// // This sample script tests: // * how npc-variables work with duplicated npcs // * how the trigger area is applied to duplicates // // Outcome (r11216 trunk): // * the variables are _shared_ between all duplicates // * each duplicate knows its own map coordinates // * 'OnInit' loads the middle poring last, for some reason // * duplicates always override the source npc's trigger area (even 0x0) // - script Test Script -1,1,1,{ mes "Hi."; mes "My coords are "+ .map$ +", "+ .x +"/" +.y ; close; OnInit: getmapxy(.map$, .x, .y, 1); end; OnTouch: getmapxy(.map$, .x, .y, 1); emotion e_scissors; end; } prontera,150,175,4 duplicate(Test Script) Test1 909 prontera,155,175,4 duplicate(Test Script) Test2 909,2,2 prontera,160,175,4 duplicate(Test Script) Test3 909,3,3