we're duty"; mes "bound to heal everyone we can!"; mes "That's not to say that some"; mes "patients suffer longer and"; mes "more painful treatment..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "(^666666She hates him!"; mes "But I guess Leblo's life"; mes "should be okay in her hands.^000000)"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Alright, just let Leblo"; mes "know that I'm taking care"; mes "of him, that his life should"; mes "be okay in my hands. I need"; mes "to get back to work: please"; mes "take care of yourself!"; changequest 3113,3114; set diamond_edq,21; close; } } else { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Hurry and get"; mes "^0000FF20 Fine Sands^000000,"; mes "^0000FF5 Empty Bottles^000000,"; mes "^0000FF10 Brigans^000000, and"; mes "^0000FF10 Soft Blades of Grass^000000."; mes "There's no time to waste!"; next; mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You... You got it."; close; } } if (diamond_edq == 20) { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Sorry, I completely"; mes "missed what you said"; mes "earlier. Something about"; mes "needing medicine from me?"; next; switch(select("Will you go out with me?:Leblo's back medicine?")) { case 1: if (Sex == 1) { mes "^666666*Blush*^000000 But it's too"; mes "early for us to just go"; mes "on a date. I'm sorry, it's..."; mes "I have someone in mind."; mes "Still, I'm flattered that"; mes "you think of me that way."; close; } else { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Wow, I can't believe"; mes "I'm turning you down--"; mes "a little surprised,"; mes "actually. But yes."; mes "I have someone I like."; mes "And it's not really you. Sorry."; close; } case 2: mes "[Wola]"; mes "Leblo... Oh, that"; mes "man in Geffen? Finally..."; mes "He has the sense to send"; mes "someone to get his meds."; mes "I already prepared it."; mes "Where did I put it now?"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "I want to double check"; mes "his medicine first so"; mes "please tell him that I'll"; mes "have it delivered to him"; mes "shortly. In a while, maybe?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Um, you're not mad or"; mes "anything? I gathered that"; mes "you didn't like him much..."; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "What are saying?"; mes "I'm a doctor: we're duty"; mes "bound to heal everyone we can!"; mes "That's not to say that some"; mes "patients suffer longer and"; mes "more painful treatment..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "(^666666She hates him!"; mes "But I guess Leblo's life"; mes "should be okay in her hands.^000000)"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "Alright, just let Leblo"; mes "know that I'm taking care"; mes "of him, that his life should"; mes "be okay in my hands. I need"; mes "to get back to work: please"; mes "take care of yourself!"; changequest 3113,3114; set diamond_edq,21; close; } } mes "[Wola]"; mes "Food has a dramatic"; mes "effect on your body:"; mes "treat it like a drug, and"; mes "watch what you eat. Oh,"; mes "and do your research!"; next; mes "[Wola]"; mes "You know, your lifestyle"; mes "and habits determine"; mes "your health in the future."; mes "Take care of yourself!"; close; OnTouch: if (diamond_edq == 17) { mes "[Wola]"; mes "Oh, how can this be"; mes "happening? What "; mes "should I do?"; set diamond_edq,18; close; } end; } in_rogue,366,46,3 script Rogue Investigator 828,{ if ((diamond_edq == 22) && (BaseJob == Job_Rogue)) { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Oh, remember me?"; mes "It's been a long time"; mes "so I can't blame you:"; mes "I was there when you"; mes "first joined our guild!"; mes "So what brings you here?"; next; select("Ask About the Z Gang"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Ah, Z Gang, you said?"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Oh, yeah, we're investigating"; mes "those guys. We actually found"; mes "their hideout, but then they"; mes "escaped before we could even"; mes "catch them. Wily bastards..."; mes "I think they were tipped off!"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "A few of our Rogue agents"; mes "are investigating the hideout,"; mes "but I doubt they can find"; mes "anything useful there."; next; select("Where's the hideout?"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Well, it's a large"; mes "warehouse over in Comodo."; mes "You're free to scope out"; mes "the place if you really want."; mes "But chances are slim that"; mes "you'll find anything at all."; close; } else if ((diamond_edq == 22) && (BaseClass == Job_Thief)) { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Hey, how's it going?"; mes "You ever consider joining"; mes "the Rogues? It'd be a lot"; mes "of fun. You're welcome to"; mes "look around, so feel free"; mes "to ask me any questions."; next; select("Ask About the Z Gang"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Oh, yeah, we're investigating"; mes "those guys. We actually found"; mes "their hideout, but then they"; mes "escaped before we could even"; mes "catch them. Wily bastards..."; mes "I think they were tipped off!"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "A few of our Rogue agents"; mes "are investigating the hideout,"; mes "but I doubt they can find"; mes "anything useful there."; next; select("Where's the hideout?"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Well, I'm not sure if"; mes "I can just tell you that"; mes "kind of information. I mean,"; mes "you're not a member of our"; mes "guild... Yet. What can I do?"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "I got it. I'll just tell my"; mes "boss that you bribed me"; mes "with 10,000 zeny. Not too"; mes "much, is it? We Rogues are"; mes "pretty bad... But not that bad."; next; switch(select("Sounds good!:Never mind, I'll find it myself...")) { case 1: if (Zeny > 9999) { set zeny,zeny-10000; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Thanks for the money~"; mes "Of course, if you became"; mes "a Rogue, this amount is"; mes "nothing compared to what"; mes "you can gank. ^666666*Ahem*^000000"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "The Z Gang's old hideout"; mes "is a large warehouse over"; mes "in Comodo. I doubt you'll"; mes "find anything there, but"; mes "you can go check it out. "; changequest 3115,3116; set diamond_edq,23; close; } else { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Aw, what am I gonna"; mes "do if my boss askes to"; mes "see the money? We've got"; mes "to make this bribe authentic!"; close; } case 2: mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Be my guest, maybe it'll be"; mes "a good learning experience."; mes "But yeah, come back when"; mes "you think about changing"; mes "your job, okay? Be a Rogue~"; close; } } else if (diamond_edq == 22) { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Whoa, what are you doin'"; mes "here? I've got no beef with"; mes "you, but some Rogues, see,"; mes "some Rogues, have got a "; mes "lot of beef. Uh, what'd you"; mes "want? Not a fight, I hope."; next; select("Ask About the Z Gang"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Those guys have been"; mes "bothering everyone!"; mes "Yeah, I guess you can"; mes "say we're united on this."; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Oh, yeah, we're investigating"; mes "those guys. We actually found"; mes "their hideout, but then they"; mes "escaped before we could even"; mes "catch them. Wily bastards..."; mes "I think they were tipped off!"; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "A few of our Rogue agents"; mes "are investigating the hideout,"; mes "but I doubt they can find"; mes "anything useful there."; next; select("Where's the hideout?"); mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Uh, I can't just give"; mes "you that information"; mes "if you're not a member"; mes "of our guild. But since"; mes "we're together on this,"; mes "I'll just ask for 10,000 zeny."; next; switch(select("Sounds good!:Forget it...")) { case 1: if (Zeny > 9999) { set zeny,zeny-10000; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Right on, right on."; mes "Alright, I didn't charge"; mes "you much since the hideout"; mes "is a large warehouse in"; mes "Comodo where I doubt you'll"; mes "find anything. But who knows? "; changequest 3115,3116; set diamond_edq,23; close; } else { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Hey, this isn't enough"; mes "money. I thought people"; mes "in your job made more"; mes "zeny than this everyday!"; close; } case 2: mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Alright, but I think"; mes "you'll need a little"; mes "extra help finding that"; mes "place. I mean, Rogues are"; mes "hiding experts, and even"; mes "we had some trouble!"; close; } } mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Geez, I'm so sleepy..."; mes "Everyone's out on a mission,"; mes "and I'm stuck here on guard"; mes "duty. When can I see some"; mes "action again? Ugh! Rogues"; mes "hate standing in one place!"; close; } cmd_in02,94,208,5 script Investigator 828,{ if ((diamond_edq == 22) || (diamond_edq == 23)) { if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Hey, pal. You part"; mes "of the guild? Nice."; mes "If they sent you to help"; mes "out, well, there's nothing"; mes "to do here. This place is"; mes "pretty much cleaned out."; close; } else { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "What do you want?"; mes "Oh, your guild musta"; mes "sent you to help out."; mes "Yeah. We investigated."; mes "Didn't find anything."; mes "The Z Gang's long gone."; next; mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Feel free to look"; mes "around, but if you ask"; mes "me, it's a waste of time."; close; } } else { mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Yeesh, I'm stuck here"; mes "till I receive my new"; mes "orders from the guild."; mes "They didn't... They didn't"; mes "forget about me, did they?"; close; } } cmd_in02,69,188,1 script Small Safe 844,{ if ((diamond_edq == 22) || (diamond_edq == 23)) { mes "^3355FFThere is a small"; mes "safe hidden under the"; mes "shadows of these boxes.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Looks like the Z Gang"; mes "forgot to take this with"; mes "them in their rush to escape."; mes "Hmmm... How do I open this?"; mes "Is there a key, a switch,"; mes "something I can use?"; hideoffnpc "Odd Switch#Switch1"; close; } if (diamond_edq == 24) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Hey, the safe opened!"; mes "Those switches must have"; mes "done the trick. Now..."; mes "Let's look inside."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Awesome! It's a huge"; mes "red diamond! Is this"; mes "Ibrahim's Diamond"; mes "of Destruction?"; next; getitem 7723,1; //Diamond_Of_Ruin mes "[Investigator]"; mes "Zzz... Zzz..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Lucky for me, this"; mes "guy is asleep. I better"; mes "sneak out of here, and"; mes "return this big diamond"; mes "to Ibrahim as soon as I can."; changequest 3117,3118; set diamond_edq,25; close; } if ((diamond_edq < 22) && (diamond_edq > 24)) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "There was something here"; mes "fixed to the ground, but now"; mes "it looks like something yanked"; mes "it out forcefully. How weird."; close; } mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What is this?"; mes "Oh well, I don't"; mes "think it's important."; close; } cmd_in02,69,196,0 script Odd Switch#Switch1 844,{ if ((diamond_edq == 22) || (diamond_edq == 23)) { mes "^3355FFThere is a tiny"; mes "switch on the ground"; mes "near the whiskey barrels.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Was this here before?"; mes "What happens if I press"; mes "this teeny little switch?"; next; hideoffnpc "Odd Switch#Switch2"; mes "^3355FF*Click Click*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That sound...!"; mes "Something happened,"; mes "but what could it be?"; hideonnpc "Odd Switch#Switch1"; close; } end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Odd Switch#Switch1"; end; } cmd_in02,80,189,0 script Odd Switch#Switch2 844,{ if ((diamond_edq == 22) || (diamond_edq == 23)) { mes "^3355FFThere is a tiny"; mes "switch on the ground"; mes "under the boxes' shadows.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Was this here before?"; mes "What happens if I press"; mes "this teeny little switch?"; next; mes "^3355FF*Click Click*^000000"; next; changequest 3116,3117; set diamond_edq,24; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That sound...!"; mes "Something happened,"; mes "but what could it be?"; close2; hideonnpc "Odd Switch#Switch1"; hideonnpc "Odd Switch#Switch2"; } end; OnInit: hideonnpc "Odd Switch#Switch2"; end; } // Z-Gang Quest //============================================================ prontera,150,326,0 script Wanted Notice#edq 111,{ if (zdan_edq == 0) { mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "Please report any information"; mes "regarding these criminals to"; mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom's"; mes "Homeland Security Office."; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "^0000ffLouis Von Silokens^000000 - Human Male"; mes "^0000ffMartha Hertizan^000000 - Human Female"; mes "^0000ffCatfoii^000000 - Pet Cat"; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "These infamous members"; mes "of the Z Gang are suspected"; mes "of stealing national treasure,"; mes "committing fraud, forgery,"; mes "and promoting overall"; mes "depravity and immorality."; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "Anyone that captures"; mes "the listed criminals will"; mes "be rewarded with the Book"; mes "of Forbidden Mystery, one"; mes "of the kingdom's treasures."; setquest 3119; set zdan_edq,1; close; } else if (zdan_edq > 18) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Ever since you captured"; mes "the Z Gang, crime has gone"; mes "down to an all time low."; mes "Thanks for helping us out~"; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Peace never lasts long..."; mes "Some other fiends will"; mes "replace the Z Gang soon."; mes "When that happens, I hope"; mes "we can count on you again."; close; } else { mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "Please report any information"; mes "regarding these criminals to"; mes "the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom's"; mes "Homeland Security Office."; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "^0000ffLouis Von Silokens^000000 - Human Male"; mes "^0000ffMartha Hertizan^000000 - Human Female"; mes "^0000ffCatfoii^000000 - Pet Cat"; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "These infamous members"; mes "of the Z Gang are suspected"; mes "of stealing national treasure,"; mes "committing fraud, forgery,"; mes "and promoting overall"; mes "depravity and immorality."; next; mes "====National Wanted Notice===="; mes "Anyone that captures"; mes "the listed criminals will"; mes "be rewarded with the Book"; mes "of Forbidden Mystery, one"; mes "of the kingdom's treasures."; close; } //OnInit: // enablenpc "Wanted Notice#edq"; // end; OnEnable: enablenpc "Wanted Notice#edq"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "Wanted Notice#edq"; end; } prontera,148,326,3 script Chief Officer#edq 734,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "You're carrying far too"; mes "much right now. Please"; mes "lighten your load by"; mes "placing your items"; mes "in the Kafra Storage."; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 0) && (BaseLevel > 70)) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Adventurers, this is"; mes "your chance to protect"; mes "and serve your country!"; mes "Please read the National"; mes "Wanted Notice for more details."; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 1) && (BaseLevel > 70)) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Attention, attention."; mes "The Homeland Security Office"; mes "of the Rune-Midgarts Kingdom"; mes "is looking for any information"; mes "regarding the Z Gang."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "There are three members:"; mes "Louis Von Silokens a.k.a."; mes "Louis, Martha Hertizan a.k.a."; mes "Martha, and Catfoii a.k.a."; mes "Catfoii must be captured!"; changequest 3119,3120; set zdan_edq,2; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 1) && (BaseLevel < 70)) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Oh, were you interested"; mes "in pursuing the criminals"; mes "listed in the Wanted notice?"; mes "I'm sorry, but you're not"; mes "ready for that kind of task..."; mes "But I encourge you to train!"; mes "Thank you."; close; } if (zdan_edq == 2) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Hello, Rune-Midgartian."; mes "What brings you here?"; next; switch(select("National Wanted Notice:Z Gang:What crimes did Z Gang commit?")) { case 1: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Ah, were you interested"; mes "in pursuing the Z Gang?"; mes "Please carefully read the"; mes "Wanted notice posted right"; mes "next to me. We desperately"; mes "need help to catch them."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "If you want to learn"; mes "more about the Z Gang,"; mes "I suggest talking to"; mes "a knight named Valdes."; mes "He's fairly familiar with"; mes "their brand of antics."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Unfortunately, I fear"; mes "that he may be ashamed"; mes "of his failure to catch"; mes "them. However, I am sure"; mes "that he will be of service"; mes "in your quest for justice."; close; case 2: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "You wanted to know more"; mes "about the Z Gang members?"; mes "I don'tknow much about them,"; mes "but I can divulge what"; mes "little I've heard."; next; switch(select("Louis:Martha:Catfoii:Book of Forbidden Mystery?")) { case 1: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Louis Von Silokens was"; mes "the third son of the noble"; mes "Silokens family which was"; mes "ruined many years ago."; mes "According to record, he failed"; mes "Magic Academy three times."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "It is believed that he formed"; mes "the Z Gang as a result of"; mes "his personal failure. He"; mes "also stole the Book of"; mes "Forbidden Mystery from"; mes "the Royal Library."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "We must capture him and"; mes "retrieve that book before"; mes "he can abuse its power."; mes "We need the help of the"; mes "people in order to find him"; mes "and bring Louis to justice!"; close; case 2: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Martha Hertizan is the"; mes "second daughter of Alberta's"; mes "Hertizan family. No one knows"; mes "why she ran away from home"; mes "at the age of twenty."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Martha handles the Z Gang's"; mes "finances. It's a shame that"; mes "such a talented merchant"; mes "has stooped to thievery. "; close; case 3: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "We initially believed"; mes "that Catfoii was just"; mes "Louis and Martha's pet"; mes "cat... But it's actually a"; mes "master criminal. Approach"; mes "it with extreme caution!"; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "That's all I know about"; mes "that animal. The true"; mes "nature of Catfoii is"; mes "shrouded in mystery."; close; case 4: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Out of all their crimes,"; mes "their theft of the Book of"; mes "Forbidden Mystery poses the"; mes "greatest danger to the kingdom."; mes "If they misuse that book, it"; mes "will cause grave disaster."; close; } case 3: mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "That damned Z Gang seems"; mes "to be in the center of all the"; mes "crime that's happening in"; mes "Rune-Midgard. They caused"; mes "a riot in Geffen by spreading"; mes "rumors about ghosts..."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "They poisoned the"; mes "drinking water in the"; mes "wells of Payon, seized"; mes "countless goods, profited"; mes "off illegal trade... The list"; mes "just keeps going on and on..."; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Out of all their crimes,"; mes "their theft of the Book of"; mes "Forbidden Mystery poses the"; mes "greatest danger to the kingdom."; mes "If they misuse that book, it"; mes "will cause grave disaster."; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 18) { mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Oh, you were that nice"; mes "adventurer that dropped"; mes "by the other day. How"; mes "may I help you?"; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "What's that?! You really"; mes "found the Z Gang's hideout,"; mes "captured them, and retrieved"; mes "the forbidden book?"; next; delitem 7724,1; //Forbidden_Secret_Art mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Splendid! Just splendid!"; mes "On behalf of the king,"; mes "let me give you a well"; mes "deserved reward. Thank"; mes "you for your work on"; mes "behalf of our kingdom!"; next; mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "Your bravery and ardent"; mes "patriotism will forever"; mes "be recorded in the annals"; mes "of Rune-Midgarts history."; mes "Congratulations! "; completequest 3134; set zdan_edq,19; getexp 1000000,0; close; } mes "[Chief Officer]"; mes "All those that oppose"; mes "the peace and safety of"; mes "our kingdom will not be"; mes "spared the fury of our"; mes "righteous swords!"; close; } prt_in,168,18,1 script Valdes 65,2,2,{ if (checkweight(907,100) == 0) { mes "^3355FFWait a second!"; mes "Right now, you're carrying"; mes "too many things with you."; mes "Please come back after"; mes "using the Kafra Service"; mes "to store some of your items.^000000"; close; } if (zdan_edq == 2) { mes "[Valdes]"; mes "^666666*Urp*^000000 What?"; mes "You here to... "; mes "Um, commiserate"; mes "about failing life too?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Are you Valdes?"; mes "I came to ask you"; mes "for your help..."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "^666666*Hiccup*^000000 Why~?"; mes "I'm-I'm no good"; mes "to anybody anymore!"; next; switch(select("Ask About Z Gang:The chief officer is worried about you.:Bye!")) { case 1: mes "[Valdes]"; mes "That Z Gang..."; mes "Ruined my life!"; mes "My career, my pension..."; mes "It's all gone because"; mes "of those damn criminals!"; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "You? Capture them?"; mes "Good luck! Just... Just"; mes "try not to end up like me."; mes "Oh, you want info-information?"; mes "^666666*Hic*^000000 Heh, scratch my back,"; mes "well, you know the rest."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Heh, I just ran out of wine!"; mes "Gimme, um, ^0000FFMorroc Fruit Wine^000000!"; mes "5 bottles! Then... Maybe..."; mes "I'll tell you want you really"; mes "wanna know. Heh heh~ ^666666*Hic!*^000000"; changequest 3120,3121; set zdan_edq,3; close; case 2: mes "[Valdes]"; mes "R-really? Well..."; mes "I don't care! Just"; mes "let me drink in peace!"; close; case 3: mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Wha--? Who do you think"; mes "you're messing with, ^666666*Hic!*^000000"; mes "just comin' by to say ''bye?!''"; mes "I useta be a knight once,"; mes "you know that? I could"; mes "totally kick your--^666666*Urp!*^000000"; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 3) { mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Heeeey yoooou~"; mes "You bring me wine?"; next; if (countitem(12049) > 4) { delitem 12049,5; //Int_Dish04 mes "[Valdes]"; mes "^666666*Sniff*^000000 Yeeesh, that"; mes "smeells good. This must"; mes "be it. Oh, yeah. Knight's"; mes "honor. First I talk, then"; mes "I can drink theesh..."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Well, maybe..."; mes "Just one tashte~"; mes "^666666*Gulp Gulp Gulp*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You just..."; mes "That was three bottles!"; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Ah, delicious!"; mes "Alright, fellow,"; mes "now I feel better"; mes "able to speak now~"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "(^666666Whaaaat~?^000000)"; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "I assume you already know"; mes "the basic information about"; mes "the Z Gang, their members,"; mes "et cetera. I'm not sure why"; mes "they've gone on such a brazen"; mes "crime spree so suddenly."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "Their success is unprecedented:"; mes "they've even managed to elude"; mes "the Rogue Guild repeatedly."; mes "I investigated them six"; mes "months ago, but I was"; mes "dismissed for my failure."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "I am aware that the Z Gang"; mes "has many informers in their"; mes "employ, and that the Rogue"; mes "Guild are still investigating"; mes "the Z Gang on their own."; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "I suggest meeting one"; mes "of the Rogue agents,"; mes "Marybell, in the Rogue"; mes "Guild. The password you"; mes "must give her is ''^0000FFThe"; mes "dawn is yet to come^000000.''"; next; mes "[Valdes]"; mes "That is all I can tell you."; mes "Please give my regards to"; mes "Marybell for me, and catch"; mes "those Z Gang bastards."; mes "^666666*Sigh*^000000 I think I'll go rest"; mes "a bit now. Good luck!"; changequest 3121,3122; set zdan_edq,4; close; } else { mes "[Valdes]"; mes "You stinkface!"; mes "Where's my wine?!"; mes "My ^0000FF5 bottles of"; mes "Morroc Fruit Wine^000000?!"; mes "I'm not gonna talk"; mes "to you without it!"; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 4) { mes "[Valdes]"; mes "I suggest meeting"; mes "Marybell in the Rogue"; mes "Guild, and giving her the"; mes "password, ''^0000FFThe dawn"; mes "is yet to come^000000.''"; close; } mes "[Valdes]"; mes "^666666*Sigh*^000000 It is my greatest"; mes "wish that the knight master"; mes "will allow me to rejoin the"; mes "corps. However, I doubt that"; mes "he's forgiven my failure. ^666666*Sob*^000000"; mes "It's like my life is over..."; close; //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if (zdan_edq == 2) { mes "[Valdes]"; mes "^666666*Sigh*^000000 Goddamn thieves."; mes "Why should I even care"; mes "about them?! They're not"; mes "my problem anymore..."; mes "^666666*Hiccup*^000000"; close; } end; } in_rogue,359,116,3 script Marybell 747,{ if (zdan_edq == 4) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey. What do you want?"; next; switch(select("Password")) { case 1: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Can't hear you."; mes "Come a little closer,"; mes "and talk right in my ear."; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "The dawn is yet to come.") { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Valdes sent you?!"; mes "I'm surprised he finally"; mes "decided to talk to someone!"; mes "Alright, if you're his friend,"; mes "then I'll do what I can to"; mes "help. What do you need?"; next; switch(select("Ask About Z Gang:Valdes says, ''Hi.''")) { case 1: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "The Z Gang again?"; mes "I guess he's still mad"; mes "about capturing them."; mes "It's not a big deal for me"; mes "to tell you what I know, but"; mes "can I really trust you?"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Let me test you out."; mes "Go to Payon, find an old"; mes "guy named Moonho Ahn. He's"; mes "a legendary gambler better"; mes "known as the White Meteor."; mes "If he trusts you, I trust you."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Heh, but he'll only trust"; mes "you if you can beat him at"; mes "gambling. Whether you return"; mes "or not, I'm gonna continue"; mes "investigating the Z Gang for"; mes "the Rogue Guild and Valdes."; changequest 3122,3123; set zdan_edq,5; break; case 2: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Weird. It's not like him"; mes "to send his regards like that."; mes "He's not sick or anything,"; mes "is he? If he's still drinking"; mes "the next time I see him,"; mes "I'm gonna clobber that guy!"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Geez. Doesn't he know"; mes "I volunteered for this"; mes "job for his sake? Oh well,"; mes "it's really nice to know"; mes "that he's thinking of me."; mes "What? Rogues can have friends!"; close; } } else { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Can't tell what"; mes "you're saying exactly."; next; if (Sex) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "If this is some kind"; mes "of weird come-on, you'd"; mes "better have something"; mes "better to say than that!"; close; } else { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "What, are you coming"; mes "on to me? I'm down with"; mes "any gender, but, heh,"; mes "you sure about this?"; mes "Hahahahahahahahaha!"; close; } } } } if ((zdan_edq > 4) && (zdan_edq < 7)) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Let me test you out."; mes "Go to Payon, find an old"; mes "guy named Moonho Ahn. He's"; mes "a legendary gambler better"; mes "known as the White Meteor."; mes "If he trusts you, I trust you."; close; } if (zdan_edq == 7) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "What, you're back?"; mes "Aww, nuts! That signature"; mes "on your arm... You really"; mes "beat him? How the hell--?"; next; set zdan_edq,8; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Wait, lemme check"; mes "and make sure. Yeap."; mes "That's the one. That's"; mes "the signature he used when"; mes "he was the White Meteor."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "How did you beat him?"; mes "Last time, he cleaned me"; mes "out of all my money! You"; mes "must be some kinda genius"; mes "to beat that guy. Heh. Guess"; mes "I underestimated you."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hold on, before anything"; mes "else, I gotta tell everyone"; mes "that someone actually beat"; mes "the White Meteor. They're"; mes "totally not gonna believe it!"; close; } if (zdan_edq == 8) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Well, I promised to tell"; mes "you what I know about the"; mes "Z Gang, so I gotta make good."; mes "What did you want to ask me?"; next; while(1) { switch(select("Z Gang's Goal:Z Gang's Recent Movements:Z Gang's Stronghold:Thanks for the tip!")) { case 1: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Actually, I don't know"; mes "what they plan to do, but"; mes "obviously it isn't something"; mes "very good. Personally, I think"; mes "they just want to harass"; mes "people as much as they can."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "You could conquer the"; mes "world, I guess, with that"; mes "Book of Forbidden Mystery,"; mes "but I don't think they're"; mes "that... Calculating."; next; set .@a,.@a+1; break; case 2: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Well, the Z Gang is"; mes "responsible for a series"; mes "of thefts lately. They've"; mes "only been stealing jewels"; mes "like diamonds, rubies,"; mes "emeralds. Not sure why..."; next; set .@b,.@b+1; break; case 3: mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Well, we don't know where"; mes "they're hiding out. If that"; mes "was the case, the Z Gang"; mes "would already be caught!"; mes "They even got away from"; mes "us Rogues. Crazy, huh?"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "The Rogue Guild has got"; mes "the best intel network so..."; mes "The Z Gang probably has"; mes "informers everywhere in"; mes "all the towns. It's the only"; mes "way they can escape us."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey, we can use that..."; mes "If we can catch one of"; mes "their informers, one of"; mes "them'll spill the beans"; mes "on where the Z Gang is"; mes "hiding. Worth a shot, yeah?"; next; set .@c,.@c+1; break; case 4: if ((.@a > 0) && (.@b > 0) && (.@c > 0)) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Oh, and one more thing..."; mes "I hear that they're trying"; mes "to secretly recruit more"; mes "gang members in Morroc."; mes "The nerve of those guys...!"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "It might be a good idea"; mes "for you to go to Morroc"; mes "and check it out. Good"; mes "luck finding those Z Gang"; mes "guys. And take care!"; changequest 3125,3126; set zdan_edq,9; close; } else { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey, I'm willing to"; mes "let you in on everything"; mes "I know. After all the trouble"; mes "you went through, I'm sure"; mes "you've got a ton of questions!"; next; } break; } } } if ((zdan_edq > 8) && (zdan_edq < 11)) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Oh, and one more thing..."; mes "I hear that they're trying"; mes "to secretly recruit more"; mes "gang members in Morroc."; mes "The nerve of those guys...! "; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "I haven't heard anything"; mes "else, but would you let me"; mes "know if you get any new leads?"; mes "The Rogue Guild wants these"; mes "Z Gang guys really bad!"; close; } if (zdan_edq == 11) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey, I've been looking for"; mes "you! One of the Rogues"; mes "dispatched to Comodo found"; mes "this envelope on a Z Gang"; mes "informer. Could be a clue!"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "What's weird is that the"; mes "informer was fighting so"; mes "hard to hold on to blank"; mes "piece of paper... But we "; mes "know that's not really"; mes "the case here, is it?"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "They must've been using"; mes "some kinda secret invisible"; mes "ink. Anyway, I gave the paper"; mes "to a professional decoder to"; mes "crack, and he oughta be"; mes "done by now. Anyway..."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "I thought maybe you'd"; mes "want to go talk to him,"; mes "see if he's finished with it."; mes "His name's Gooho Ahn over"; mes "in Payon, one of the best"; mes "decoders in this kingdom."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Gooho Ahn?"; mes "Why does it feel like"; mes "I should know that"; mes "name? It's so familiar..."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "I guess it's 'cause"; mes "Gooho is the younger brother"; mes "of Moonho, that legendary"; mes "gambler you happened to beat."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Eh, that's not what's"; mes "important right now."; mes "Would you talk to Gooho"; mes "Ahn and see what he found?"; changequest 3128,3129; set zdan_edq,12; close; } if ((zdan_edq > 11) && (zdan_edq < 14)) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey, why don't you talk"; mes "to Gooho Ahn in Payon,"; mes "and ask if he finished"; mes "decoding that secret letter"; mes "from the Z Gang already?"; close; } if (zdan_edq == 14) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Oh, Gooho decoded everything?"; mes "Let's see... Something about"; mes "the Book of Forbidden Mystery...^FFFFFF ^000000 Ah. There we go! The location"; mes "of the Z Gang's hideout!"; mes "Heh heh! We got 'em!"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "One of the Rogues followed"; mes "the informer carrying this"; mes "letter, but he just vanished"; mes "during the chase... Like, by"; mes "magic, I guess. So we don't"; mes "the hideout's exact place."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Even so, we're definitely"; mes "sure that it's around the"; mes "secret path to the South"; mes "Morroc underground. Um,"; mes "but we can't let you come"; mes "with the Rogue Guild."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Sorry, I know, it's official"; mes "business and all that hooplah."; mes "Tell you what. We'll each go"; mes "hunt them down separately, and"; mes "whoever finds 'em first gets"; mes "dibs on beating them up!"; changequest 3131,3132; set zdan_edq,15; close; } if ((zdan_edq > 14) && (zdan_edq < 18)) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "We're definitely sure"; mes "that the Z Gang's hideout"; mes "is near the secret path"; mes "to the South Morroc"; mes "underground. You"; mes "know where that is?"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Tell you what. We'll each go"; mes "hunt them down separately, and"; mes "whoever finds 'em first gets"; mes "dibs on beating them up!"; close; } if (zdan_edq > 18) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Nice work! You captured"; mes "the Z Gang! The kingdom"; mes "musta given you a really"; mes "big reward, huh?"; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Valdes really wanted to"; mes "capture them himself, but"; mes "I'm sure he'll be real happy"; mes "to hear the news. Maybe he"; mes "and I can celebrate with"; mes "a little drink later."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "Hey, it's been a real"; mes "thrill working with you,"; mes "real thrill. Maybe we can"; mes "team up again for a good"; mes "cause some other time, yeah?"; close; } if (BaseJob == Job_Thief) { mes "[Marybell]"; mes "That Z Gang has been"; mes "a pain the Rogue Guild's"; mes "ass. No one runs away"; mes "from us! Nobody! But..."; mes "They can do it somehow."; next; mes "[Marybell]"; mes "There's not much here"; mes "that might interest you,"; mes "but knock yourself out"; mes "if you wanna look around."; close; } } payon,244,62,3 script Moonho Ahn 897,{ if (zdan_edq == 5) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahaha, now what brings"; mes "a youngster like you before"; mes "me? You're not here for what"; mes "I think you are... Are you?"; next; switch(select("Are you the White Meteor?:I'm here to challenge you.")) { case 1: mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "It's been so long since"; mes "I've heard that name..."; mes "I'm retired now, and it"; mes "seems no one wants to"; mes "challenge me anymore."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Those were some good"; mes "times. Back then, only"; mes "Dalho Kwak was able to"; mes "give me a real challenge."; mes "I wonder what he's doing now?"; close; case 2: mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, I was right...!"; mes "You're here to challenge"; mes "me! It's been a long time..."; mes "Alright. I accept. However,"; mes "I set all of the terms."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I'm too old to play the"; mes "complicated games I loved"; mes "in the past. Let's just"; mes "play a simple game that"; mes "I call Coin Shake."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "This is basically"; mes "a guessing game played"; mes "in rounds, best 2 out of 3."; mes "One of us will be the coin"; mes "shaker, and the other will"; mes "be the guesser."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "The coin shaker begins"; mes "the round by grabbing"; mes "a random amount of coins,"; mes "shaking them in his closed"; mes "hands, and then stopping,"; mes "keeping the coins concealed."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "The other person, the"; mes "guesser, will then declare"; mes "a guess on whether the total"; mes "value of the coins is ^0000FFOdd^000000 or"; mes "^0000FFEven^000000. Afterwards, the coin"; mes "shaker reveals the coins..."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "If the guesser is right,"; mes "then he wins the round."; mes "However, if he guessed"; mes "wrong, then it's a victory"; mes "for the coin shaker. "; next; mes "[Moohno Ahn]"; mes "We each take turns,"; mes "switching roles."; mes "If it's your turn to"; mes "guess, remember to"; mes "call out ^0000FFOdd^000000 or ^0000FFEven^000000."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Lastly, I'm the house,"; mes "so I'll charge a game"; mes "participation fee. It's"; mes "not much, just 500 zeny."; mes "We're only playing for fun,"; mes "not to break the bank."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Why don't you give me"; mes "some time to prep the"; mes "game? When you return,"; mes "we'll be ready to play~"; changequest 3123,3124; set zdan_edq,6; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 6) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Are you ready to"; mes "play Coin Shake?"; next; switch(select("Yes, let's play!:How does this game work again?")) { case 1: if (Zeny > 500) { set zeny,zeny-500; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Good, let's get started!"; mes "I'll let you go first~"; next; mes "*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?"; next; while(1) { set .@number,rand(1,2); input .@input$; if (((.@input$ == "Odd") && (.@number == 1)) || ((.@input$ == "Even") && (.@number == 2))) { set .@number_right,.@number_right+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "^0000ff"+.@input$+"^000000?"; mes "Okay, you won."; next; if ((.@number_right < 2) && (.@number_false < 2)) { mes "^3355FF*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?^000000"; next; } } else if (((.@input$ == "Odd") && (.@number == 2)) || ((.@input$ == "Even") && (.@number == 1))) { set .@number_false,.@number_false+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Well, it's ^0000FFEven^000000."; mes "I won."; next; if ((number_right < 2) && (number_false <2)) { mes "^3355FF*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?^000000"; next; } } if (.@number_right == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Ah, you win this round."; mes "However, the game has"; mes "just started. The next"; mes "round will be mine~"; set .@win,.@win+1; next; break; } else if (.@number_false == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "It looks like I win"; mes "this round. I guess"; mes "my gambling skills"; mes "haven't left me yet~"; set .@lose,.@lose+1; next; break; } if ((.@input$ != "Even") && (.@input$ !="Odd")) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "You can only declare"; mes "your guess as ^0000FFOdd^000000 or ^0000FFEven^000000."; mes "Please try entering it again."; next; } } mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "It's time for the"; mes "second round. This"; mes "time, I'll be the one"; mes "declaring my guess,"; mes "and you'll shake the coins."; next; while(1) { mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "(^666666What should I guess?^000000)"; next; set .@amuro,rand(1,2); if (select("Odd:Even") == 1) { if (.@amuro == 1) { set .@number_false_2,.@number_false_2+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes "It's ^0000FFOdd^000000, isn't it?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Looks like I won!"; mes "Hahahahahahaha!"; next; } else if (.@amuro == 2) { set .@number_right_2,.@number_right_2+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes "It's Even, isn't it?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I lost?"; mes "So it's ^0000FFOdd^000000..."; next; } if (.@number_right_2 == 2) { set .@win,.@win+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Nice job. I didn't"; mes "expect for you to"; mes "really beat me..."; mes "Hahahahahahah~"; next; break; } else if (.@number_false_2 == 2) { set .@lose,.@lose+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahaha! I'm sorry, but"; mes "I won. I guess I still got it!"; next; break; } } else { if (.@amuro == 1) { set .@number_right_2,.@number_right_2+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes "It's odd, isn't it?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I lost, huh?"; mes "So it was ^0000ffEven^000000..."; next; } else if (.@amuro == 2) { set .@number_false_2,.@number_false_2+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Let's see..."; mes "It's ^0000FFEven^000000, isn't it?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Looks like I won!"; mes "Hahahahahahaha!"; next; } if (.@number_right_2 == 2) { set .@win,.@win+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Nice job. I didn't"; mes "expect for you to"; mes "really beat me..."; mes "Hahahahahahah~"; next; break; } else if (.@number_false_2 == 2) { set .@lose,.@lose+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahaha! I'm sorry, but"; mes "I won. I guess I still got it!"; next; break; } } } if (.@win == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "You really are amazing!"; mes "It's time that the title of"; mes "White Meteor be passed"; mes "onto someone more worthy..."; mes "You are the new White Meteor!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Really? Uh, can I get"; mes "that in writing please?"; mes "It'd mean so much to me!"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Ah, you want a letter"; mes "of recommendation or"; mes "my seal of approval, right?"; mes "Heh, you must be very proud."; mes "Hold still for a second."; next; mes "^3355FF*Scribble Scribble*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What does this"; mes "scribble on my"; mes "wrist mean?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "That is the sign of"; mes "the White Meteor."; mes "Everyone that knows"; mes "me will recognize it"; mes "and its authenticity."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Thank you so much"; mes "for the fun game!"; mes "I better get going now,"; mes "but maybe we can play"; mes "again sometime~"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahahaa!"; mes "After so long, it"; mes "feels good to have"; mes "played with a worthy"; mes "opponent. Thank you~"; changequest 3124,3125; set zdan_edq,7; close; } else if (.@lose == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I've won"; mes "the game. I had a really"; mes "great time, and I could"; mes "tell that it was really close."; mes "It's been a while since I've"; mes "had this much fun gambling~"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, did you want to"; mes "play again? I can tell"; mes "that you're a bit eager to"; mes "beat me so you're welcome"; mes "to play me again anytime."; mes "I'll be right here, hahaha~"; close; } else { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Ooh, this is exciting~"; mes "We each both won a round:"; mes "the next round will decide"; mes "who wins and loses!"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "It's my turn to shake"; mes "the coins. Let's see"; mes "how you fare this time..."; next; mes "^3355FF*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?^000000"; next; while(1) { set .@number,rand(1,2); input .@input$; if (((.@input$ == "Odd") && (.@number == 1)) || ((.@input$ == "Even") && (.@number == 2))) { set .@number_right_3,.@number_right_3+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "^0000FF"+.@input+"^000000?"; mes "Okay, you won."; next; if ((.@number_right_3 < 2) && (.@number_false_3 < 2)) { mes "^3355FF*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?^000000"; next; } } else if (((.@input$ == "Odd") && (.@number == 2)) || ((.@input$ == "Even") && (.@number == 1))) { set .@number_false_3,.@number_false_3+1; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Well, it's ^0000FF+.@input+^000000."; mes "Looks like I won."; next; if ((.@number_right_3 < 2) && (.@number_false_3 <2)) { mes "^3355FF*Shake Shake*"; mes "Guess! Is it"; mes "Odd or Even?^000000"; next; } } if (.@number_right_3 == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Oh... You won..."; set .@win,.@win+1; next; break; } else if (.@number_false_3 == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahaha! I'm sorry, but"; mes "I won. I guess I still got it!"; set .@lose,.@lose+1; next; break; } if ((.@input$ != "Even") && (.@input$ !="Odd")) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "You can only declare"; mes "your guess as ^0000FFOdd^000000 or ^0000FFEven^000000."; mes "Please try entering it again."; next; } } if (.@win >= 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "You really are amazing!"; mes "It's time that the title of"; mes "White Meteor be passed"; mes "onto someone more worthy..."; mes "You are the new White Meteor!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "Really? Uh, can I get"; mes "that in writing please?"; mes "It'd mean so much to me!"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Ah, you want a letter"; mes "of recommendation or"; mes "my seal of approval, right?"; mes "Heh, you must be very proud."; mes "Hold still for a second."; next; mes "^3355FF*Scribble Scribble*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What does this"; mes "scribble on my"; mes "wrist mean?"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "That is the sign of"; mes "the White Meteor."; mes "Everyone that knows"; mes "me will recognize it"; mes "and its authenticity."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Thank you so much"; mes "for the fun game!"; mes "I better get going now,"; mes "but maybe we can play"; mes "again sometime~"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hahahaa!"; mes "After so long, it"; mes "feels good to have"; mes "played with a worthy"; mes "opponent. Thank you~"; changequest 3124,3125; set zdan_edq,7; close; } else if (.@lose == 2) { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I'm sorry, but I've won"; mes "the game. I had a really"; mes "great time, and I could"; mes "tell that it was really close."; mes "It's been a while since I've"; mes "had this much fun gambling~"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, did you want to"; mes "play again? I can tell"; mes "that you're a bit eager to"; mes "beat me so you're welcome"; mes "to play me again anytime."; mes "I'll be right here, hahaha~"; close; } } } else { mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Hm? You don't even"; mes "have 500 zeny to play"; mes "a game? Well, whenever"; mes "you feel like playing Coin"; mes "Shake, drop on by."; close; } break; case 2: mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "This is basically"; mes "a guessing game played"; mes "in rounds, best 2 out of 3."; mes "One of us will be the coin"; mes "shaker, and the other will"; mes "be the guesser."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "The coin shaker begins"; mes "the round by grabbing"; mes "a random amount of coins,"; mes "shaking them in his closed"; mes "hands, and then stopping,"; mes "keeping the coins concealed."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "The other person, the"; mes "guesser, will then declare"; mes "a guess on whether the total"; mes "value of the coins is ^0000FFOdd^000000 or"; mes "^0000FFEven^000000. Afterwards, the coin"; mes "shaker reveals the coins..."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "If the guesser is right,"; mes "then he wins the round."; mes "However, if he guessed"; mes "wrong, then it's a victory"; mes "for the coin shaker. "; next; mes "[Moohno Ahn]"; mes "We each take turns,"; mes "switching roles."; mes "If it's your turn to"; mes "guess, remember to"; mes "call out ^0000FFOdd^000000 or ^0000FFEven^000000."; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "Lastly, I'm the house,"; mes "so I'll charge a game"; mes "participation fee. It's"; mes "not much, just 500 zeny."; mes "We're only playing for fun,"; mes "not to break the bank."; close; } } mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "I still remember that"; mes "last legendary match with"; mes "Dalho Kwak. Now that man was"; mes "a worthy opponent: he could"; mes "read others' hands three times"; mes "faster than the normal eye!"; next; mes "[Moonho Ahn]"; mes "God, I miss those"; mes "days competing against"; mes "him. I wonder how he's"; mes "been doing lately..."; close; } payon,192,176,3 script Gooho Ahn 903,{ if (zdan_edq == 12) { mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, hello"; mes "adventurer."; mes "Um, was there"; mes "something you wanted?"; emotion e_what,1; next; switch(select("Rogue Guild's Decoding Request")) { case 1: mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Ah, Marybell sent you?"; mes "I see. I've been struggling"; mes "trying to decrypt this letter."; mes "Did you want to take a look?"; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "This looks like a piece"; mes "of blank paper, but if you"; mes "add just the right amount"; mes "of heat and light, you can"; mes "read its contents. This is"; mes "some powerful encryption!"; emotion e_omg,1; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "So far, I've only decrypted"; mes "just a portion of the letter's"; mes "content. Unfortunately, I ran"; mes "out of the materials I need to"; mes "measure how much light and heat"; mes "I need to unlock this message."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "I'm pretty swamped over"; mes "here, but if you're working"; mes "for Marybell, I don't think"; mes "you'd mind doing a favor"; mes "for me. Would you gather"; mes "the materials I need?"; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "I need"; mes "^0000FF20 Live Coals^000000,"; mes "^0000FF1 Matchstick^000000,"; mes "^0000FF2 Alcohol^000000, and"; mes "^0000FF10 Burning Hearts^000000."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Once I have the things"; mes "I need, I should be able"; mes "to decrypt the rest of"; mes "this secret Z Gang letter."; changequest 3129,3130; set zdan_edq,13; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 13) { mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "So did you bring the"; mes "things I need to measure"; mes "how much light and heat"; mes "I need to reveal the rest"; mes "of this secret Z Gang letter?"; next; if ((countitem(7098) > 19) && (countitem(970) > 1) && (countitem(7035) > 0) && (countitem(7097) > 9)) { mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, good. Thanks a lot."; mes "Now I should do my part,"; mes "and decrypt the rest of"; mes "this letter. Mm... Just"; mes "give me a second to"; mes "make some adjustments..."; next; delitem 7098,20; //Live_Coal delitem 970,2; //Alchol delitem 7035,1; //Matchstick delitem 7097,10; //Burning_Heart emotion e_ic; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Oh, what? This language..."; mes "It's ancient! Aegye hasn't"; mes "been used in... centuries."; mes "I've seen Aegye used in the"; mes "Book of Forbidden Mystery"; mes "before it was stolen."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "There's a legend about"; mes "an ancient civilization that"; mes "set the foundation for our"; mes "modern society. The Aegye"; mes "language was considered"; mes "a subcultural phenomenon."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Aegye was popular among"; mes "children and rebellious"; mes "teens, but was considered"; mes "vulgar until it entered the"; mes "mainstream. Then, somehow... "; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "Aegye destroyed that"; mes "ancient people's lingual"; mes "system and civilization"; mes "once it was popularized."; mes "That is why there is strong"; mes "Aegye censorship today."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "In fact, the existence"; mes "of Aegye is supposed to"; mes "be a huge secret. That"; mes "language is responsible"; mes "for one of the greatest"; mes "disasters of all time."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "..............................."; mes "So what's the letter say?"; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "Mm... Let me check..."; mes "My knowledge in Aegye"; mes "is very limited, so..."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "^0000ffWeii arr prowd Z G gna^000000"; mes "^0000ffAynoen hwo sspotp uys^000000"; mes "^0000ffwlil eb kckide on htier ssa!^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What...?"; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "That's the nature"; mes "of Aegye: it is chaotic,"; mes "and barely legible!"; mes "Regardless, this letter"; mes "is invaluable as research"; mes "material for my studies."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "It will be enough"; mes "for Marybell if you"; mes "deliver the message to"; mes "her verbatim. Listen"; mes "to me carefully, and"; mes "maybe write this down."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "^0000ffWeii arr prowd Z G gna^000000"; mes "^0000ffAynoen hwo sspotp uys^000000"; mes "^0000ffwlil eb kckide on htier ssa!^000000"; changequest 3130,3131; set zdan_edq,14; close; } else { mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Please hurry!"; mes "I'm sure Marybell is"; mes "waiting to learn the"; mes "whereabouts of the Z Gang,"; mes "and this letter might have"; mes "a clue. Oh, and remember..."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "I need"; mes "^0000FF20 Live Coals^000000,"; mes "^0000FF1 Matchstick^000000,"; mes "^0000FF2 Alcohol^000000, and"; mes "^0000FF10 Burning Hearts^000000."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn]"; mes "Once I have the things"; mes "I need, I should be able"; mes "to decrypt the rest of"; mes "this secret Z Gang letter."; close; } } if (zdan_edq == 14) { mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "Please tell Marybell"; mes "the contents of the"; mes "Z Gang's letter so that"; mes "I can keep the original"; mes "document for research purposes."; next; mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "^0000ffWeii arr prowd Z G gna^000000"; mes "^0000ffAynoen hwo sspotp uys^000000"; mes "^0000ffwlil eb kckide on htier ssa!^000000"; close; } mes "[Gooho Ahn] "; mes "Encryption is the art of"; mes "hiding truth in layers of"; mes "secrecy. My specialty is"; mes "in unraveling the truth"; mes "by breaking encryption."; close; } moc_ruins,90,67,3 script Suspicious Man#1 99,2,2,{ if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan == 0)) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "I know you've"; mes "been pursuing us!"; mes "Grrrr... DIE NOW!"; specialeffect EF_STEAL; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Wh-who are you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Y-you're stronger"; mes "than I thought!"; mes "Run awaaaaay!"; hideoffnpc "Suspicious Man#2"; hideonnpc "Suspicious Man#1"; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? That man must"; mes "have dropped this"; mes "note in his haste"; mes "to get away from here."; mes "Let's see what it says..."; next; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^666666Kill " + strcharinfo(0) + ", meow."; mes "That arrogant do-gooder"; mes "is looking into us too much."; mes "Fail to kill him, and death"; mes "will be too good for you, meow.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That must have been"; mes "an informer for the Z Gang."; mes "He can't have gotten too far:"; mes "I have a chance to catch him!"; changequest 3126,3127; set zdan_edq,10; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan > 0)) { mes "[Suspicious Man]"; mes "..............................."; mes "..............................."; mes "............................... "; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Something's not quite"; mes "right. I should come back"; mes "and investigate this area"; mes "later when there are fewer"; mes "people watching..."; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 10) && ($@zdan > 0)) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Nuts! I was supposed"; mes "to try to do this secretly!"; mes "I better try to investigate"; mes "this area again when no"; mes "one is around here."; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 10) && ($@zdan == 0 )) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "Eeek...!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Haha! Got you!"; mes "You're an informer for"; mes "the Z Gang, aren't you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "I... I... d-don't"; mes "know what you're"; mes "talking about!"; mes "I'm innocent!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Then you're telling"; mes "me this note didn't"; mes "just fall out of your"; mes "pocket? What's this"; mes "about trying to kill me?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Th-that's..."; mes "I'm not--That...!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You better confess, or"; mes "I'll drag you over to the"; mes "Prontera Knightage or the"; mes "Rogue Guild to take care"; mes "of you. In fact, let's just"; mes "head over to Prontera..."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "N-no! I'll tell you"; mes "everything! Please!"; mes "My mother's old! I've"; mes "got kids to feed!"; mes "I... I can't go to jail!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Alright."; mes "Let's start by you"; mes "telling me where"; mes "I can find the Z Gang."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "I... I really don't"; mes "know where to find them."; mes "I'm at the bottom of the"; mes "food chain, I just follow"; mes "their written instructions."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "Never mind. I'm won't"; mes "take you to be jailed by"; mes "the Prontera Knights."; mes "I'll drop you off"; mes "at the Rogues."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "..............................."; mes "Their secret hideout is in"; mes "South Morroc, and you can't"; mes "enter the place without the"; mes "secret password."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Nice. Now, you better"; mes "stop running with the"; mes "Z Gang. Otherwise, I'm"; mes "not going to be so merciful"; mes "the next time I see you."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "Anything you want!"; mes "J-just let me liiive!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I should head back to"; mes "Marybell, and see if she's"; mes "learned any new information."; changequest 3127,3128; set zdan_edq,11; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; close; } if (zdan_edq < 9) { mes "[Suspicious Man]"; mes "What? Get lost!"; mes "Listen, you don't"; mes "want to mess with"; mes "me. Just. Don't."; close; } if ((zdan_edq > 10) && (zdan_edq < 15)) { mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "Whoa, leave me alone!"; mes "I'm just standing here"; mes "on the road, I didn't"; mes "do anything wrong!"; close; } if (zdan_edq > 14) { mes "[Former Z Gang Informer]"; mes "You don't have to"; mes "worry about me anymore."; mes "I've turned over a new"; mes "leaf, got a real job,"; mes "that sort of deal."; close; } mes "[Suspicious Man]"; mes "What? Get lost!"; mes "Listen, you don't"; mes "want to mess with"; mes "me. Just. Don't."; close; OnTimer30000: set $@zdan,0; end; OnTouch: if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan == 0)) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "I know you've"; mes "been pursuing us!"; mes "Grrrr... DIE NOW!"; specialeffect EF_STEAL; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Wh-who are you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Y-you're stronger"; mes "than I thought!"; mes "Run awaaaaay!"; hideoffnpc "Suspicious Man#2"; hideonnpc "Suspicious Man#1"; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "] "; mes "Huh? That man must"; mes "have dropped this"; mes "note in his haste"; mes "to get away from here."; mes "Let's see what it says..."; next; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^666666Kill " + strcharinfo(0) + ", meow."; mes "That arrogant do-gooder"; mes "is looking into us too much."; mes "Fail to kill him, and death"; mes "will be too good for you, meow.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That must have been"; mes "an informer for the Z Gang."; mes "He can't have gotten too far:"; mes "I have a chance to catch him!"; changequest 3126,3127; set zdan_edq,10; close; } end; } //Incorrect position. moc_ruins,78,167,3 script Suspicious Man#2 99,2,2,{ if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan == 0)) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "I know you've"; mes "been pursuing us!"; mes "Grrrr... DIE NOW!"; specialeffect EF_STEAL; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Wh-who are you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Y-you're stronger"; mes "than I thought!"; mes "Run awaaaaay!"; hideoffnpc "Suspicious Man#1"; hideonnpc "Suspicious Man#2"; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "] "; mes "Huh? That man must"; mes "have dropped this"; mes "note in his haste"; mes "to get away from here."; mes "Let's see what it says..."; next; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^666666Kill " + strcharinfo(0) + ", meow."; mes "That arrogant do-gooder"; mes "is looking into us too much."; mes "Fail to kill him, and death"; mes "will be too good for you, meow.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That must have been"; mes "an informer for the Z Gang."; mes "He can't have gotten too far:"; mes "I have a chance to catch him!"; changequest 3126,3127; set zdan_edq,10; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 10) && ($@zdan == 0)) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "Eeek...!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Haha! Got you!"; mes "You're an informer for"; mes "the Z Gang, aren't you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "I... I... d-don't"; mes "know what you're"; mes "talking about!"; mes "I'm innocent!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Then you're telling"; mes "me this note didn't"; mes "just fall out of your"; mes "pocket? What's this"; mes "about trying to kill me?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Th-that's..."; mes "I'm not--That...!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You better confess, or"; mes "I'll drag you over to the"; mes "Prontera Knightage or the"; mes "Rogue Guild to take care"; mes "of you. In fact, let's just"; mes "head over to Prontera..."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "N-no! I'll tell you"; mes "everything! Please!"; mes "My mother's old! I've"; mes "got kids to feed!"; mes "I... I can't go to jail!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Alright."; mes "Let's start by you"; mes "telling me where"; mes "I can find the Z Gang."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "I... I really don't"; mes "know where to find them."; mes "I'm at the bottom of the"; mes "food chain, I just follow"; mes "their written instructions."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "Never mind. I'm won't"; mes "take you to be jailed by"; mes "the Prontera Knights."; mes "I'll drop you off"; mes "at the Rogues."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "..............................."; mes "Their secret hideout is in"; mes "South Morroc, and you can't"; mes "enter the place without the"; mes "secret password."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Nice. Now, you better"; mes "stop running with the"; mes "Z Gang. Otherwise, I'm"; mes "not going to be so merciful"; mes "the next time I see you."; next; mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "Anything you want!"; mes "J-just let me liiive!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I should head back to"; mes "Marybell, and see if she's"; mes "learned any new information."; changequest 3127,3128; set zdan_edq,11; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan > 0)) { mes "[Suspicious Man]"; mes "... ..."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Something's not quite"; mes "right. I should come back"; mes "and investigate this area"; mes "later when there are fewer"; mes "people watching..."; close; } if ((zdan_edq == 10) && ($@zdan > 0)) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Nuts! I was supposed"; mes "to try to do this secretly!"; mes "I better try to investigate"; mes "this area again when no"; mes "one is around here."; close; } if (zdan_edq < 9) { mes "[Thug]"; mes "What? Get lost!"; mes "Listen, you don't"; mes "want to mess with"; mes "me. Just. Don't."; close; } if ((zdan_edq > 10) && (zdan_edq < 15)) { mes "[Z Gang Informer]"; mes "Whoa, leave me alone!"; mes "I'm just standing here"; mes "on the road, I didn't"; mes "do anything wrong!"; close; } if (zdan_edq > 14) { mes "[Former Z Gang Informer]"; mes "You don't have to"; mes "worry about me anymore."; mes "I've turned over a new"; mes "leaf, got a real job,"; mes "that sort of deal."; close; } mes "[Thug]"; mes "What? Get lost!"; mes "Listen, you don't"; mes "want to mess with"; mes "me. Just. Don't."; close; OnInit: hideonnpc "Suspicious Man#2"; end; OnTimer30000: set $@zdan,0; end; OnTouch: if ((zdan_edq == 9) && ($@zdan == 0)) { set $@zdan,1; initnpctimer; mes "[????]"; mes "I know you've"; mes "been pursuing us!"; mes "Grrrr... DIE NOW!"; specialeffect EF_STEAL; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Wh-who are you?"; next; mes "[????]"; mes "Y-you're stronger"; mes "than I thought!"; mes "Run awaaaaay!"; hideoffnpc "Suspicious Man#1"; hideonnpc "Suspicious Man#2"; set $@zdan,0; stopnpctimer; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "] "; mes "Huh? That man must"; mes "have dropped this"; mes "note in his haste"; mes "to get away from here."; mes "Let's see what it says..."; next; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^FFFFFF ^000000"; mes "^666666Kill " + strcharinfo(0) + ", meow."; mes "That arrogant do-gooder"; mes "is looking into us too much."; mes "Fail to kill him, and death"; mes "will be too good for you, meow.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "That must have been"; mes "an informer for the Z Gang."; mes "He can't have gotten too far:"; mes "I have a chance to catch him!"; changequest 3126,3127; set zdan_edq,10; close; } end; } moc_fild17,209,235,0 script Odd Slab 111,4,4,{ if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16) || (zdan_edq == 17)) && ($@door2 == 0)) { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*"; mes "Etner sspawrod.^000000"; next; emotion e_omg,1; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This slab is speaking"; mes "to me! I... I think. Now"; mes "where have I heard"; mes "talking like this before?"; next; mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*"; mes "Etner sspawrod.^000000"; next; emotion e_ic,1; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Oh, right! This is that"; mes "trashy language, Aegye,"; mes "that Gooho Ahn told me"; mes "about. It still sounds"; mes "like... A poor excuse"; mes "for language to me."; next; mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*"; mes "Etner sspawrod.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Well, I guess"; mes "I should talk to it. Um..."; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "Weii arr prowd Z G gna") { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*"; mes "Etner n2d sspawrod.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Whoa! It's saying"; mes "something different now!"; mes "I must be doing alright."; mes "Now what do I say?"; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "Aynoen hwo sspotp uys") { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*"; mes "Etner r3d sspawrod.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Heh! I'm on the right"; mes "track. Now what do I say?"; next; input .@input$; if (.@input$ == "wlil eb kckide on htier ssa!") { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "*Creak Creak*"; mes "*Creak Creak*"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Um... Now what...?"; next; if ($@door2 == 0) { set $@door2,1; mes "Waaaah! Waaah!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What th--?! What's"; mes "happening?! I'm being"; mes "sucked away somewhere!"; changequest 3132,3133; set zdan_edq,16; close2; warp "z_agit",98,40; end; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Hm? Did I do something"; mes "wrong? It just stopped"; mes "working all of a sudden."; next; mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^FF0000Rrsoy, rrsoy."; mes "Ai cn'at elt yoo ni ofr nwo. Plzea ecmo ckba tela.^000000"; next; mes "^666666*Pzzzzz*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I think..."; mes "I think I should"; mes "try this again."; close; } } else { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^666666*Pzzzzz*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? This talking slab"; mes "thing isn't working now."; mes "Hello? What happened to you?"; mes "Hey! Talk to me, will you?"; set $@door2,0; close; } } else { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^666666*Pzzzzz*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? This talking slab"; mes "thing isn't working now."; mes "Hello? What happened to you?"; mes "Hey! Talk to me, will you?"; set $@door2,0; close; } } else { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "^666666*Pzzzzz*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Huh? This talking slab"; mes "thing isn't working now."; mes "Hello? What happened to you?"; mes "Hey! Talk to me, will you?"; set $@door2,0; close; } } if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16) || (zdan_edq == 17)) && ($@door2 > 0)) { mes "[Odd Slab]"; mes "*Creak Creak*"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This slab looks pretty"; mes "strange. Is it making"; mes "noises? Hmm... Maybe this"; mes "is a clue to the Z Gang!"; mes "I'll come back later"; mes "to investigate this~"; close; } if (zdan_edq > 17) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This used to be"; mes "where the Z Gang"; mes "would hide out."; mes "Good riddance! "; close; } mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This is a peculiar"; mes "looking slab. It sounds"; mes "like... What are those"; mes "noises? Huh. Weird."; mes "It's like it's just"; mes "talking gibberish."; close; OnInit: set $@zdan,0; set $@door2,0; set $@mosnter,0; end; //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if (zdan_edq == 15) { mes "^FF0000*Creak Creak*^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Did I just..."; mes "Hear something"; mes "around here?"; close; } end; } z_agit,98,44,0 script EntranceCheck#1 -1,10,10,{ OnTouch: if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16)) && ($@monster_zgang == 0)) { set $@monster_zgang,1; donpcevent "#zdan_broad::OnEnable"; } else if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16)) && ($@monster_zgang > 0)) { end; } else if (zdan_edq == 17) { donpcevent "#ZGuard::OnDisable"; hideoffnpc "Louis"; hideoffnpc "Martha"; hideoffnpc "Catfoii"; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Where am I...?"; mes "Something has gone"; mes "terribly wrong, hasn't"; mes "it? Let me go baaaack~!"; close2; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; warp "moc_fild17",209,235; } end; } z_agit,98,92,0 script EntranceCheck#2 -1,10,10,{ OnTouch: if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16)) && ($@monster_zgang == 0)) { set $@monster_zgang,1; donpcevent "#zdan_broad::OnEnable"; } else if (((zdan_edq == 15) || (zdan_edq == 16)) && ($@monster_zgang > 0)) { end; } else if (zdan_edq == 17) { donpcevent "#ZGuard::OnDisable"; hideoffnpc "Louis"; hideoffnpc "Martha"; hideoffnpc "Catfoii"; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Where am I...?"; mes "Something has gone"; mes "terribly wrong, hasn't"; mes "it? Let me go baaaack~! "; close2; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; warp "moc_fild17",209,235; } end; } z_agit,1,1,0 script #zdan_broad 111,{ OnInit: disablenpc "#zdan_broad"; stopnpctimer; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#zdan_broad"; initnpctimer; hideonnpc "Louis"; hideonnpc "Martha"; hideonnpc "Catfoii"; end; OnDisable: disablenpc "#zdan_broad"; stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer3000: killmonster "z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; mapannounce "z_agit","Catfoii: Err? I heard something, meow! We must be under attack, meow!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "z_agit","Louis: Hey, Martha! Are you the one who just got in?",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer7000: mapannounce "z_agit","Martha: Louis, are you blind? I've been next to you this whole time! We'd better hide first.",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer9000: mapannounce "z_agit","Louis: We have an intruder! Hey, Catfoii, what happened? Did you leave the entrance open?",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer11000: mapannounce "z_agit","Catfoii: No, impossible, meow~! I have a photographic memory!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer13000: mapannounce "z_agit","Martha: Shut up, both of you! I don't know who you are, but you must have a lot of guts to mess with the Z Gang!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer15000: mapannounce "z_agit","Louis: Catfoii, summon the soldiers! This is an emergency! Stop the intruder!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer18000: mapannounce "z_agit","Catfoii: I haven't seen how strong they are, but... Meowkay. Guys, go out and fight!",bc_map,"0xFFFF00"; end; OnTimer21000: donpcevent "#ZGuard::OnEnable"; end; OnTimer300000: killmonster "z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; donpcevent "#zdan_broad::OnDisable"; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; end; OnTimer350000: mapwarp "z_agit","moc_fild17",209,235; hideonnpc "Louis"; hideonnpc "Martha"; hideonnpc "Catfoii"; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; end; } - script #ZGuard -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "#ZGuard"; end; OnEnable: enablenpc "#ZGuard"; initnpctimer; monster "z_agit",97,78,"Catfoii's Guard",1479,1,"#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; monster "z_agit",98,79,"Catfoii's Guard",1479,1,"#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; monster "z_agit",96,81,"Catfoii's Guard",1523,1,"#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnDisable: killmonster "z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; stopnpctimer; end; Onreset: killmonster "z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; set $@monster_zgang,0; end; OnMyMobDead: if (mobcount("z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead") < 1) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You cowardly Z Gang!"; mes "Come out and surrender!"; mes "I've defeated your monster"; mes "soldiers already!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "What should we do?"; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "This is our greatest"; mes "crisis ever! I don't"; mes "know what to do, meow!"; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "The Z Gang's not going"; mes "to surrender yet! Come"; mes "forth, my loyal servants"; mes "of the darkness!"; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "No-no-no-meow!"; mes "Not that button!"; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Huh? Why...?"; next; set zdan_edq,17; donpcevent "#ZGuard::OnDisable"; hideoffnpc "Louis"; hideoffnpc "Martha"; hideoffnpc "Catfoii"; close; } end; OnTimer300000: mapwarp "z_agit","moc_fild17",209,235; donpcevent "#zdan_broad::OnDisable"; killmonster "z_agit","#ZGuard::OnMyMobDead"; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; donpcevent "#ZGuard::OnDisable"; stopnpctimer; end; } z_agit,97,101,3 script Louis 931,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Louis]"; mes "You mess with the"; mes "Z Gang, you--wait."; mes "Let's just do this later."; mes "You know, when you're carrying"; mes "fewer items with you. Then,"; mes "we can rumble in peace."; close; } if (zdan_edq == 17) { mes "[Louis]"; mes "What happened?"; mes "The big guns were"; mes "supposed to come out!"; mes "Why aren't we invisible"; mes "anymore? What happened?"; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "You pushed the button"; mes "to turn off the invisibility,"; mes "meow! Did you really have"; mes "to ask?! It's your fault!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Argh! I should never"; mes "have trusted that fool!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "So... Z Gang..."; mes "And cat. It's time"; mes "to turn you in."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "I... I can't accept"; mes "our defeat! The Z Gang"; mes "won't go down so easily!"; mes "Come forth, my demon"; mes "spawn minions of doom!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I don't think"; mes "they're coming."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "..............................."; mes "We surrender. Argh, but"; mes "we were so close to"; mes "conquering the world!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Now if you'll just"; mes "hand over the Book"; mes "of Forbidden Mystery..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Louis, meow!"; mes "Don't do it!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Let's just surrender,"; mes "Louis. It looks like"; mes "the Z Gang is finished."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Anyway, the Rogue Guild"; mes "is on its way to come get"; mes "you guys. You won't be able"; mes "to escape this time."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Awwww, man!"; mes "Fine, take the stupid"; mes "ol' book. I couldn't"; mes "use it that good anyway."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Catfoii, would you"; mes "lead this adventurer guy"; mes "to the exit? I can't bear"; mes "to look at the face that's"; mes "caused my tragic downfall..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Fine, meow."; mes "I understand."; mes "But how did we lose?!"; close2; getitem 7724,1; //Forbidden_Secret_Art changequest 3133,3134; set zdan_edq,18; mapwarp "z_agit","moc_fild17",209,235; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; hideonnpc "Louis"; hideonnpc "Martha"; hideonnpc "Catfoii"; stopnpctimer; close; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Where am I...?"; mes "Something has gone"; mes "terribly wrong, hasn't"; mes "it? Let me go baaaack~! "; set zdan_edq,15; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; close2; warp "moc_fild17",209,235; end; } OnInit: hideonnpc "Louis"; end; } z_agit,99,101,3 script Martha 101,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Martha]"; mes "Hey, you're carrying"; mes "too much stuff. You'd"; mes "better put some of your"; mes "items away first in Kafra"; mes "Storage or something."; close; } if (zdan_edq == 17) { mes "[Martha]"; mes "Argh...! What'd "; mes "you do, Louis?"; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "What happened?"; mes "The big guns were"; mes "supposed to come out!"; mes "Why aren't we invisible"; mes "anymore? What happened?"; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "You pushed the button"; mes "to turn off the invisibility,"; mes "meow! Did you really have"; mes "to ask?! It's your fault!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Argh! I should never"; mes "have trusted that fool!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "So... Z Gang..."; mes "And cat. It's time"; mes "to turn you in."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "I... I can't accept"; mes "our defeat! The Z Gang"; mes "won't go down so easily!"; mes "Come forth, my demon"; mes "spawn minions of doom!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I don't think"; mes "they're coming."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "..............................."; mes "We surrender. Argh, but"; mes "we were so close to"; mes "conquering the world!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Now if you'll just"; mes "hand over the Book"; mes "of Forbidden Mystery..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Louis, meow!"; mes "Don't do it!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Let's just surrender,"; mes "Louis. It looks like"; mes "the Z Gang is finished."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Anyway, the Rogue Guild"; mes "is on its way to come get"; mes "you guys. You won't be able"; mes "to escape this time."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Awwww, man!"; mes "Fine, take the stupid"; mes "ol' book. I couldn't"; mes "use it that good anyway."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Catfoii, would you"; mes "lead this adventurer guy"; mes "to the exit? I can't bear"; mes "to look at the face that's"; mes "caused my tragic downfall..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Fine, meow."; mes "I understand."; mes "But how did we lose?!"; close2; getitem 7724,1; //Forbidden_Secret_Art changequest 3133,3134; set zdan_edq,18; mapwarp "z_agit","moc_fild17",209,235; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; hideonnpc "Louis"; hideonnpc "Martha"; hideonnpc "Catfoii"; disablenpc "#zdan_broad"; stopnpctimer; close; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Where am I...?"; mes "Something has gone"; mes "terribly wrong, hasn't"; mes "it? Let me go baaaack~! "; set zdan_edq,15; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; close2; warp "moc_fild17",209,235; end; } OnInit: hideonnpc "Martha"; end; } z_agit,95,101,3 script Catfoii 876,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "You're carrying too"; mes "many items: get rid of"; mes "your extra stuff, put it in"; mes "Kafra Storage, sell it, or"; mes "whatever, before coming back."; close; } if (zdan_edq == 17) { mes "[Louis]"; mes "What happened?"; mes "The big guns were"; mes "supposed to come out!"; mes "Why aren't we invisible"; mes "anymore? What happened?"; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "You pushed the button"; mes "to turn off the invisibility,"; mes "meow! Did you really have"; mes "to ask?! It's your fault!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Argh! I should never"; mes "have trusted that fool!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "So... Z Gang..."; mes "And cat. It's time"; mes "to turn you in."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "I... I can't accept"; mes "our defeat! The Z Gang"; mes "won't go down so easily!"; mes "Come forth, my demon"; mes "spawn minions of doom!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I don't think"; mes "they're coming."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "..............................."; mes "We surrender. Argh, but"; mes "we were so close to"; mes "conquering the world!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Now if you'll just"; mes "hand over the Book"; mes "of Forbidden Mystery..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Louis, meow!"; mes "Don't do it!"; next; mes "[Martha]"; mes "Let's just surrender,"; mes "Louis. It looks like"; mes "the Z Gang is finished."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Anyway, the Rogue Guild"; mes "is on its way to come get"; mes "you guys. You won't be able"; mes "to escape this time."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Awwww, man!"; mes "Fine, take the stupid"; mes "ol' book. I couldn't"; mes "use it that good anyway."; next; mes "[Louis]"; mes "Catfoii, would you"; mes "lead this adventurer guy"; mes "to the exit? I can't bear"; mes "to look at the face that's"; mes "caused my tragic downfall..."; next; mes "[Catfoii]"; mes "Fine, meow."; mes "I understand."; mes "But how did we lose?!"; close2; getitem 7724,1; //Forbidden_Secret_Art changequest 3133,3134; set zdan_edq,18; mapwarp "z_agit","moc_fild17",209,235; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; hideonnpc "Louis"; hideonnpc "Martha"; hideonnpc "Catfoii"; disablenpc "#zdan_broad"; stopnpctimer; close; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Where am I...?"; mes "Something has gone"; mes "terribly wrong, hasn't"; mes "it? Let me go baaaack~! "; set zdan_edq,15; set $@monster_zgang,0; set $@door2,0; close2; warp "moc_fild17",209,235; end; } OnInit: hideonnpc "Catfoii"; end; } // Unlucky Emerald //============================================================ morocc,143,63,3 script Ragged Man#nd 929,{ if (treasure_nd == 0) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "H-hello? Would you help me?"; mes "You'd be saving this poor man's"; mes "life if you would just do me"; mes "this favor. Please..."; next; switch(select("How may I help you?:Ignore Him")) { case 1: mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Okay, what can I do to help?"; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Oh, thank you so much!"; mes "It feels so good to talk to"; mes "someone after being ignored"; mes "all this time! I might appear to"; mes "be a beggar, but I'm actually a"; mes "treasure hunter from Prontera."; next; switch(select("Umm... So?")) { case 1: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I was so sure I could find"; mes "the treasure here in Morroc"; mes "when I first started... I did"; mes "all my research and prep work."; mes "But after hiring teams of other"; mes "hunters and researchers..."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I've spent my entire fortune,"; mes "and I'm still not any closer"; mes "to finding that treasure."; mes "I... I don't even have enough"; mes "money to go back home!"; emotion e_sob; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Won't you spare some"; mes "money, so that I can finally"; mes "go back home to Prontera?"; next; switch(select("Why don't you just walk?:I can give you some money.")) { case 1: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "What? You don't think that"; mes "if I could walk to Prontera,"; mes "I'd have done it already?!"; mes "Why would I even bother to"; mes "beg for money? Fine, I don't"; mes "need your brand of sympathy."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "You know, I had a hot tip"; mes "that I was going to let you"; mes "in on, but if you don't want"; mes "to share, then neither do I!"; set treasure_nd,1; close; case 2: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Oh, thank you!"; mes "Anything you can spare,"; mes "I'll gladly appreciate!"; mes "God bless you, bless you!"; next; if (Zeny < 1200) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Umm... Oh, dear..."; mes "You're just as bad off"; mes "as I am. I appreciate it,"; mes "but I can't take your money."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "It's a shame, really."; mes "If you had given me 1,200"; mes "zeny, I would have tipped"; mes "you off to something big..."; set treasure_nd,1; close; } else { set zeny,zeny-1200; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Let's see... I just need"; mes "1,200 zeny. That's enough"; mes "for me to go back home."; mes "Now, I can't let you just"; mes "give me money and let you"; mes "leave empty handed, can I?"; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Remember that hidden"; mes "treasure I was looking for?"; mes "There's a rumor that it's"; mes "location has finally been"; mes "confirmed. Why don't you"; mes "try finding it for yourself?"; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I'd rather that it end up in"; mes "the hands of someone like"; mes "you than a rival treasure"; mes "hunter. This hunter that"; mes "stays north in town apparently^FFFFFF ^000000 confirmed the treasure's location."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Now, I hear that this guy"; mes "hasn't returned home yet,"; mes "and he still hasn't found"; mes "the treasure. He's probably"; mes "run into a pretty bad snag."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I doubt that he'll let you"; mes "know the treasure's location"; mes "easily, but who knows? Maybe"; mes "he might slip, and accidentally"; mes "give you some kind of clue."; set treasure_nd,2; close; } } } case 2: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Please! Please, wait!"; mes "You're an adventurer, aren't"; mes "you? I have some valuable"; mes "information to share if you'd"; mes "just spare me some... Hey!"; mes "Come back! No... I just..."; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 1) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Oh, I remember you."; mes "You must really want that"; mes "treasure now, do you? Just"; mes "give me 1,200 zeny for me"; mes "to go back home, and I'll"; mes "tell you everything I know."; next; switch(select("Give Money:Don't Give Money")) { case 1: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Ah, good choice!"; mes "And thank you so much."; mes "It'll be great to finally be"; mes "back home in Prontera."; next; if (Zeny < 1200) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "What th--?! This isn't"; mes "enough money for me to go"; mes "back home! Well, just come"; mes "back later once you scrounge"; mes "up the funds. I'll be waiting."; close; } else { set zeny,zeny-1200; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Remember that hidden"; mes "treasure I was looking for?"; mes "There's a rumor that it's"; mes "location has finally been"; mes "confirmed. Why don't you"; mes "try finding it for yourself?"; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I'd rather that it end up in"; mes "he hands of someone like"; mes "you than a rival treasure"; mes "hunter. This hunter that"; mes "stays north in town apparently^FFFFFF ^000000 confirmed the treasure's location."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Now, I hear that this guy"; mes "hasn't returned home yet,"; mes "and he still hasn't found"; mes "the treasure. He's probably"; mes "run into a pretty big snag."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I doubt that he'll let you"; mes "know the treasure's location"; mes "easily, but who knows? Maybe"; mes "he might slip, and accidentally"; mes "give you some kind of clue."; set treasure_nd,2; close; } case 2: mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Fine, have it your way."; mes "I admit that I'm a little"; mes "disappointed in you. Aren't"; mes "you adventurers supposed"; mes "to be heroes to the people?"; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 2) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "Oh, you're back?"; mes "Ah, you must be having"; mes "trouble finding that guy"; mes "I was talking about. He's"; mes "just in the northern part of^FFFFFF ^000000 this town. It can't be that hard."; close; } else if (treasure_nd > 10) { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "You found the treasure?!"; mes "It... It really exists..."; mes "I'm sorry, it's just been"; mes "my dream to... I feel like"; mes "crying... Oh, God... I don't"; mes "know what this feeling is..."; next; mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "I mean... I feel so"; mes "damned happy, but..."; mes "I spent my entire fortune..."; mes "Ruined my whole life just"; mes "to see that treasure..."; close; } else { mes "[Ragged Man]"; mes "So how's the treasure"; mes "hunt coming along? I hope"; mes "you have better luck than"; mes "I did. Still, I've got a pretty^FFFFFF ^000000 good feeling that you'll find it."; close; } } morocc,102,298,3 script Man#zgang 98,{ if (treasure_nd < 2) { mes "[Man]"; mes "What do you want?"; mes "Just leave me alone."; close; } else if (treasure_nd == 2) { mes "[Man]"; mes "What do you want?"; mes "Just leave me alone."; next; switch(select("Tell me about the treasure.")) { case 1: emotion e_gasp; mes "[Man]"; mes "What? So you're the one"; mes "I was warned about! I've"; mes "been wondering when you'd"; mes "show up. Prepare to die!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Umm... Excuse me?"; mes "I've just heard that you"; mes "confirmed the location of"; mes "some amazing treasure,"; mes "and I just wanted to ask"; mes "you more about it. That's all!"; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "What? If you're just here"; mes "for that, then how'd you"; mes "find out about me and"; mes "the treasure? Not just"; mes "everyone knows about it."; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Well, I was talking to"; mes "this other treasure hunter"; mes "who's... Well, he's kind"; mes "of a beggar now..."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh. That old man?"; mes "Well, I don't know if the"; mes "treasure he was looking"; mes "for and the one I've found"; mes "are the same one. But"; mes "yeah, I know that guy."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Alright. So I found this"; mes "treasure, but I have no way"; mes "of digging it up. Maybe we"; mes "can help each other. I need"; mes "money, and you want to know"; mes "more, right? Let's cut a deal."; next; switch(select("No, thanks.:What'd you have in mind?")) { case 1: mes "[Man]"; mes "No? Well..."; mes "There's no reason for"; mes "you to trust me now,"; mes "I suppose. But what can"; mes "you gain by walking away?"; set treasure_nd,3; close; case 2: mes "[Man]"; mes "Let me lay it out for you."; mes "I've been hired to find this"; mes "treasure by some people:"; mes "they said I can take whatever"; mes "I find, but they specifically"; mes "want one item for themselves."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "They pay me on delivery"; mes "so I haven't seen a dime yet."; mes "Now, my agreement with them"; mes "is conditional. I can't dig"; mes "up the treasure so they'll"; mes "understand if I say I failed."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "But if you dig it up, you can"; mes "keep everything. Sound good?"; mes "All I want is some stuff from"; mes "you to make all my efforts up"; mes "till now worth my while."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "In other words,"; mes "if you bring me,"; mes "^FF000020 Mementos^000000,"; mes "^FF00002 Pearls^000000, and"; mes "^FF00002 Zargons^000000, we can talk"; mes "business further. Got it?"; set treasure_nd,4; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Hey, I might be losing out"; mes "by giving up my share of that"; mes "treasure, but hey, a bird in"; mes "the hand's always worth more."; close; } } } else if (treasure_nd == 3) { mes "[Man]"; mes "You again? Lemme guess..."; mes "You're reconsidering that"; mes "deal I had in mind, aren't you?"; next; switch(select("No, not really.:I guess so.")) { case 1: mes "[Man]"; mes "You sure? No one would"; mes "be losing in this deal, you"; mes "know. Well, except the guys"; mes "that hired me to find that"; mes "treasure. It's pretty much"; mes "a win-win situation."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Way I figure it,"; mes "someone ought to get"; mes "that treasure. I can't"; mes "dig it up, but maybe"; mes "someone like you can..."; close; case 2: mes "[Man]"; mes "Let me lay it out for you."; mes "I've been hired to find this"; mes "treasure by some people:"; mes "they said I can take whatever"; mes "I find, but they specifically"; mes "want one item for themselves."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "They pay me on delivery"; mes "so I haven't seen a dime yet."; mes "Now, my agreement with them"; mes "is conditional. I can't dig"; mes "up the treasure so they'll"; mes "understand if I say I failed."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "But if you dig it up, you can"; mes "keep everything. Sound good?"; mes "All I want is some stuff from"; mes "you to make all my efforts up"; mes "till now worth my while."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "In other words,"; mes "if you bring me,"; mes "^FF000020 Mementos^000000,"; mes "^FF00002 Pearls^000000, and"; mes "^FF00002 Zargons^000000, we can talk"; mes "business further. Got it?"; set treasure_nd,4; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Hey, I might be losing out"; mes "by giving up my share of that"; mes "treasure, but hey, a bird in"; mes "the hand's always worth more."; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 4) { mes "[Man]"; mes "Back again, huh?"; mes "So did you bring"; mes "the stuff I asked?"; next; if ((countitem(722) > 1) && (countitem(912) > 1) && (countitem(934) > 19)) { mes "[Man]"; mes "Nice. You did your part."; mes "And now it's time that"; mes "I fulfilled my part of"; mes "this bargain. Listen up."; delitem 722,2; //Scarlet_Jewel delitem 912,2; //Zargon delitem 934,20; //Mementos set treasure_nd,5; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "The treasure is buried"; mes "south of Morroc. Use the"; mes "south gate to leave town,"; mes "and then head to the next"; mes "field to the south. From"; mes "there, you're on your own."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "I don't know exactly"; mes "where the treasure is"; mes "buried, but you should"; mes "be able to find it within"; mes "that general area. Good luck."; close; } else { mes "[Man]"; mes "Huh, you must have"; mes "forgotten what I wanted."; mes "I'm not really asking you"; mes "for extremely valuable stuff"; mes "here. Anyway, listen up."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Just bring me,"; mes "^FF000020 Mementos^000000,"; mes "^FF00002 Pearls^000000, and"; mes "^FF00002 Zargons^000000 so we can talk"; mes "business further. Got it?"; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 5) { mes "[Man]"; mes "What are you still doing"; mes "here? Shouldn't you be"; mes "looking for the treasure?"; close; } else if (treasure_nd == 6) { mes "[Man]"; mes "What are you still doing"; mes "here? Shouldn't you be"; mes "looking for the treasure?"; next; select("I already found it, but..."); mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I already found it, but..."; mes "It won't budge at all!"; mes "I think it's protected by"; mes "magic. Do you know"; mes "anything about that?"; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Wow, you actually found"; mes "it? Heh, you're better than"; mes "I thought. Sorry about that."; mes "I didn't explain the magic"; mes "part since... Well, I didn't"; mes "think you'd get that far."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Anyway, I had problems"; mes "with that magic too. Some"; mes "guy was supposed to help me"; mes "with that, but he didn't come."; mes "I've been so frustrated!"; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "I mean, I have no clue"; mes "when it comes to magic, and"; mes "I don't understand how I'm"; mes "supposed to use this thing"; mes "my clients gave to me."; next; while (1) { switch(select("Who was going to help you?:Your clients gave you something?")) { case 1: mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh, yeah. The guys that"; mes "hired me said that if I waited"; mes "at the treasure site, someone"; mes "would eventually come to help"; mes "me out on the magic end."; mes "I don't know who he is, though."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh, yeah. They mentioned"; mes "something about him coming"; mes "a bit from the west. Maybe"; mes "he's over in Comodo?"; next; set .@joho1,1; break; case 2: if (treasure_nd == 7) { mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh, yeah. They gave me"; mes "this weird document labeled"; mes "''^FF0000[Open^000000.'' I don't know how"; mes "to use it at all, though."; next; } else if (treasure_nd == 8) { mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh, yeah. They gave me"; mes "this weird document labeled"; mes "''^FF0000[Unlock^000000.'' I don't know how"; mes "to use it at all, though."; next; } else { mes "[Man]"; mes "Oh, yeah. Let's see here."; mes "Ah, here's the document"; mes "that they gave me. It's kind"; mes "of a bit torn, though."; next; if (rand(1,2) == 1) { mes "^3355FFThe torn document"; mes "is labeled ''^FF0000[Open^3355FF.''^000000"; next; set treasure_nd,7; set .@joho2,1; } else { mes "^3355FFThe torn document"; mes "is labeled ''^FF0000[Unlock^3355FF.''^000000"; next; set treasure_nd,8; set .@joho2,1; } } } if ((.@joho1 == 1) && (.@joho2 == 1)) { break; } } mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Wait, how could you not"; mes "know how to use this?"; mes "Didn't you get a chance"; mes "to talk to your clients?"; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "I haven't even met them."; mes "I just get their instructions"; mes "through the mail. Everything"; mes "is through a medium with these"; mes "guys. I guess they've got their"; mes "eyes on me too, but whatever."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "I guess they hired me because"; mes "they really want the treasure,"; mes "but don't want to tip anyone"; mes "off that they're looking for "; mes "it, or that they have it."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "Anyway, all I know is that"; mes "this piece of paper is supposed"; mes "to do something. But I guess"; mes "I'm not smart enough to figure"; mes "it out. Maybe you'll have"; mes "better luck with them."; next; mes "[Man]"; mes "You know, if you can actually"; mes "find that guy who was supposed"; mes "to help me but never showed up,"; mes "maybe he'll understand how to"; mes "use that document. Go ahead"; mes "and take 'em. Good luck, now."; close; } else if ((treasure_nd == 7) || (treasure_nd == 8)) { mes "[Man]"; mes "I already told you everything"; mes "I know. You'd be better off"; mes "finding that guy over in"; mes "Comodo, or the rest of"; mes "that torn document."; close; } else if ((treasure_nd == 9) || (treasure_nd == 10)) { mes "[Man]"; mes "Now that I think about it,"; mes "maybe the treasure can be"; mes "obtained by two people?"; mes "I mean, they planned for"; mes "me to go with that guy. Eh,"; mes "best not to think about it."; close; } else { mes "[Man]"; mes "Heh! Looks like I'll be"; mes "headed home soon~"; close; } } comodo,339,224,3 script Man in Hiding#nd 881,{ if (treasure_nd < 7) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Whoa, don't get so close!"; close; } else if ((treasure_nd == 7) || (treasure_nd == 8)) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Whoa, don't get so close!"; next; select("Why are you hiding here?"); mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Why are you hiding here?"; mes "Didn't the Z Gang hire you"; mes "to dig up some treasure?"; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Huh? Z Gang? Treasure?"; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Huh? Wait, tell me the"; mes "truth. Did you actually"; mes "meet the Z Gang?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I not only met the Z Gang,"; mes "I also captured them. I've"; mes "come looking for you to"; mes "find out more about this"; mes "buried treasure."; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "I get it now. You must"; mes "have met that other guy"; mes "they hired to get the"; mes "treasure. Huh. He's got one"; mes "half of the spell to open it,"; mes "and I've got the other."; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Well, you can have this,"; mes "the rest of the magic spell."; mes "Let me warn you, though,"; mes "there's something weird"; mes "about the spell, and the"; mes "treasure itself."; next; if (treasure_nd == 7) { mes "^3355FFYou received a torn"; mes "document that reads"; mes "''^FF0000Seseame]^000000.''"; set treasure_nd,10; next; } else { mes "^3355FFYou received a torn"; mes "document that reads"; mes "''^FF0000Treasure]^000000.''"; set treasure_nd,9; next; } mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "I don't understand why they"; mes "went through the hassle of"; mes "splitting this spell in two"; mes "parts. There must be some"; mes "reason. Whatever it is, it"; mes "must be pretty important."; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "I guess maybe you need"; mes "two people to move the"; mes "treasure? Well, whatever."; mes "Good luck finding that"; mes "treasure. Farewell now!"; close; } else { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Whoa, don't get so close!"; next; select("Ask About Treasure"); mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I've come looking"; mes "for information"; mes "about the treasure."; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "You... You've come"; mes "looking for me?!"; mes "Ugh, I'm cornered!"; mes "I'm not going down"; mes "without a fight!"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "What? No, it's not like"; mes "that. I met this treasure"; mes "hunter in Morroc that said"; mes "I could find you around here."; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Treasure hunter...?"; mes "Oh, then you already"; mes "know about the treasure..."; next; mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "If I'm right, then you"; mes "need the other half of"; mes "the spell to open the"; mes "treasure. Here, you can"; mes "take it. I have no use"; mes "for it, anyway."; next; if (treasure_nd == 7) { mes "^3355FFYou received a torn"; mes "document that reads"; mes "''^FF0000Sesame]^000000.''"; set treasure_nd,10; next; } else { mes "^3355FFYou received a torn"; mes "document that reads"; mes "''^FF0000Treasure]^000000.''"; set treasure_nd,9; next; } mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Now would you just get"; mes "out of here? If you couldn't"; mes "already tell, I'm hiding from"; mes "some people. I told you all"; mes "I know, so do me a favor,"; mes "and don't tell anyone I'm here!"; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 9) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Aren't you going to"; mes "dig up that treasure?"; mes "You have both parts of"; mes "the spell that you need:"; mes "I already gave you the"; mes "''^FF0000Treasure]^000000'' part, right?"; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Anyway, now that the"; mes "Z Gang is captured,"; mes "it might be safe enough"; mes "for me to go back home."; close; } else { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Would you do me a favor,"; mes "and just get out of here"; mes "before someone finds"; mes "my hiding place?"; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 10) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Aren't you going to"; mes "dig up that treasure?"; mes "You have both parts of"; mes "the spell that you need:"; mes "I already gave you the"; mes "''^FF0000Sesame]^000000'' part, right?"; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Anyway, now that the"; mes "Z Gang is captured,"; mes "it might be safe enough"; mes "for me to go back home."; close; } else { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Would you do me a favor,"; mes "and just get out of here"; mes "before someone finds"; mes "my hiding place?"; close; } } else { mes "[Man in Hiding]"; mes "Heh! Looks like it's"; mes "safe for me to come out"; mes "of hiding, and just go home!"; mes "But maybe I should stick"; mes "around here a little longer,"; mes "just to be on the safe side."; close; } } moc_fild18,108,116,0 script #treasure 844,{ if (checkweight(907,300) == 0) { mes "^3355FFYou're carrying too many"; mes "items: there's no way you"; mes "can carry the Treasure"; mes "Chest with you for now.^000000"; close; } if (treasure_nd == 5) { mes "^3355FFThere's something"; mes "here, buried just"; mes "beneath the ground.^000000"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Unngh! I-it won't...!"; next; mes "^3355FFNo matter how hard"; mes "you try, you can't dig"; mes "out the chest or open it."; mes "There's some magical"; mes "aura surrounding the chest"; mes "that might be stopping you.^000000"; set treasure_nd,6; close; } else if (treasure_nd == 6) { mes "^3355FFThat Treasure Hunter in"; mes "Morroc must know something"; mes "about the chest's magical"; mes "protection. It might be"; mes "a good idea to ask him.^000000"; close; } else if ((treasure_nd == 7) || (treasure_nd == 8)) { mes "^3355FFYou tried casting the"; mes "spell on the document"; mes "you received, but nothing"; mes "happened. You should probably"; mes "find the other man over in"; mes "Comodo to see what he knows.^000000"; close; } else if (treasure_nd == 9 || treasure_nd == 10) { mes "^3355FFYou'll need to combine"; mes "the two halves of the spell"; mes "on the document you received"; mes "to remove the chest's magical"; mes "protection to get the treasure.^000000"; next; input .@input$; getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set .@partymembercount,$@partymembercount; if (.@partymembercount > 1) { if (((.@input$ == "OpenSesame") && (treasure_nd == 9)) || ((.@input$ == "UnlockTreasure") && (treasure_nd == 10))) { mes "^3355FFThe Z Gang must have split"; mes "the spell document in two"; mes "parts because one person"; mes "isn't enough to open this"; mes "chest. It's a good thing"; mes "you brought a friend.^000000"; next; mes "^3355FFYou cast the spell,"; mes "the chest opens, and"; mes "you grab all the loot inside.^000000"; if (zdan_edq == 0) { set treasure_nd,11; } else { set treasure_nd,12; } getitem 7725,1; //Unlucky_Emerald getitem 604,1; //Branch_Of_Dead_Tree getitem 1157,1; //Two_Hand_Sword sc_start2 SC_Curse,10000,0,10000; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "N-no! What's going on?"; mes "This Emerald... It must"; mes "be cursed by evil magic!"; close; } else { mes "^3355FFNothing happened."; mes "You might not be"; mes "combining the spell"; mes "correctly. Perhaps if"; mes "you made it all one word...^000000"; close; } } else { mes "^3355FFThe treasure chest still"; mes "won't open. Then again,"; mes "this doesn't seem to be"; mes "a one man job...^000000"; close; } } else if (treasure_nd == 11) { if (zdan_edq > 0) { mes "^3355FFSomone must have"; mes "checked the treasure"; mes "site after you left:"; mes "whoever it was left"; mes "telltale signs of"; mes "his presence.^000000"; set treasure_nd,12; close; } } } comodo,139,184,3 script Scholar#zgang 742,{ if (jewel_nd < 9) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "I'm an antique appraiser."; mes "You may think of me as similar"; mes "to jewel appraisers, but I can"; mes "appraise the historical value"; mes "of antiques in addition to their quality and monetary value."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 9) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Oooh. You must be the"; mes "one sent by Ibrahim, right?"; mes "You're the one that found"; mes "that rare emerald, one of"; mes "the accursed jewels?"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "I'm very interested in the"; mes "Cursed Jewels, and have been"; mes "researching them. You came"; mes "to just the right person if you"; mes "wanted to learn more about"; mes "the emerald that you found."; set jewel_nd,11; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 10) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Hello, how may"; mes "I help you today?"; next; select("Ask About Cursed Jewel"); mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "I came to ask you"; mes "about a Cursed Jewel."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Let's see... Ah, did"; mes "you come to ask about"; mes "the Diamond of Destruction?"; next; select("No, it's the Unlucky Emerald."); mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Ah, the Unlucky Emerald?"; mes "Yes, that was the most recent"; mes "Cursed Jewel to be discovered."; mes "Let's see, where did I put all"; mes "of my notes about that?"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Would you mind coming"; mes "back later? I'm not sure"; mes "where I misplaced my notes..."; set jewel_nd,11; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 11) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Ah, let's see now."; mes "There's a record here"; mes "entitled, ''The Story of the"; mes "Cursed Jewel.'' According"; mes "to this, no one knows where"; mes "these jewels were first found."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "The first incident involving"; mes "the jewel involved a Comodo"; mes "resident that used the jewel"; mes "to pay a gambling debt. He"; mes "committed suicide after he"; mes "paid his debt, which is a pity."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "He didn't tell anyone"; mes "where he found the jewel"; mes "before he died, so we have"; mes "no way of determining the"; mes "jewel's true origins."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "After it was sold, the"; mes "jewel came into a rich man's"; mes "possession. However, he lost"; mes "his fortune and was completely"; mes "ruined after obtaining it. Hence ^FFFFFF ^000000 the moniker, ''Unlucky Emerald.''"; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Then the emerald came into"; mes "the hands of a noble lady"; mes "who mysteriously died at"; mes "a young age. The emerald's"; mes "had thousands of owners"; mes "who just... Died."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "What's disturbing is that"; mes "the emerald's curse seems"; mes "to grow stronger with each"; mes "life it takes away. Um, and"; mes "your jewel perfectly matches"; mes "the descriptions, so, uh..."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "You are the new owner"; mes "of the Unlucky Emerald."; mes "No one will buy that from"; mes "you while it's still cursed."; mes "For the sake of your life,"; mes "you must break that curse."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Now, holy spells won't work"; mes "on this kind of curse. You'll"; mes "need to talk to a shaman."; mes "I think he lives in... Alberta?"; mes "He can summon the dead"; mes "and act as a medium for you."; next; mes "[Scholar]"; mes "The idea is for you to talk"; mes "to the spirits killed by this"; mes "emerald through that shaman."; mes "And I'm sure he'll be pretty"; mes "excited to see that you have"; mes "the Unlucky Emerald with you."; set jewel_nd,12; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 12) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Please find that shaman"; mes "in Alberta, and ask if he can"; mes "help you break the curse"; mes "on that Unlucky Emerald."; close; } else if (jewel_nd > 28) { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Wait, you're telling me"; mes "that the emerald was cursed"; mes "by the vindictive spirit of"; mes "some warrior? Interesting..."; mes "I should record this in my"; mes "research notes. Thank you!"; close; } else { mes "[Scholar]"; mes "Some jewels are said to"; mes "be possessed by ghosts"; mes "or evil spirits that will bring"; mes "misfortune to their owners,"; mes "drive them to death or"; mes "insanity, that sort of thing."; close; } } alberta_in,70,109,5 script Shaman 788,{ if (jewel_nd == 0) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "The spiritual realm is"; mes "the source of my sorcery."; mes "Do not understimate the"; mes "power of the spirits!"; close; } else if ((jewel_nd > 0) && (jewel_nd < 12)) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Oh? Heh heh!"; mes "You're carrying"; mes "something very"; mes "valuable, aren't you?"; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 12) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You! Yes... I can sense"; mes "them... The angry spirits of"; mes "your ancestors! You haven't"; mes "made any offerings to them,"; mes "have you? You must appease"; mes "them before they torment you!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Quickly, now! It is"; mes "imperative that you give me"; mes "500,000 zeny immediately"; mes "so that I can comfort their"; mes "souls before they wreck"; mes "havoc on your life!"; next; select("Actually, I have a Cursed Jewel."); mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Jewel...? Oh, a Cursed"; mes "Jewel! Hahaha! So that's"; mes "what that evil aura was!"; mes "My mistake! Say, do you"; mes "mind if I take a look at it?"; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { emotion e_dots; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "So this bauble's the"; mes "Unlucky Emerald? Yes,"; mes "it's definitely cursed."; mes "If you don't break the"; mes "curse soon, it'll consume"; mes "your soul. Not a good thing."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "I need to perform"; mes "a ritual to break the"; mes "curse. I'll charge you"; mes "200,000 zeny for the service."; mes "It's expensive, but I'm saving"; mes "your life and risking mine."; set jewel_nd,13; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hm? Did you forget to"; mes "bring the jewel? Hurry,"; mes "and bring it back to me."; mes "You need to break that"; mes "curse before the jewel"; mes "can devour your soul!"; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 13) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Did you bring the money?"; mes "We must appease the spirits"; mes "possessing the soul, and to"; mes "do that, I will need to perform"; mes "a ritual that will be taxing"; mes "on my body and spirit."; next; if (Zeny > 199999) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Good, good. I see that"; mes "you've brought the money."; mes "I can now begin the ritual."; mes "If all goes well, you'll be"; mes "free of your curse, and I can"; mes "buy some Prontera real estate."; set zeny,zeny-200000; set jewel_nd,14; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Please come back soon"; mes "after I've completed the"; mes "preparations for the ritual."; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You... You don't have"; mes "200,000 zeny? I'm sorry,"; mes "but I cannot perform the"; mes "ritual for free, even if"; mes "your soul is at stake."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 14) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hmm... You know the"; mes "money you gave me?"; mes "Apparently, it wasn't"; mes "enough. One of the spirits"; mes "was about to enter me, but..."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "It left in disgust after"; mes "it learned that I was trying"; mes "to break the curse for only"; mes "200,000 zeny. I think..."; mes "I think I need 100,000 zeny"; mes "more for this to be effective."; set jewel_nd,15; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 15) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Good, you've returned!"; mes "Did you bring the 100,000"; mes "zeny like I asked? It's a small"; mes "price considering that I'm"; mes "saving your very soul."; next; if (Zeny > 99999) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Ah, perfect!"; mes "Hopefully, the"; mes "spirits will be more"; mes "cooperative this time."; set zeny,zeny-100000; set jewel_nd,16; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Yes, the vindictive"; mes "spirit in this jewel"; mes "will be most impressed"; mes "by your sincere efforts."; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You didn't? Do you know"; mes "what it's like to have"; mes "your soul consumed? Let"; mes "me tell you, it's a lot"; mes "more painful than parting"; mes "with a paltry 100,000 zeny!"; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 16) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "At long last, the"; mes "spirits and I are one."; mes "The ritual may now begin."; mes "Ohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm... "; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hhhkkk... Arrrgh...!"; emotion e_omg; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes ".....?"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Th-this emerald!"; mes "So many lives! Money"; mes "alone won't break this"; mes "curse! It's time to get"; mes "serious and suppress"; mes "this jewel's power!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Remember the items"; mes "I tell you to bring, and"; mes "come back with them"; mes "as quickly as you can!"; mes "Both of our lives are in"; mes "danger until you do!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Bring me"; mes "^FF00001 Holy Water^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Red Blood^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Witherless Rose^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Crystal Blue^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Wind of Verdure^000000."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hurry! Although the spirits"; mes "are eternal, they don't like"; mes "to be kept waiting! Don't"; mes "question this great irony,"; mes "and get those items now!"; set jewel_nd,17; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 17) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You brought the items?!"; mes "Quickly! Place them in"; mes "my hands! We can't afford"; mes "to waste any more time!"; next; if (countitem(990) > 0) && (countitem(991) > 0) && (countitem(992) > 0) && (countitem(748) > 0) && (countitem(523) > 0) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Thank goodness."; mes "Now... Let me begin..."; mes "Uhhkk... Argh! Wait!"; mes "I... I see someone..."; mes "Covered in blood? Yes..."; mes "He's staring at something."; delitem 990,1; //Boody_Red delitem 991,1; //Crystal_Blue delitem 992,1; //Wind_Of_Verdure delitem 748,1; //Witherless_Rose delitem 523,1; //Holy_Water next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "There's a sword behind it."; mes "He's... He's just been in"; mes "a fight? I can smell..."; mes "His bloodlust. I can't tell"; mes "if he cursed the jewel of"; mes "if he's another victim..."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Damn it! It's not clear"; mes "to me! We need to figure"; mes "out if what I'm seeing is"; mes "the root of the curse..."; mes "What can we do to--Right!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "I'm not sure how helpful"; mes "he'll be, but there is an"; mes "archaeologist in Juno that"; mes "might know more about this"; mes "specific jewel. Hopefully,"; mes "he will have the answer."; set jewel_nd,18; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "For now, the jewel's"; mes "curse is beyond my power."; mes "However, if you can determine"; mes "the source of the curse, then"; mes "I will be able to help you."; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You... Forgot?!"; mes "Your body and soul are in"; mes "jeopardy and you forgot?!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Bring me"; mes "^FF00001 Holy Water^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Red Blood^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Witherless Rose^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Crystal Blue^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Wind of Verdure^000000!"; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 18) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "That antique appraiser..."; mes "He wouldn't know anything"; mes "more about the jewel, but"; mes "that archaeologist in Juno"; mes "will hopefully have some"; mes "new information we can use."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 19) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Ah, you're back."; mes "So did you learn"; mes "anything new about"; mes "the Unlucky Emerald?"; next; select("The archaeologist said..."); mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "The archaeologist said..."; mes "Well, he said that there"; mes "is no curse on the jewel."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "What? How dare he refute"; mes "what I just told you?!"; mes "Is he calling me a liar?"; mes "There was a vindictive"; mes "warrior's soul inside"; mes "that very emerald!"; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Then again, there's no"; mes "point fighting someone"; mes "that doesn't believe in"; mes "the spirit realm. However,"; mes "I wasn't lying. My honor"; mes "as a shaman is at stake!"; set jewel_nd,20; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "In fact, I'll prove it to you"; mes "by reading the message"; mes "inside this emerald. Bring"; mes "me the jewel, and I'll summon"; mes "the warrior spirit inside it."; mes "Just let me rest a bit first."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 20) { if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Alright. By my pride"; mes "as a shaman, I'll provide"; mes "this service to you free"; mes "of charge! Can't have"; mes "anyone thinking I'm"; mes "some kind of quack..."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hmmmm..."; mes "Hmmmm..."; mes "I... I see."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Huh. Well, what do you"; mes "know? There is no curse."; mes "However, it's not true that"; mes "only Comodo's prodigal son"; mes "was killed over this jewel."; mes "There are many more..."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Go yonder to the town"; mes "of Geffen, head west, and"; mes "seek the high ground that"; mes "is over the bridge. You know..."; mes "Leave Geffen through the west"; mes "gate and find a high place."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Trust me. You'll find"; mes "something there that will"; mes "react to the power of that"; mes "emerald you possess."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Hmpf! That arrogant"; mes "archaeologist! He doesn't"; mes "know what he's talking about!"; set jewel_nd,21; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "You don't have the"; mes "emerald with you?"; mes "I hope you didn't"; mes "lose it somewhere."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 21) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Go yonder to the town"; mes "of Geffen, head west, and"; mes "seek the high ground that"; mes "is over the bridge. You know..."; mes "Leave Geffen through the west"; mes "gate and find a high place."; next; mes "[Shaman]"; mes "Trust me. You'll find"; mes "something there that will"; mes "react to the power of that"; mes "emerald you possess."; mes "Don't forget to bring"; mes "that emerald with you!"; close; } else if ((jewel_nd == 22) || (jewel_nd == 23)) { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "What did I tell you?"; mes "That jewel brings very"; mes "bad fortune. Though, I'm"; mes "not sure why the warrior"; mes "spirit inside wouldn't talk"; mes "to me. What's with that?"; close; } else { mes "[Shaman]"; mes "It's been a long time"; mes "since I've done these"; mes "rituals. I feel thoroughly"; mes "drained of my spiritual energy."; close; } } yuno_in04,38,48,3 script Archeologist 55,{ if (jewel_nd < 18) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "There's so much to do!"; mes "How am I going to handle"; mes "all of this research? Don't"; mes "panic, don't panic, just"; mes "one thing at a time!"; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 18) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Oh, I've heard about you"; mes "from that antique appraiser"; mes "in Comodo... You're the one"; mes "that dig up the Unlucky"; mes "Emerald, right? Would"; mes "you mind if I take a look?"; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Ah, it's no wonder so"; mes "many people want it."; mes "This emerald is so huge"; mes "and... It's beautiful! So..."; mes "I'm guessing you needed"; mes "my help with something?"; next; switch(select("Ask About the Jewel's Curse:Show Off Jewel")) { case 1: emotion e_heh; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "The jewel's curse?"; mes "Hah! You believe in that"; mes "old superstition? Oh, so"; mes "you wanted to break the"; mes "jewel's curse? Mmpf. Hahah!"; mes "You're not dead yet, right?"; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "It's all a load of bunk!"; mes "Only one man died while"; mes "keeping this jewel in his"; mes "possession, that gambler in"; mes "Comodo that used it to pay"; mes "off his gambling debts."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "This jewel happened to be"; mes "lost for a long time, and it"; mes "just reappeared. That's all."; mes "Lots of myths and legends"; mes "surround extremely valuable"; mes "gems like this one."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Anyway, there's no curse."; mes "Believe what you want to,"; mes "but that happens to be my"; mes "professional opinion,"; mes "based on my research."; set jewel_nd,19; close; case 2: mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Wow..."; mes "That jewel sure"; mes "is freakin' huge..."; close; } } else { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "You lost the jewel?"; mes "Well, maybe it's not"; mes "all bad. History shows"; mes "that many people were"; mes "ruined by suddenly coming"; mes "upon vast fortunes, you know?"; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 22) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "The vindictive soul"; mes "of a warrior is just"; mes "drifting around in the"; mes "world of the living?"; mes "I don't think I want to"; mes "believe what you're saying."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "I personally feel that"; mes "old shaman's a fraud, but..."; mes "You should have the freedom"; mes "to decide what you believe."; mes "But don't let it bother you."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 23) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Are you talking about"; mes "ghosts again? Fine. For"; mes "the sake of the argument,"; mes "let's say the jewel actually"; mes "possesses the soul of"; mes "some fallen warrior."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "It's not unfathomable for"; mes "people with huge debts to"; mes "kill themselves, or for"; mes "warriors to perish while"; mes "fighting Cobolds. Still..."; mes "I'll see what I can learn."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "That reminds me..."; mes "I've got some records about"; mes "an adventurer group that died"; mes "in the field west of Geffen"; mes "that you were talking about."; mes "Let me see if I can find them."; set jewel_nd,24; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 24) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Ah, you're back! I found"; mes "those records I told you"; mes "about. It's a witness's"; mes "account of what happened"; mes "when those people died"; mes "west of Geffen."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "What's interesting is that"; mes "the warrior you keep talking"; mes "about wasn't killed by Cobolds"; mes "at all, according to what this"; mes "guy wrote. Let's see..."; mes "Ah, it's over here."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "''^666666When the chief and his"; mes "soldiers arrived, the battle"; mes "was over. Dead bodies lay"; mes "everywhere, but there was"; mes "one warrior covered in blood,"; mes "half conscious, but living.^000000''"; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Strange, isn't it?"; mes "This is from a journal"; mes "written by a retired soldier"; mes "that lives in Prontera now."; mes "It might be a good idea to"; mes "see if you can talk to him."; set jewel_nd,25; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 25) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "There's a retired soldier"; mes "that actually witnessed what"; mes "happened in the field west"; mes "of Geffen. You should try"; mes "to find him in Prontera, and"; mes "see what you can learn."; close; } else if (jewel_nd > 28) { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "Ah, that's... That's"; mes "very profound. That one"; mes "warrior went berserk when"; mes "he realized he was too weak"; mes "to protect his comrades?"; mes "He lost total control..."; next; mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "I better talk to that"; mes "old soldier and get the"; mes "full story on record."; mes "It'll be a really good history"; mes "lesson for Swordmen everywhere."; mes "Thank you for letting me know."; close; } else { mes "[Archeologist]"; mes "I'm so busy! Listen,"; mes "would you mind coming"; mes "back later when I'm not"; mes "so swamped with work?"; close; } } prontera,140,304,5 script Old Soldier 901,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Why are you carrying"; mes "so much stuff with you?"; mes "Isn't there a Kafra Storage"; mes "service for keeping your junk?"; close; } if (jewel_nd == 25) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "It's strange that so"; mes "many people have been"; mes "wanting to talk to me for"; mes "some reason, but I'll"; mes "admit that it's kind of nice."; next; switch(select("Ask About Past Battles:Ask About Fallen Warrior")) { case 1: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Don't get me started."; mes "Once I start talking about"; mes "the old days, I'll go on all"; mes "night. Those were real hard"; mes "times to live through, but good"; mes "memories to remember..."; close; case 2: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "The fallen warrior...?"; mes "There's only one that brings"; mes "a chill down my spine whenever"; mes "I think of him. He was about"; mes "your age when it happened..."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "We received a report about"; mes "a Cobold threat, so we were"; mes "dispatched to the fields"; mes "west of Geffen. But the"; mes "battle was over once we"; mes "arrived. We were too late."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "All the Cobolds were slain,"; mes "but... There was one warrior"; mes "left, covered in blood. When"; mes "he saw us, he just started"; mes "attacking everyone! He"; mes "had completely lost it."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "We had no choice but to"; mes "kill him. It was self defense,"; mes "but I can't help but pity him."; mes "All his comrades had been"; mes "killed: I can't imagine how"; mes "that must have felt."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "We arrived too late to"; mes "see that battle, but I'm"; mes "pretty sure it was horrific."; mes "You must be pretty interested"; mes "in learning about this soldier."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Well, I'm just glad that you"; mes "were able to know more"; mes "about this story. There's"; mes "much you can learn from"; mes "other people's experiences."; set jewel_nd,26; close; } } else if ((jewel_nd > 25) && (jewel_nd < 29)) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "I don't regret that we"; mes "had to kill that warrior."; mes "We did had we had to"; mes "back in those days."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 29) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Oh, it's you again."; mes "Did you want to ask me"; mes "more about that warrior?"; mes "I'm afraid I already told"; mes "you everything I know."; next; switch(select("Sorry...:I met the warrior's spirit.")) { case 1: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "It's fine."; close; case 2: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "What? How is that"; mes "even possible?"; next; mes "^3355FFYou explain to the"; mes "retired soldier everything"; mes "that has happened so far.^000000"; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "That's quite a story."; mes "Still, I'm surprised that"; mes "he didn't want to talk to"; mes "you about what happened."; mes "I guess he still harbors"; mes "bad feelings about that day..."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Well, I guess it doesn't"; mes "really matter now. Chalk"; mes "this all up to a really good"; mes "learning experience."; next; switch(select("I feel so sorry for him.:Do you believe the jewel is really cursed?")) { case 1: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Well..."; mes "I don't know what to tell"; mes "you. I mean, you can't really"; mes "put the blame on anybody."; mes "He just lost his mind..."; close; case 2: mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "I'm not really sure if the"; mes "jewel was cursed, if that"; mes "warrior started the curse,"; mes "or if the jewel isn't cursed"; mes "at all. I'm just an old,"; mes "simple soldier."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "One thing's for sure:"; mes "if there was a curse, that"; mes "soldier should have been"; mes "able to overcome it if his will"; mes "was strong enough. It's harsh"; mes "to say it like this, but..."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "True warriors have the"; mes "strength to endure, to"; mes "fight temptation, to keep"; mes "their focus. That guy..."; mes "He wasn't cut out to fight."; set jewel_nd,30; next; if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "If you're so worried"; mes "about a curse, why don't"; mes "you leave that jewel with me?"; mes "Don't worry, I'll make sure"; mes "to compensate you for it."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "I'd rather keep it to myself,"; mes "rather than risk it messing"; mes "around with other people."; mes "I know my will's tough enough"; mes "to resist its curse, you know,"; mes "if it actually exists."; delitem 7725,1; //Unlucky_Emerald set jewel_nd,31; getitem 603,1; //Old_Blue_Box if (BaseLevel < 66) { getitem 607,1; //Yggdrasilberry next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 65) && (BaseLevel < 75)) { getexp 50000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 74) && (BaseLevel < 81)) { getexp 180000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 80) && (BaseLevel < 86)) { getexp 360000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 85) && (BaseLevel < 91)) { getexp 500000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 90) && (BaseLevel < 96)) { getexp 800000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 95) && (BaseLevel < 99)) { getexp 1000000,0; next; } else if (BaseLevel == 99) { getitem 617,1; //Old_Violet_Box next; } else { getitem 617,1; //Old_Violet_Box next; } mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "If there's anything"; mes "you learn from all this,"; mes "it's that you should never"; mes "succumb to your desperation."; mes "Rage gives you nothing:"; mes "its power is an illusion."; close; } else { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "If you're so worried"; mes "about a curse, why don't"; mes "you leave that jewel with me?"; mes "Don't worry, I'll make sure"; mes "to compensate you for it."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "I'd rather keep it to myself,"; mes "rather than risk it messing"; mes "around with other people."; mes "I know my will's tough enough"; mes "to resist its curse, you know,"; mes "if it actually exists."; close; } } } } else if (jewel_nd == 30) { if (countitem(7725) > 0) { delitem 7725,1; //Unlucky_Emerald set jewel_nd,31; getitem 603,1; //Old_Blue_Box if (BaseLevel < 66) { getitem 607,1; //Yggdrasilberry next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 65) && (BaseLevel < 75)) { getexp 50000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 74) && (BaseLevel < 81)) { getexp 80000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 80) && (BaseLevel < 86)) { getexp 150000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 85) && (BaseLevel < 91)) { getexp 200000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 90) && (BaseLevel < 96)) { getexp 400000,0; next; } else if ((BaseLevel > 95) && (BaseLevel < 99)) { getexp 500000,0; next; } else if (BaseLevel == 99) { getitem 617,1; //Old_Violet_Box next; } else { getitem 617,1; //Old_Violet_Box next; } mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "If there's anything"; mes "you learn from all this,"; mes "it's that you should never"; mes "succumb to your desperation."; mes "Rage gives you nothing:"; mes "its power is an illusion."; close; } else { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "You know what?"; mes "If you're so worried"; mes "about a curse, why don't"; mes "you leave that jewel with me?"; mes "Don't worry, I'll make sure"; mes "to compensate you for it."; next; mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "I'd rather keep it to myself,"; mes "rather than risk it messing"; mes "around with other people."; mes "I know my will's tough enough"; mes "to resist its curse, you know,"; mes "if it actually exists."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 31) { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Well, you learned all there"; mes "is to know about the Unlucky"; mes "Emerald. It's time you forget"; mes "about the curse or whatever,"; mes "and find new adventures."; mes "Ah, to be young again..."; close; } else { mes "[Retired Soldier]"; mes "Ah, how I long for"; mes "the old days. Being"; mes "retired is just so..."; mes "It's so boring! I guess"; mes "it's time to find a hobby."; close; } } gef_fild08,182,185,0 script The Wanderer 739,{ if (jewel_nd < 21) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I'm just a wanderer"; mes "drifting through this"; mes "world. Please just"; mes "leave me in peace."; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 21) { if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "That... That looks"; mes "just like the emerald"; mes "I used to own. Hmmm..."; mes "Did you come looking for me?"; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Get rid of that thing right"; mes "now. It's an evil jewel that"; mes "causes tragedy wherever"; mes "it goes. I remember... I got"; mes "that jewel from monsters..."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I was just a simple man,"; mes "dreaming of becoming the"; mes "world's greatest warrior."; mes "I had that emerald on me"; mes "when we encountered a huge"; mes "group of vicious Cobolds."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "No matter how many"; mes "we killed, there was"; mes "just no end to them..."; mes "And then... We... We..."; mes "I... It hurts too much"; mes "to recall what happened..."; set jewel_nd,22; hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; close; } else { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Why have you summoned me?"; mes "I'm just the soul of a fallen"; mes "warrior, seeking peace."; mes "Please don't bother me"; mes "if you can avoid it."; close; } } else if (jewel_nd == 22) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "You again? Why do you still"; mes "hold the jewel?! Didn't I just"; mes "what happened to me and"; mes "my comrades! We all died"; mes "that day, that day the"; mes "Cobolds overpowered us!"; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Just let me return"; mes "to my slumber."; set jewel_nd,23; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 25) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Why have you called"; mes "me here again? What"; mes "is it you want from me?"; mes "Can't you leave me alone?"; next; select("Were you really killed by Cobolds?"); mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Argh! What is it you're"; mes "trying to say?! Leave now!"; hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 26) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Still you pester me."; mes "Unfortunately, the power"; mes "of the jewel compels me"; mes "to return to this plane..."; mes "What is it this time?"; next; select("You weren't killed by Cobolds, were you?"); mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "How many times must I tell"; mes "you? Are you saying that"; mes "I'm lying about the deaths"; mes "of my comrades? Forget it."; mes "The dead shouldn't talk."; mes "It's a waste of my time."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Take care, young"; mes "adventurer, and don't"; mes "reopen the wounds of"; mes "the past anymore."; set jewel_nd,27; next; while(1) { if (select("You killed your comrades!:Do you remember your last moment?") == 1) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Did I...? Ha. Haha!"; mes "adventurer, but that sounds"; mes "like something from a trashy"; mes "novel. Hah hah hah hah!"; next; } else { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "It's a little hazy..."; mes "I... We tried to kill as"; mes "many Cobolds as we "; mes "could... Everyone was..."; mes "Everyone was dead."; mes "Everyone but me."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I was all alone."; mes "We killed all the"; mes "Cobolds, but I was..."; mes "Then... The next thing..."; mes "I was covered in blood."; mes "Then, something appeared?"; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "No, it can't have been."; mes "A human soldier like me?"; set jewel_nd,28; next; break; } } mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I was killed... No, wait."; mes "I survived the battle with"; mes "the Cobolds. Then, some"; mes "coward killed me from"; mes "behind, and stole my"; mes "emerald. That must be it!"; next; select("How did your comrades die?"); mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "The Cobolds killed them!"; mes "I was too weak to protect"; mes "my comrades. Too weak..."; mes "When I came back to my"; mes "senses, they were all..."; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I'm not sure what"; mes "happened. There was"; mes "blood coming into my eyes..."; mes "I remember slashing, and"; mes "stabbing, and... And slashing."; next; select("You slashed everything..."); mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You slashed everything..."; mes "Even the comrades you"; mes "were supposed to protect."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I... I did...?"; mes "I... No! Shut up!"; mes "Stop it! I couldn't..."; mes "Get out of here now!"; mes "You're trying to trick me!"; set jewel_nd,29; hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 27) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "What is it?"; mes "What could you"; mes "possibly have to"; mes "say to me this time?"; next; while(1) { if (select("You killed your comrades!:Do you remember your last moment?") == 1) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Did I...? Ha. Haha!"; mes "adventurer, but that sounds"; mes "like something from a trashy"; mes "novel. Hah hah hah hah!"; next; } else { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "It's a little hazy..."; mes "I... We tried to kill as"; mes "many Cobolds as we "; mes "could... Everyone was..."; mes "Everyone was dead."; mes "Everyone but me."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I was all alone."; mes "We killed all the"; mes "Cobolds, but I was..."; mes "Then... The next thing..."; mes "I was covered in blood."; mes "Then, something appeared?"; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "No, it can't have been."; mes "A human soldier like me?"; set jewel_nd,28; next; break; } } mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I was killed... No, wait."; mes "I survived the battle with"; mes "the Cobolds. Then, some"; mes "coward killed me from"; mes "behind, and stole my"; mes "emerald. That must be it!"; next; select("How did your comrades die?"); mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "The Cobolds killed them!"; mes "I was too weak to protect"; mes "my comrades. Too weak..."; mes "When I came back to my"; mes "senses, they were all..."; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I'm not sure what"; mes "happened. There was"; mes "blood coming into my eyes..."; mes "I remember slashing, and"; mes "stabbing, and... And slashing."; next; select("You slashed everything..."); mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You slashed everything..."; mes "Even the comrades you"; mes "were supposed to protect."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I... I did...?"; mes "I... No! Shut up!"; mes "Stop it! I couldn't..."; mes "Get out of here now!"; mes "You're trying to trick me!"; set jewel_nd,29; hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 28) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Why you..."; next; select("How did your comrades die?"); mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "The Cobolds killed them!"; mes "I was too weak to protect"; mes "my comrades. Too weak..."; mes "When I came back to my"; mes "senses, they were all..."; next; emotion e_dots; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I'm not sure what"; mes "happened. There was"; mes "blood coming into my eyes..."; mes "I remember slashing, and"; mes "stabbing, and... And slashing."; next; select("You slashed everything..."); mes "["+ strcharinfo(0) +"]"; mes "You slashed everything..."; mes "Even the comrades you"; mes "were supposed to protect."; next; mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "I... I did...?"; mes "I... No! Shut up!"; mes "Stop it! I couldn't..."; mes "Get out of here now!"; mes "You're trying to trick me!"; set jewel_nd,29; hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; close; } else if (jewel_nd == 29) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Leave me alone!"; close; } else if (jewel_nd > 29) { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "Shut up! Stop harassing"; mes "me! I can't... I don't...!"; close; } else { mes "[The Wanderer]"; mes "........."; close; } OnInit: hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; end; OnEnable: hideoffnpc "The Wanderer"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: hideonnpc "The Wanderer"; stopnpctimer; end; } gef_fild08,182,182,0 script #CallGhost -1,2,2,{ end; //OnTouch2: OnTouch: if (jewel_nd == 21) { if (countitem(7725) > 0) { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This must be the place"; mes "that shaman was talking"; mes "about. Let's see now..."; donpcevent "The Wanderer::OnEnable"; close; } else { mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "This must be the place"; mes "that shaman was talking"; mes "about. Let's see now..."; mes "Wait. I need that emerald..."; close; } } else if ((jewel_nd > 21) && (jewel_nd < 29)) { donpcevent "The Wanderer::OnEnable"; } end; } // Rogue Guild Investigation //============================================================ prontera,163,204,3 script Man from Morroc 99,{ if (rumour_nd == 0) { mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "Ah, it's very nice and"; mes "refreshing to be near this"; mes "fountain. It's much cooler"; mes "here than back in Morroc."; next; switch(select("Nice day today, huh?:How's Morroc lately?")) { case 1: mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "Oh, yes. It's a wonderful"; mes "day! Prontera is so sunny"; mes "and cool. No wonder so"; mes "many people live over here!"; close; case 2: mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "You're an adventurer, and"; mes "you haven't heard the crazy"; mes "rumors spreading all over"; mes "the Rune-Midgarts kingdom?"; mes "I thought you guys traveled"; mes "around and heard things."; next; } select("What crazy rumors?"); mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "Uh... Rogue agents!"; mes "They're all over the place!"; mes "Why don't you talk to some"; mes "of the Rogue agents dispatched"; mes "in the other towns? Then you'll"; mes "know what I'm talking about!"; set rumour_nd,1; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 1) { mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "Shouldn't you be"; mes "looking for a Rogue"; mes "agent to talk to?"; mes "I mean, maybe you"; mes "can pitch in and"; mes "help them out."; close; } else if (rumour_nd > 1) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "So the Z Gang was what"; mes "those crazy rumors were"; mes "all about. Good to hear"; mes "that they're all in jail."; close; } else { mes "[Morroc Traveler]"; mes "Hey, uh..."; mes "I'm just trying to"; mes "relax on my vacation."; close; } } } in_rogue,355,28,5 script Rogue Agent 118,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "You're carrying too"; mes "much stuff on you."; mes "Take a load off, put"; mes "your extra stuff in"; mes "Kafra Storage: that's"; mes "what's it's for~"; close; } if (rumour_nd == 0) { if (zdan_edq == 0) { if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Man, it feels much safer"; mes "hanging out in an alley"; mes "than some crowded joint."; mes "Us Rogues... I guess you"; mes "can say we got a bit of"; mes "agoraphobia, naturally."; close; } else { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Hey, I don't think"; mes "you're supposed to be"; mes "here. You better get"; mes "going on your way."; mes "It's not a threat, just"; mes "a friendly word of advice."; close; } } else if ((zdan_edq > 0) && (zdan_edq < 13)) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Hey, I don't think"; mes "I can help you out."; mes "You're pretty much"; mes "on your own from here."; close; } else { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Huh. I hate clean-up"; mes "duty. It's always better"; mes "to make messes than to"; mes "hang around afterwards."; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 1) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Yeah, we're investigating"; mes "the strange crimes that are"; mes "going on around the kingdom."; mes "How'd you know about that?"; next; switch(select("I was just...:Can I help?")) { case 1: mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Just what...?"; mes "Speak up, pal."; close; case 2: if (zdan_edq > 10) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "So you wanted to help"; mes "us out? Heck, we could"; mes "use the help, I guess."; mes "I need you to go on a bit"; mes "of a trip for me, so get"; mes "some provisions ready, yeah?"; set rumour_nd,2; } close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 2) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "You all ready and"; mes "everything? Good."; mes "Now, I need you to"; mes "deliver some intel to"; mes "the other Rogues for me."; mes "Think you can do that?"; next; mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "First, I want you to"; mes "go to Al De Baran."; mes "Find our guy, and help"; mes "him out any way you can."; mes "Us Rogues are hard to"; mes "find, but you'll figure it out."; next; mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "I know that's probably"; mes "not enough instruction,"; mes "but that's just the first"; mes "step, anyway. Good luck."; set rumour_nd,3; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 3) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Hey, you gotta get"; mes "goin' to Al De Baran,"; mes "and find one of us Rogues"; mes "working on the investigation."; mes "I thought you wanted to help?"; next; mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Here's a bit of a tip~"; mes "Us Rogue agents usually"; mes "try to hide out in the"; mes "south side of towns."; mes "Bit of a tradition."; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 24) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "What's this, a report"; mes "from Al De Baran? 'Kay,"; mes "let me give it a read..."; next; mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Huh, okay. Looks like"; mes "your next stop is gonna"; mes "be in Geffen. Look for our"; mes "Geffen agent somewhere in"; mes "the South Geffen area, okay?"; mes "Ah, and take this note too."; next; mes "^3355FFYou received"; mes "another folded note.^000000"; set rumour_nd,25; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 25) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Hey, why haven't you"; mes "left for Geffen? Our"; mes "agent oughta be in the"; mes "south side of town."; mes "It's not far, so don't"; mes "throw a hissy fit."; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 21) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Finally, the Z Gang"; mes "case is closed. Those"; mes "guys really gave us some"; mes "trouble. Why the hell did"; mes "they stir up so much ruckus"; mes "in the kingdom, anyhow?"; next; mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Listen, I wanna thank"; mes "you for pitching in and"; mes "helping out. It's a small"; mes "gift, but maybe you'll"; mes "like it. If not, don't"; mes "lemme know. Got it?"; set rumour_nd,22; getitem 644,1; //Gift_Box close; } else { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Listen, I wanna thank"; mes "you for pitching in and"; mes "helping out. It's a small"; mes "gift, but maybe you'll"; mes "like it. If not, don't"; mes "lemme know. Got it?"; set rumour_nd,22; getitem 644,1; //Gift_Box close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 22) { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "Hey, you were really"; mes "a big help earlier."; mes "Can we count on you"; mes "again sometime? The"; mes "Rogues can always use"; mes "another friend, you know?"; close; } else { mes "[Guildsman]"; mes "I don't know who you're"; mes "lookin' for, but you"; mes "got the wrong guy."; mes "Listen, I got work"; mes "to do, so..."; close; } } aldebaran,114,56,5 script Rogue Agent#nd0 828,{ if (rumour_nd < 3) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Listen, I'm working on"; mes "an important assignment"; mes "for the Rogue Guild."; mes "Would let lemme alone"; mes "so I can do what I gotta?"; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 3) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "They sent you to help me?"; mes "Eh, thanks for comin' so"; mes "far. I've been collecting"; mes "intel here in Al De Baran."; mes "I'm pretty sure the Z Gang's"; mes "spreading rumors around here."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "They've been telling"; mes "people there's gonna be"; mes "a war comin', but... It"; mes "seems like a load of huey."; mes "The Z Gang's captured so"; mes "the rumor'll just die out..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Do me a favor, and"; mes "get this report over"; mes "the agent in Geffen?"; mes "Thanks, I'd appreciate it."; next; mes "^3355FFYou received a"; mes "tightly folded note.^000000"; set rumour_nd,4; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "They sent you to help me?"; mes "Eh, thanks for comin' so"; mes "far. I've been collecting"; mes "intel here in Al De Baran."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "There's this rumor goin'"; mes "around that war's comin'"; mes "but... I don't see any real"; mes "signs of it. Trains, teleports,"; mes "airships, they still keep"; mes "on doin' what they do."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I'm not sure who, but"; mes "someone's probably just"; mes "spreading this rumor to"; mes "get people to panick."; mes "It's kinda workin', though..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Do me a favor, and"; mes "get this report over"; mes "the agent in Geffen?"; mes "Thanks, I'd appreciate it."; next; mes "^3355FFYou received a"; mes "tightly folded note.^000000"; set rumour_nd,24; close; } } else if ((rumour_nd == 4) || (rumour_nd == 24)) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey..."; if (rumour_nd == 4) { mes "Would you please get"; mes "my report over to the"; mes "Rogue agent in Geffen?"; mes "You'd better hurry since"; mes "we gotta work quick."; close; } else { mes "Would you please get"; mes "my report over to the"; mes "Rogue Guild? They"; mes "need to read it A.S.A.P."; mes "You know, pronto."; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 16) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "What's this, a report"; mes "from the Payon agent?"; mes "Um, listen, I don't think"; mes "this is for me. You might"; mes "wanna try one of the other"; mes "Rogue agents around, okay?"; set rumour_nd,17; close; } else if (rumour_nd > 21) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, thanks for"; mes "helping out. I sure"; mes "hope the kingdom can"; mes "enjoy a little peace"; mes "with the Z Gang out"; mes "of the picture."; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Well, we've tracked"; mes "down the Z Gang. All we"; mes "gotta do now is get them!"; close; } } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "I still got some"; mes "things to do around"; mes "here. Them's the breaks."; close; } } geffen,91,36,5 script Rogue Guild Agent#nd1 828,{ if (rumour_nd < 4) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "Are you the one that's"; mes "been helping to take"; mes "down the Z Gang? Nice!"; close; } else { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "If you got nothing"; mes "to do with me, then..."; mes "I got nothing to do"; mes "with you. Later!"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 4) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "This is from the"; mes "Al De Baran agent?"; mes "Thanks! It musta been"; mes "kinda hard to find me, eh?"; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "The Z Gang's been"; mes "spreading rumors about"; mes "ghosts pouring out of"; mes "Geffen Tower. Just to be"; mes "sure, I want you to check"; mes "it out. Will you do that?"; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "I want you to capture"; mes "some monsters, and get"; mes "some proof that shows that"; mes "the ghosts stay inside the"; mes "tower, and they're not"; mes "coming out. Yeah, bring..."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "That oughta do it."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "We just need to get"; mes "a little concrete proof"; mes "so that the people can"; mes "calm down, and not panick."; mes "Hurry it up before a riot"; mes "breaks out or somethin'."; set rumour_nd,5; close; } else { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "This report is from the"; mes "Rogue agent in Al De Baran?"; mes "Hey, this says that this is"; mes "for the Rogue Guild. You"; mes "better take this over there."; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 5) { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "Hey, you done hunting"; mes "down the monsters in"; mes "Geffen Tower yet?"; mes "I hope you brought"; mes "the stuff..."; next; switch(select("Give Items:I forgot what you need.")) { case 1: if ((countitem(1062) > 0) && (countitem(944) > 0) && (countitem(1038) > 0) && (countitem(1060) > 0) && (countitem(1059) > 0)) { delitem 1062,1; //Pumpkin_Head delitem 944,1; //Horseshoe delitem 1038,1; //Petite_DiablOfs_Horn delitem 1060,1; //Golden_Hair delitem 1059,1; //Transparent_Cloth set rumour_nd,6; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Thanks. This stuff"; mes "should help the people"; mes "in Geffen calm down a bit."; mes "The Z Gang's been doin'"; mes "all these things to make them"; mes "believe the monsters are loose."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "They've been leavin'"; mes "horseprints that look like"; mes "they belong to Nightmares,"; mes "dressing up in Fabric and"; mes "pretending they're Whispers..."; mes "They're freakin' hooligans."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I think the Rogue agent"; mes "in Payon should know about"; mes "all this. Take this report"; mes "over to him, will you?"; mes "Thanks a bundle, pal."; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hold on, you're"; mes "missing some stuff."; mes "You mind checking if"; mes "you left some of it"; mes "behind somewhere?"; close; } case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "Don't forget this time!"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 6) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Would you deliver"; mes "my report over to"; mes "the Rogue agent"; mes "in Payon? Thanks."; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 25) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, the guild sent"; mes "you over to see me?"; mes "Oh, hey, you brought"; mes "me a message. Let's"; mes "take a look-see~"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Umm..."; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "So... The Z Gang's"; mes "responsible for those"; mes "rumors about the ghosts"; mes "running loose in Geffen."; mes "Huh. Those rascally guys."; mes "Okay, this is what we do."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "I want you to capture"; mes "some monsters, and get"; mes "some proof that shows that"; mes "the ghosts stay inside the"; mes "tower, and they're not"; mes "coming out. Yeah, bring..."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "That oughta do it."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "We just need to get"; mes "a little concrete proof"; mes "so that the people can"; mes "calm down, and not panick."; mes "Hurry it up before a riot"; mes "breaks out or somethin'."; set rumour_nd,5; close; } else { mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "The Z Gang's been"; mes "spreading rumors about"; mes "ghosts pouring out of"; mes "Geffen Tower. Just to be"; mes "sure, I want you to check"; mes "it out. Will you do that?"; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "I want you to capture"; mes "some monsters, and get"; mes "some proof that shows that"; mes "the ghosts stay inside the"; mes "tower, and they're not"; mes "coming out. Yeah, bring..."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "That oughta do it."; next; mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "We just need to get"; mes "a little concrete proof"; mes "so that the people can"; mes "calm down, and not panick."; mes "Hurry it up before a riot"; mes "breaks out or somethin'."; set rumour_nd,26; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 26) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, while you were"; mes "gone, I heard the Z Gang"; mes "was finally captured."; mes "Big relief to hear it."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "But I still want to"; mes "reassure the people in"; mes "Geffen that the monsters"; mes "in Geffen Tower are safely"; mes "locked up inside. You"; mes "bring the stuff?"; next; switch(select("Give Items:I forgot what you need.")) { case 1: if ((countitem(1062) > 1) && (countitem(944) > 2) && (countitem(1038) > 1) && (countitem(1060) > 2) && (countitem(1059) > 0)) { delitem 1062,2; //Pumpkin_Head delitem 944,3; //Horseshoe delitem 1038,2; //Petite_DiablOfs_Horn delitem 1060,3; //Golden_Hair delitem 1059,1; //Transparent_Cloth set rumour_nd,6; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Thanks. This stuff"; mes "should help the people"; mes "in Geffen calm down a bit."; mes "The Z Gang's been doin'"; mes "all these things to make them"; mes "believe the monsters are loose."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "They've been leavin'"; mes "horseprints that look like"; mes "they belong to Nightmares,"; mes "dressing up in Fabric and"; mes "pretending they're Whispers..."; mes "They're freakin' hooligans."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I think the Rogue agent"; mes "in Payon should know about"; mes "all this. Take this report"; mes "over to him, will you?"; mes "Thanks a bundle, pal."; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hold on, you're"; mes "missing some stuff."; mes "You mind checking if"; mes "you left some of it"; mes "behind somewhere?"; close; } case 2: mes "[Rogue Guild Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "Don't forget this time!"; close; } } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "I asked you to bring"; mes "me items that prove that"; mes "the monsters in Geffen"; mes "Tower are safely locked"; mes "up in there. You do that yet?"; next; switch(select("Give Items:I forgot what you need.")) { case 1: if ((countitem(1062) > 1) && (countitem(944) > 2) && (countitem(1038) > 1) && (countitem(1060) > 2) && (countitem(1059) > 0)) { delitem 1062,2; //Pumpkin_Head delitem 944,3; //Horseshoe delitem 1038,2; //Petite_DiablOfs_Horn delitem 1060,3; //Golden_Hair delitem 1059,1; //Transparent_Cloth set rumour_nd,6; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Thanks. This stuff"; mes "should help the people"; mes "in Geffen calm down a bit."; mes "The Z Gang's been doin'"; mes "all these things to make them"; mes "believe the monsters are loose."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "They've been leavin'"; mes "horseprints that look like"; mes "they belong to Nightmares,"; mes "dressing up in Fabric and"; mes "pretending they're Whispers..."; mes "They're freakin' hooligans."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I think the Rogue agent"; mes "in Payon should know about"; mes "all this. Take this report"; mes "over to him, will you?"; mes "Thanks a bundle, pal."; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hold on, you're"; mes "missing some stuff."; mes "You mind checking if"; mes "you left some of it"; mes "behind somewhere?"; close; } case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "^FF00001 Fabric^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Golden Hair^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Little Evil Horn^000000,"; mes "^FF00001 Horseshoe^000000, and"; mes "^FF00001 Jack O' Pumpkin^000000."; mes "Don't forget this time!"; } } } else if (rumour_nd == 22) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Looks like there'll"; mes "be some peace and quiet"; mes "with the Z Gang all locked up."; mes "Those guys were a double"; mes "heaping of trouble if"; mes "you ask me. Huh."; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Keep up the good work!"; mes "With guys like you on"; mes "our side, the Z Gang'll"; mes "caught sooner than later."; } close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "So busy!"; close; } } payon,209,44,5 script Rogue Guild Agent#nd2 828,{ if (rumour_nd < 3) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "What? You want somethin'?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "?????????????????"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh. Thought so."; close; } else if ((rumour_nd > 2) && (rumour_nd < 6)) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "What's up? I got"; mes "my hands full, so"; mes "make it quick."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Nothin', huh?"; mes "Guess you should"; mes "be talking a Rogue"; mes "agent in one of the"; mes "other towns."; emotion e_ag; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 6) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey. What are you"; mes "doin', just loitering"; mes "around here? You lookin'"; mes "for somebody? Huh?"; next; select("I'm here to help a Rogue Agent!"); mes "[Agent]"; mes "Oh, yeah?"; next; if (BaseJob == Job_Rogue) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heya guy. Always good"; mes "to see a fellow Rogue."; mes "You know I'm just messin'"; mes "around with you, right?"; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "I heard o' you guys,"; mes "Rogues workin' undercover."; mes "Don't try to fool me: under"; mes "those clothes, you are one"; mes "hundred percent Rogue. Heh!"; } next; mes "^3355FFYou deliver the"; mes "folded note to him.^000000"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Awwww, man!"; emotion e_omg; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I keep telling that"; mes "guy to just send me"; mes "pictures! I've told him"; mes "so many times that I've"; mes "got trouble reading!"; mes "That guy's a moron!"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Uh..."; mes "You mind reading"; mes "this note to me?"; set rumour_nd,7; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Let's see,"; mes "the note says..."; next; switch(select("Cooperate with this adventurer.:......")) { case 1: mes "[Agent]"; mes "So... We're partners?"; mes "Cool. Nice to meetcha."; mes "I'm the Payon agent."; mes "I guess we gotta work"; mes "together from now on."; set rumour_nd,8; close; case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "You..."; mes "You can't read either?"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hahaha! Right on, right on."; mes "Well, I'm pretty sure they"; mes "sent you to work with me."; mes "When you're ready to get"; mes "to business, come back"; mes "and we'll talk, okay?"; set rumour_nd,8; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 7) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, I asked you"; mes "to read the note,"; mes "not run away! Now..."; mes "What's it say?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "Let's see,"; mes "the note says..."; next; switch(select("Cooperate with this adventurer.:......")) { case 1: mes "[Agent]"; mes "So... We're partners?"; mes "Cool. Nice to meetcha."; mes "I'm the Payon agent."; mes "I guess we gotta work"; mes "together from now on."; set rumour_nd,8; close; case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "You..."; mes "You can't read either?"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hahaha! Right on, right on."; mes "Well, I'm pretty sure they"; mes "sent you to work with me."; mes "When you're ready to get"; mes "to business, come back"; mes "and we'll talk, okay?"; set rumour_nd,8; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 8) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Good, you're back."; mes "We got a pretty big"; mes "job to take care of."; mes "Lives are at stake,"; mes "all that jazz. Ready?"; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "The Z Gang poisoned"; mes "one of the water wells"; mes "here in Payon. All the"; mes "water's black now. We gotta"; mes "use Red Herbs to counter"; mes "that poison, okay?"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "So remember to"; mes "collect some ^FF0000Red Herbs^000000."; mes "Don't forget: ^FF0000Red herbs^000000."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Wait, that doesn't"; mes "sound right. Did I say"; mes "Red Herbs? I'm sorry,"; mes "I meant to say ^0000FFGreen"; mes "Herbs^000000. Bring me ^0000FF1 Green"; mes "Herb^000000, okay? *Phew~*"; set rumour_nd,9; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Someone's poisoned"; mes "Payon's well water..."; mes "It's all black and"; mes "deadly now. I want you"; mes "to bring me a ^FF0000Red Herb^000000"; mes "so that we can fix this!"; set rumour_nd,10; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 9) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, you're back!"; mes "You're much quicker"; mes "that I thought you'd be~"; next; if (countitem(511) > 0) { delitem 511,1; //Green_Herb set rumour_nd,11; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Alright, it's gonna take"; mes "a while to neutralize all"; mes "this poison, but I think"; mes "we did it. Hey, gimmie"; mes "some time to draw a report,"; mes "and then come back later, 'kay?"; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Err?"; mes "Where's that"; mes "Green Herb?"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 10) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, you're back!"; mes "You're much quicker"; mes "that I thought you'd be~"; next; if (countitem(507) > 0) { if (countitem(511) > 0) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Ah, a Green Herb!"; mes "Is that what I told"; mes "you to bring? 'Cause"; mes "I'm sure this is the"; mes "right one. Absolutely~"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Alright, it's gonna take"; mes "a while to neutralize all"; mes "this poison, but I think"; mes "we did it. Hey, gimmie"; mes "some time to draw a report,"; mes "and then come back later, 'kay?"; delitem 511,1; //Green_Herb set rumour_nd,11; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, what are you"; mes "doin' with the Red Herb?"; next; select("You said a Red Herb..."); mes "[Agent]"; mes "Oh, what?! Huh..."; mes "I guess I did. Eh, no"; mes "biggie. Hey, bring me"; mes "a Green Herb, will you?"; mes "That's the one I wanted."; set rumour_nd,9; close; } } else { if (countitem(511) > 0) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Alright, it's gonna take"; mes "a while to neutralize all"; mes "this poison, but I think"; mes "we did it. Hey, gimmie"; mes "some time to draw a report,"; mes "and then come back later, 'kay?"; delitem 511,1; //Green_Herb set rumour_nd,11; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Err?"; mes "Where's that"; mes "Green Herb?"; close; } } } else if (rumour_nd == 11) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, you know what?"; mes "The well water is still"; mes "black. That means..."; mes "If the herb we used is"; mes "good... Then it's just"; mes "dyed black to scare people."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "So to clean up the"; mes "water, we gotta use"; mes "a Counteragent, right?"; mes "Will you help me out?"; mes "I got a Karvodailnirol..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "So if you bring me"; mes "^0000FF1 Alcohol^000000, we should"; mes "be totally good to"; mes "make a Counteragent."; next; if (BaseJob == Job_Alchemist) { select("Wait, Karvodailnirol?!"); mes "[Agent]"; mes "Yeah. Karvodailnirol."; mes "What about it?"; next; mes "[" + strcharinfo(0) + "]"; mes "You need Detrimindexta"; mes "to make a Counteragent,"; mes "not Karvodailnirol."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Oh, really? Heh!"; mes "You're a lifesaver!"; mes "Detrimindexta, huh?"; next; emotion e_gg; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Don't worry, I got"; mes "that one too! All you"; mes "gotta do is bring Alcohol~"; set rumour_nd,12; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Alright, just bring"; mes "me an Alcohol, and"; mes "I'll take care of the rest."; set rumour_nd,13; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Everything's ready"; mes "except for the Alcohol."; mes "Did you bring it?"; next; if (countitem(970) > 0) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Great, now all we"; mes "have to do is wait."; mes "Nice work, partner."; delitem 970,1; //Alchol set rumour_nd,15; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "You don't have it?"; mes "You didn't drink"; mes "the alcohol, did you?"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 13) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Everything's ready"; mes "except for the Alcohol."; mes "Did you bring it?"; next; if (countitem(970) > 0) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Great, now all we"; mes "have to do is wait."; mes "Nice work, partner."; delitem 970,1; //Alchol set rumour_nd,14; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "You don't have it?"; mes "You didn't drink"; mes "the alcohol, did you?"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 14) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Um, I made a mistake"; mes "making the Counteragent..."; mes "I was supposed to use this"; mes "Detrimindexta, not the other"; mes "thing, Karvodailnirol, to"; mes "make the Counteragent."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Sorry, they both look"; mes "the same to me. And, well,"; mes "so do all the letters of"; mes "the alphabet. You mind"; mes "trying this out again?"; mes "Just 1 more Alcohol..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, I promise!"; mes "I won't screw it up"; mes "this time. We'll"; mes "do this for sure~"; set rumour_nd,12; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 15) { emotion e_heh; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh heh! Looks like"; mes "we solved the case!"; mes "The water wasn't really"; mes "poisoned... Just colored"; mes "to look suspicious. See?"; mes "Completely safe to drink."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Anyway, looks like"; mes "we're done here. You"; mes "mind taking my report over"; mes "to the next Rogue agent?"; next; if (rand(1,2) == 1) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Make sure to take"; mes "this to the guy in"; mes "Comodo, okay?"; next; mes "^3355FFYou received a note that"; mes "communicates solely"; mes "through doodles.^000000"; set rumour_nd,18; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Make sure to take"; mes "this to the guy in"; mes "Al De Baran, okay?"; next; mes "^3355FFYou received a note that"; mes "communicates solely"; mes "through doodles.^000000"; set rumour_nd,16; emotion e_heh; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 16) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Be sure that the"; mes "Rogue agent over"; mes "in Al De Baran gets"; mes "my report, okay?"; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 17) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Huh, the guy in"; mes "Al De Baran wouldn't"; mes "take it? Oh! That's why!"; mes "I meant Comodo! You gotta"; mes "go to Comodo! Heh, my bad~"; set rumour_nd,18; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 18) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Be sure that the"; mes "Rogue agent over"; mes "in Comodo gets"; mes "my report, okay?"; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, partner, how's"; mes "it going? I'm sorry"; mes "if I'm a bit of a hassle"; mes "to work with. I might lack"; mes "book smarts, but I make"; mes "up for it some with my saavy."; close; } } comodo,233,199,5 script Rogue Guild Agent#nd3 810,{ if (checkweight(907,200) == 0) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "You've got too many"; mes "things on you. Why"; mes "don't you put some"; mes "of it in Kafra Storage"; mes "before talking to me, eh?"; close; } if (rumour_nd < 1) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "......"; mes "......"; close; } else if ((rumour_nd > 0) && (rumour_nd < 16)) { if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "You're the one"; mes "that helped take"; mes "down the Z Gang?"; mes "Heh! Good work~"; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Who are you? Hm."; close; } } else if ((rumour_nd == 16) || (rumour_nd == 18)) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "You know, Rogues are"; mes "tricky and hard to catch,"; mes "so I'm gonna teach you to"; mes "carry yourself through some"; mes "self-discipline. Got it?"; mes "Discipline! You need it!"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "From here on out,"; mes "I want you to yell"; mes "''Yes, sir!'' when you"; mes "acknowledge my instructions."; mes "You got that! Loud and clear!"; next; switch(select("Yes, Sir!:...")) { case 1: emotion e_dots; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Right on, right on."; mes "Hm. Let's try that again..."; mes "Let me hear you say it louder!"; next; select("Yes, Sir!"); mes "[Agent]"; mes "Nice!"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Okay, now for your"; mes "training instructions..."; mes "There's a rumor that a monster"; mes "has invaded the village, but"; mes "I'm sure it's just someone"; mes "trying to scare the public."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "I'm pretty sure the, uh,"; mes "perp is wearing a mask to"; mes "fool people into thinkin'"; mes "fhe's monster. This means..."; mes "Your mission is to bring"; mes "me some monsters masks."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh..."; mes "What's your mission?!"; next; select("Bring monster masks!"); mes "[Agent]"; mes "Groove."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Alright, bring me"; mes "^FF00002 scary lookin'"; mes "monster masks^000000."; mes "Just 2, and make"; mes "sure they're scary."; set rumour_nd,19; close; case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "What do you think"; mes "you're doin'? I'm"; mes "pretty insulted, seeing"; mes "as you're all defiant like"; mes "this. How do you expect"; mes "to become a good Rogue?!"; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 19) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "So... You bring"; mes "the masks like"; mes "a good little soldier?"; next; switch(select("Uh huh.:Yes, Sir!")) { case 1: mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, remember our"; mes "little rule? I even"; mes "clued you off when"; mes "I said ''soldier!'' Heh~"; close; case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "Okay, let me check."; next; if ((countitem(2278) > 0) || (countitem(2281) > 0) || (countitem(5043) > 0) || (countitem(2288) > 0) || (countitem(2292) > 0) || (countitem(2297) > 0) || (countitem(5005) > 0) || (countitem(5086) > 0) || (countitem(5087) > 0) || (countitem(5088) > 0) || (countitem(5089) > 0) || (countitem(5090) > 0) || (countitem(5176) > 0) || (countitem(5203) > 0) || (countitem(5098) > 0) || (countitem(5121) > 0) || (countitem(5130) > 0) || (countitem(5177) > 0) || (countitem(5169) > 0) || (countitem(5143) > 0)) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Excellent!"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Look, I know I gave you"; mes "a hard time. And don't worry,"; mes "I'm not gonna take your masks."; mes "I just wanted to train you"; mes "to be the best Rogue that"; mes "you can be. Understand?"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Eh? So what's this"; mes "note you keep carrying"; mes "around in your hand?"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hmmm... Mmmhmmm..."; mes "Hmmm... Mmmhmmm..."; mes "Hmmm... Mmmhmmm... Oh!"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Aw, nuts! Why didn't"; mes "you say something?"; mes "I thought you were"; mes "here to take the Job"; mes "change test for Rogues!"; emotion e_omg; next; emotion e_sry; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Aw man, you came all this"; mes "way to help me out, and"; mes "I thought I--I'm really,"; mes "really sorry! It's just"; mes "that I got you mixed up"; mes "with a trainee I'm expecting..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Do me a favor, and"; mes "not tell anyone, yeah?"; mes "Consider this... I dunno,"; mes "an insider look into the"; mes "Rogue world if you would."; emotion e_sob; next; switch(select("Yes, sir!:I won't tell anyone.")) { case 1: mes "[Agent]"; mes "Whoa! Whoa!"; mes "You can knock"; mes "that off now."; mes "Thanks, I really"; mes "appreciate it."; next; break; case 2: mes "[Agent]"; mes "Thanks. I knew I could"; mes "trust you somehow!"; next; break; } mes "[Agent]"; mes "Anyway, you've got one"; mes "last place to go, Morroc."; mes "Check in with the Rogue"; mes "agent over there, will you?"; mes "Oh, and take this food"; mes "with my apologies, 'kay?"; set .@sorry_item,rand(1,6); if (.@sorry_item == 1) { getitem 12044,1; //Str_Dish04 } else if (.@sorry_item == 2) { getitem 12059,1; //Agi_Dish04 } else if (.@sorry_item == 3) { getitem 12064,1; //Dex_Dish04 } else if (.@sorry_item == 4) { getitem 12049,1; //Int_Dish04 } else if (.@sorry_item == 5) { getitem 12054,1; //Vit_Dish04 } else if (.@sorry_item == 6) { getitem 12069,1; //Luk_Dish04 } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Wait, something"; mes "isn't quite right. You"; mes "mind coming back"; mes "a little later?"; close; } next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, be safe on your"; mes "way to Morroc, alright?"; mes "Good luck finding that"; mes "Rogue agent over there."; mes "Oh, and mum's the word"; mes "on my little mistake~"; set rumour_nd,20; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hey, didja even bother"; mes "to bring the masks?"; mes "Go back and find them!"; close; } } } else if (rumour_nd == 20) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Oh, hey, you're back?"; mes "Weren't you already on"; mes "your way to Morroc?"; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 22) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh, looks like we"; mes "solved this case~"; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Thanks to you,"; mes "we don't have to"; mes "worry about that"; mes "crummy ol' Z Gang."; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Until the world is"; mes "free of evil and all"; mes "that, the Rogues'll"; mes "always have work to do."; close; } } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Why are you still"; mes "sticking around?"; mes "Don't you have"; mes "something more"; mes "important to do?"; close; } } morocc,116,39,3 script Rogue Guild Agent#nd4 779,{ if (rumour_nd == 1) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "A case? What are you...?"; mes "Ask somebody else. I don't"; mes "know what you're saying."; mes "Leave me alone, and"; mes "just let me relax~"; close; } else if ((rumour_nd > 1) && (rumour_nd < 20)) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Ahhh, what'd I do"; mes "for a nice jug of"; mes "frosty beer now~"; mes "...What?"; close; } else if (rumour_nd == 20) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Oh, yeah, I'm almost"; mes "done with my investigation."; next; if (zdan_edq > 12) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "The Z Gang has been"; mes "causing trouble everywhere."; mes "It's just mischief, but..."; mes "If I got my hands on them..."; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Anyway, that gang is"; mes "drawing a lot of flak"; mes "to Morroc. I mean, they"; mes "kind of live here, so..."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "God, I want a drink."; mes "Listen, would you just"; mes "go report to the Rogue"; mes "Guild for me? I know it's"; mes "my responsibility, but..."; mes "It's something for you to do."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh! Keep up"; mes "the good work~"; set rumour_nd,21; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "I don't know who these"; mes "pranksters are, but once"; mes "I get my hands on them..."; mes "I'm gonna--! I'm gonna--!"; specialeffect EF_BEGINSPELL; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "God, I want a drink."; mes "Listen, would you just"; mes "go report to the Rogue"; mes "Guild for me? I know it's"; mes "my responsibility, but..."; mes "It's something for you to do."; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "Heh! Keep up"; mes "the good work~"; set rumour_nd,21; close; } } else if (rumour_nd == 21) { mes "[Agent]"; mes "Hurry up, and report"; mes "for me to the Rogue"; mes "Guild. While you do that,"; mes "I think I'll enjoy a drink~"; close; } else { mes "[Agent]"; mes "*Hiccup*"; mes "Ahahaha,"; mes "this feels good!"; mes "Good ol' beeeer~"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "*Hiccup*"; next; mes "[Agent]"; mes "What are you?"; mes "Get lost!"; close; } }